Showing posts with label frozen invitations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label frozen invitations. Show all posts

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Winter Wonderland Invitations Part 2

I am back with more winter wonderland invitations.
Here is part one.
And here is the winter wonderland guest book post.


With its muted palette of metallic white-grey, silver and ice blue, this invitation has been a real heat.
I may be discontinuing it for 2015 though or change the design a bit.


This one is a one time invitation. Inspired by the Ice Crystal design above, I was asked to make it 5x7 for cheaper mailing and I also added this delicate lacy snowflake.
Unfortunately the die only performed well on the first few cuts, that it was a pain to cut through the approx. 100 snowflakes I needed.
I can't remember who makes it. I will have to look on the label and come back. Anyway, it's beautiful and can be great for card making. I think I only payed £5 for it. I'd rather pay more and get longer life for my dies though. Personally I prefer the deeper blade dies that come with ejection foam like the old cuttlebug dies or some of the sizzix.

My mother helping me melt the embossing powder.


These are just some of the designs I made while working on other custom orders.
My best ideas come from the messiest creative chaos. Take that away and you leave me without my source of inspiration which is almost my current state after giving up my rented studio space and moving back home with work. Luckily I still have lots of unexplored ideas. More about that in a future post.


This is another design I initially made while working on something else. Somehow a sweet sixteen i aqua blue met some lace and one of my beaded snowflakes.

Then I listed it in my Etsy shop. And then I made some more. I only have some ugly photos I took with my phone (which is a great phone otherwise) but I still wanted to share.


This was another Etsy order I had the pleasure of working on. The invitation is not new but the challenge was to make the information fit on the enclosure cards.
Ana wanted two cards but I couldn't fit the accommodation information on the Directions cards without spoiling the layout.

The accommodation info said "Your room has been reserved for you" which gave me the idea of making the cards like they were some hotel keys. The bride loved it and I loved being able to infuse some creativity in my work. Things like this can make me happier than $1000 which is why I am such a lousy business person :)

Winter Wonderland Invitations Part 1

Winter is almost over so I thought I would say goodbye to it by showing you my collection of Winter Wonderland or Frozen theme invitations. I sure made lots of them this winter thanks to Disney's beautiful movie.

It all started 2 years ago with my friend's Raluca's wedding. Read the story about her invitations here. Not too many people get married in winter so she made a real impression.

I made the same design for baby baptism this year.


I made these in full summer. That was when I realized not only Australia but also Brasil had winter when we had summer.

The pictures don't show their real beauty.
Each page was painted with two shades of shimmery watercolors, then we added white glitter for extra sparkle.

Same treatment for the snowflakes.
There is something zen about making invitations by hand. I mean really by hand not like printing a full color invitation and tying a bow on it.


You already know this set from my Winter Wonderland guestbook post, but I wanted to show you more pictures of the money envelopes.

They were inspired by this one. I really like the vintage cottage feel you get by printing on textured cream paper.


Working with Ailin was such a wonderful experience. She was one of those non-Bridezillas who know what they want, yet they give you breathing space, who have a clear deadline but they don't e-mail you every day to see how their order goes. Thank you, Ailin, I will always treasure making these for you.

Hand stamped snowflakes on the envelopes using 2 shades of blue to match the beads colors.

Here is what I started from. Mixing beads is even better than mixing paint. That is why I am a stationery artist, not a painter :)

And the matching guest book I made for Ailin.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Invitatii... Frozen, pictate manual (Frozen Invitations, Painted by Hand)

Pentru cei care nu stiu, in Brazilia e iarna. Am aflat si eu recent prin intermediul unei cliente care a cerut invitatii cu fulgi de nea pentru o petrecere care va avea loc in iunie.

Paleta de culori: alb, argintiu, albastru inghetat, verde marin.
Elementul inedit: fundalul a fost pictat manual cu acuarela, la fel si hartia din care au fost decupati fulgii, deci fiecare invitatie e unica.

Va las cu cateva poze facute rapid in timpul procesului de design si productie.

Aici testam dierite culori si hartii pentru fundal.
Modelul final. Acum la treaba!

Fulgi decupati din hartie pictata cu acuarela si unsi cu sclipici.

Fundaluri pictate si unse cu sclipici de noua mea colega, Mona. Poate intr-o zi va fac cunostinta, dar momentan timpul meu online e foarte limitat.

Tiparite si montate. Urmeaza elementele extra.

Noaptea cand dorm copiii se leaga fulgii.

Plicuri handmade cu textura fulgi de nea, sigiliu argintiu cu monograma, etichete personalizate cu numele invitatilor.

GATA! Sunt foarte mandra de aceste invitatii. Imi doresc si alte proiecte in care accentul sa cada pe pictura. Am deja cateva idei. Sa vedem cand voi gasi timpul si ocazia sa le pun in aplicare.