Showing posts with label Lizzy D. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lizzy D. Show all posts

Thursday, June 16, 2011

9 reasons to celebrate

Dear Lizzy D.,
So, you are pretty cool. I mean really, for a 9 year old, you have style (you are starting to choose all of your own outfits), class (you are #1 at manners), smarts (check you out with the mastering of your times tables), and a mean wii sword fighting swing. You now know more ballet moves than me and it showed in your role as Royal Page in Sleeping Beauty. Your sweetness and sensitivity to others is an example to me. I love your giggle, the silly side of you is showing up more and more these days, I hope it stays. You still love to hang with your family, but, have lots of friends. Yep, from how I see it, you have achieved coolness. Congratulations, my super cool 9 year old birthday girl.

Your Mom.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Going Once....

And she's off to Third Grade. Just like that. No more summer. No more: "Mommy, I can change Drew if you want" or "I can hold Drew for you while you ------- (fill in the blank, it could be a number of things) or "Can I get Drew dressed and pick his outfit?". None. Zip. Zero. Zilch! We're going to miss her on the home front, but, third grade's a blast, so, away she goes.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Great to Be 8, Part 2

I suppose we had a water themed birthday this year including a friend (and Nana, who really is a playmate) swim party, a mermaid cake and then a baptism. Hmmmmm, I didn't really plan it that way, but I'm liking the idea. I'm also liking the idea of the festivities being over and done with, so I can now put all of my focus on baby!

Monday, January 11, 2010

You Can't Catch Me

"The Cookie" So cute I could eat her up!

The Cookie making new friends, who also
acted like they wanted to eat
her up!

The Cookie with a Sugar Plum Paige,
who both had visions of Sugar Plums
at ages 3 (Grace) and 4 (The Cookie) when they
first attended the Nutcracker together.

A big heart-felt thank you to all of The Cookie's fans! We
appreciated the flowers, toys, candy and books you brought. But,
mostly we appreciated your time to come support our dancer.

Once upon a time, a little old woman and a little old man lived in a cottage. One day, the little old woman made a gingerbread girl. She made red velvet stickers for her cheeks and a very darling (and very hot) gingerbread suit for her to wear (although, I really didn't make any of her costume). As they pulled her out of the oven, she jumped off the tray and opened the window shouting: "Run, Run as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Cookie". The little old woman and the little old man chased her all the way to........
Year 2 of The Nutcracker.

Our Lizzy delighted her parents and friends looking darling as the Gingerbread Cookie in the Nutcracker. What fun it was to watch her. A very special THANK YOU goes out to Grandma H. who lovingly took her to dress rehearsals and performances while we were away enjoying some sunshine. Lizzy enjoyed being the youngest dancer in the "fight scene" and basked in the attention she received from Toy Soldiers, Bears, Dolls, Candy Canes and Mice. As always, I left this year wondering if we will do it again next year, considering the enormous amount of time required during the holidays. Yet, even as I write this post and look at her face in the pictures, I have a feeling I know what my answer will be in 9 short months from now.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

School Girl

Dear 2nd Grade,

I present to you a professionally manicured & pedicured (Thanks Nana!), newly outfitted, sun-kissed, mom-kissed, excited and well prepared, Lizzy D. Treat her kindly. Enjoy her. Fill her mind with "virtuous, lovely,...praiseworthy," things. And please send her home promptly at 3:35 with a smile, and plenty of exciting news to share of the adventures you two will have together.
Her Mother.

P.S.- If you could also teach her to remember to bring home her lunch box each day from school, that would be fabulous.
P.P.S- Also, it would be nice if you didn't send home any homework over the weekends, holidays, or my birthday, or Lizzy's birthday, in fact, the whole month of May should simply be avoided. Thank you for your understanding.

Monday, May 11, 2009

7 Wonders

Lizzy kicked off her birthday festvities with some glow-in-the-dark bowling.

She was excited about her new bike, which took her hours to pick out.

My Grandfather Paul and Lizzy have always enjoyed a special bond.

It's a wonder to me that I have been a mother for 7 years. Elizabeth turned seven last week and we joyfully celebrated her birthday. Not knowing what to expect, I remember pondering on the thought of being a mother during the days before her birth. Happily I smile to myself and give thanks to Heaven for sending us our close to perfect oldest child.

Lizzy was born in California. My dear mother flew in for nearly 3 weeks to help with her first grandchild. She came a few days before my due date to assist with last minute preparations. In fact, we spent my early labor walking the mall, getting some last minute essentials (at Baby Gap of course). I had no appetite at dinner that night and became somewhat discouraged. I was having mild contractions off and on during the day but they didn't seem to be leading anywhere. After a warm bath, my wise mother told me to go to bed. I asked if she would be going to bed too and she informed me that she knew I was going to have the baby that night, so she would just stay up and wait for me. Well, she was right! Not soon after I fell asleep I was awaken by what child birth really feels like. My mom was right there, all knowing, and together the three of us drove to the hospital to meet our Elizabeth only 6 hours later.

