Showing posts with label monthly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monthly. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


We haven't been doing anything too exciting, but we're so glad it's cooling down here. 
We went to the Arizona Science Center and had a blast.  
Hallis is just about 7 months old and is such a good baby.  Here are a few fun things about her:
-She is so happy and smiley whenever we go get her out of her crib. 
-She is sleeping pretty good and night and during the day. 
-She eats a little bit of fruits and vegetables, but not much, maybe a couple tablespoons everyday.
-She has dark hair and dark eyes like her dad. 
-She loves Jacoby.
-She's starting to grab everything in reach and has knocked over a few glasses of water at dinner. 
-She is the most smiley baby I have ever seen. 
-She is sitting up pretty well, but not independently.
-She loves kicking her legs and can really get her bouncer going.
We love her so much and are so grateful to have her and Jacoby. 
 I love seeing Tyler with Hallie.  He calls her "little Sue" or "pretty girl".
 Jacoby loves having someone around to "play" with.  It's so fun to see them interact. 
Notice Jacoby's shield that never leaves his side.
 This is super Spiderman Captain America Batman Ninja Turtle Dracula.  (The dracula teeth are under the mask.)  He thought of this on his own. Silly guy!
 Love this sweet bow from my mom.
 Grandma Debie just sent this Captain America costume for Jacoby for Halloween.  He is thrilled and won't take the thing off.
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Thursday, February 18, 2010


I don't know where time went, how is it that this kid is one-and-a-half? When I see pictures of him I think he looks even older and it makes me so sad. It's so fun to watch him grow and learn new things, but I want it to go by s l o w e r.
A little update of what Jacoby has been up to. Sorry if this is boring to some of you, but I want to remember these things about him.

Jacoby will WAVE to anyone that waves to him. He also waves when him and I are leaving the house and Tyler isn't even there. I suppose he's waving to the house. He even waves to the car when we go into a store. Loves BALLS. Hates having his HAIR WASHED. He's already wanting to be a stinky boy. Just kidding, Cob! Loves to carry my DUMBBELLS around. Gives good HUGS and KISSES. CLAPS for himself constantly, yes, he's a little cocky. Started going to NURSERY. Very TALL and SKINNY. Doesn't like going shopping with me anymore.

Loves guacamole. Who doesn't? One of the three veggies he eats.

Always wants to feed himself, but is getting better at it. Always leaves a big mess for me though. :)
Took another tumble and hurt his eye and cheek.
Still takes a good 3-4 nap each day.
Sleeps well at night.