We hadn't picked out a name for our daughter before she was born. Kelly had always loved the name Elizabeth (a family name) and I agreed that it was and still is arguably the most feminine, beautiful name for a little girl, girl, teenager and lady. It seemed to suit her instantly. Diane is my mother's name and both Kelly and I felt overwhelmingly that this should be her middle name. As we have gotten to know Lizzy more and more, we see why she was named after my mother. They are one in the same! The nick-name "Lizzy" came naturally after the name choice of Elizabeth as it has always been a favorite of mine. Our Lizzy has grown into her name quite nicely. Her femininity, grace, poise, sweetness, politeness and sensitivity pairs well with the name Elizabeth. Her curiosity, creativity and humor make her our "Lizzy D".

I marvel and wonder at the joy motherhood has brought me. Thank you Elizabeth for 7 wonder-filled years as our first born. We are so proud of you, we want so much for you, we learn so much from you, we love our darling Lizzy.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Twinkle Twinkle

Lizzy took her turn as STAR STUDENT in school recently. The younger children and I thought it would be fitting to surprise the star with a unexpected lunch date. The conversation went something like this:

Rosie, echoed by Max- Lizzy, Lizzy, we are here (ZZY, ZZY, Here)
Lizzy- HI!!!!!! What are you guys doing here?
Mom- We thought we would come and eat lunch with the Star Student.
Mom- Oh Good! I guess we picked a good day to come.

School lunch has improved dramatically since my days of brunch for lunch, lunch lady's surprise and pigs in a blanket. We had our choice of either a delicious Potato Bar or a Sub Sandwich. Both choices came with a bounty of fresh fruits and salad and either "white milk", chocolate milk, juice or a water bottle to wash everything down. All of this yummyness was had at the small price of $1.25, per person. I now understand why Lizzy enjoys hot lunch over home lunch, the only thing missing from lunch at school is the lunch ladies don't write you a very witty, sometimes silly, but always well thought out love note on your lunch tray. So, take that school lunch! HA! Score one for the home team.
After enjoying our nutritious meal together, we played on the playground. I was on high alert for the playground bully. Unfortunately for me, I knew him to well, Max had to leave early for lack of sharing the swings. Lizzy was not upset however as she had multiple play offers and ended up looking for "STUFF" in the bushes with a very nice boy named Quintus. That doesn't sound so great, but I assure you that it was all completely innocent.
Later that week, she proudly produced a book compiled by her fellow classmates on why they thought she was a superstar. My favorites were:
I'm a superstar because: I'm Lucky and Cute. (true true Lizzy)
Lizzy's a superstar because:
She is magnifcent, A good friend, lisins to the teacher, nice to uthers, awesome, nevr pushis enyone off the swings, never picks flowrs in the skool, never buts in lines, a good egsampool, prity, good stoodent, and my personal favorite: you are beyotfole (bet you can't guess who wrote that).
I am pleased to see all is well in first grade for Elizabeth. Every child deserves a happy childhood, and I enjoy experiencing it again through our very own Super Star.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Party Time!

So, I was looking for something for Lizzy and I to do while she was off track, and came up with this:
Let's Learn How to Plan A Party!

We first needed a THEME (I just don't know how to plan a successful party without one!)

We all agreed that "Cele-bake" Valentines Day would be the most fun.

Next, we learned how to create a guest list & make invitations.

This was hard because Lizzy wanted to invite EVERYONE.
So, to make it easier on her, I limited it to those who went to her school,
and who were also out for Valentines Day.

Then there was Decorations to be made and
APRONS to sew,
(thanks to my neighborhood apron exchange,
I already had the perfect apron for the occasion).....

And fun to be had!

Was this an educational experience for Lizzy? Maybe a little bit.

Was it fun and memorable? Definitely!

Would I do it again? Yep. In a heart-beat!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Visions of Sugar Plums

Get Ready...
Get Set....
3 months of rehearsals, 1 Tech Rehearsal, 1 Dress Rehearsal, 1 Bun & Make-up workshop, 2 visits to the dance store, 5 hours of make-up and hair doing (all in all) and 4 performances later.......Lizzy has been officially "bitten" by the performing arts bug! Her experience with the Nutcracker has topped her list of favorite things of 08'. She can't wait to do it next year.........I told her we'd have to think about it. Don't get me wrong, I loved spending time with her and being backstage witnessing the excitement of performing for a paying audience. It was however, a lot of time on her parents' part, at the busiest time of year. But, the show must go on right? Thank you to our dear family and close close friends for coming and watching Elizabeth. She loved it, and we so appreciated your support for our little Chinese Dragon- it won't soon be forgotten.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


It happened!! Elizabeth lost her very first tooth....literally. I remember far to well when she was cutting that tooth and it wasn't pretty. Now, it's gone, Forever!

The question now: the tooth fairy. So, how much does the tooth fairy bring your little tooth-less kidlets? What do they put their lost teeth in? Growing up, we put ours in a plastic bag and the $$ always varied. I think it depended on how much 'coin' the fairy had at that particular moment. I however feel the need to 'start as I mean to go on' (The Baby Whisperer) and set a price point NOW. So fess' up ya all.......what's a fairy to do?

Monday, August 25, 2008

There She Goes!

There she goes again......

Nana came down to see her off on her first day of all day school!

Lizzy was so excited for first grade orientation.
Remember in grade school when you wanted the prettiest teacher?
As we waited with the rest of the new first graders, Rosie and Lizzy had the following conversation when Lizzy's teacher came outside:
Lizzy: What Rose?
Rosie's compliment hit the nail on the head and seemed to make Lizzy feel comfortable and excited. We now fondly refer to Lizzy's 1st grade teacher as Mrs. Cinderella. All seems to be going great in the fairytale land of first grade.

Monday, July 14, 2008

"Now I'm Really Big"

The beginning

The middle

The End!

As of July 1st (it's year-round people), our Elizabeth completed Kindergarten with flying colors!
Here are a few things I learned this year:
1- Allowing children to choose their own outfit isn't as bad as I thought (even when they put red sparkle shoes on with lime green socks).

2- A hot-pocket is a nutritious lunch.

3- All kids pick their nose...publicly.

4- It isn't the worst thing in the entire world if a child is late to school once in awhile.

5- The letter "T" makes a Tttt sound, as opposed to a "Ta" sound as I was doing.

I loved sharing a part in Lizzy's kindergarten experience. Thankfully it was a positive one and has made her excited for first grade!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Ballet "Recycle"

There is something so rewarding and special to beam with pride as your two daughters perform in their first ever Ballet "Recycle" (as Rosie's says), especially for a Mom. I was so proud of our two little ladies who shared with us (and most of our extended family) their ballet talents. I think this will be the only time in their life where they got to dance in the same dance with each other. Lizzy, our family ballerina, was on beat and graceful. Rosie delighted us with her 3 year old funny movements and big grin. Both were so sweet. We all made new friends in Ballet, the girls with other girls in their class, me, with their Mom's! And now we will enjoy a summer where the girls will continue their ballet training with back yard performances and self taught dance lessons.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Day 3 & 4

Day 3:

WENT TO BED EARLY and actually got a good night's over 8 hours!

Day 4:

Our family came over for Lizzy's Birthday. We had a wonderful time with all them! I relished in the moment of having both of my Grandma's sitting right next to me. Instead of cleaning up quickly and hustling around the house, I made a conscious effort to just sit and enjoy the company of our family. And, it must be said, I am totally living through Elizabeth Diane! She is the proud owner of a American Girl doll! The look of sheer delight on her face was enough to light up a room for days. Our supportive family jumped on the band wagon and bought her tons of clothes & accessories to compliment her new wardrobe. Kelly's Mom even made her doll (the Elizabeth Doll, naturally) a soccer uniform that matches Lizzy's. Our daughter loves her doll, and I can't wait to play with her's just so much fun having girls!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Birthday Par-Tea {Day 2}

A sweet friend once told me there is always something special about your oldest ( your first baby, your first 2 YEAR OLD, your first Sunbeam, the first to go to School, etc. Not that they are your "favorite" but that everything with them is new.
I think she's right! Thankfully, our oldest has been such a joy! She's sweet, thoughtful, kind, witty, well mannered, bright & surprisingly obedient. She has made Kelly and I realize how fleeting this time of having young children is. I think we treasure our younger children more as we continually experience how quickly time flies with Elizabeth; yet can't help but be excited to see her grow-up and do new things.

And yet she still remains a fun "little" girl who enjoys being pampered and knows all about the fancier things in life like holding out your pinky when sipping,

Fancy Tea Treats & Fablous Hats!

So, no Snow White Dress this time, but, a tea party none the less! Lizzy wanted her shot at a birthday Tea after observing Rosie's success. I was more than happy to oblige. So happy in fact, that I most certainly am going to repeat what you see above tomorrow! There will be a Class Birthday combined Tea Party with her good friend Eden, who's birthday is May 3rd.

Elizabeth didn't want her other friends who aren't in her class to feel left out. What was a Mom to do? Well, with the help of my wonderful Mother, husband, Mother-in-law and friends, we are having two birthday tea parties. Luckily, the next one is at Eden's house (more pictures to come)!

As for Day 2: I enjoyed decorating my house, dressing up in my favorite "par-tea dress" and spending time with Lizzy on her special day!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Left Foot, Left Foot, Left Foot, Right!

Ms Williams (at Parent/Teacher Conference): "Lizzy, do you have any goals you would like to set in Kindergarten?"
Lizzy- " read more at home, not just the baggie books you send home every night"
Ms. Williams: "That is a great goal Lizzy! Do you have other books to read besides the ones I send home with you each day?"
Lizzy- "Yep, lots! I can read the Foot Book all by myself, without any help!!!!!"
Ms. Williams: " WoW, that is awesome!"
Lizzy- "Sometimes I read it to Rosie!"
Ms. Williams: "Lizzy, would you be willing to read it for the whole class? Is that something you would feel comfortable enough to do because that would be a great example to the other students in our class."
And so it went; little Lizzy's first public reading! We couldn't be prouder and more thankful for a wonderfully insightful kindergarten teacher.