Lizzy took her turn as
STAR STUDENT in school recently. The younger children and I thought it would be fitting to surprise the star with a unexpected lunch date. The conversation went something like this:
Rosie, echoed by Max- Lizzy, Lizzy, we are here (ZZY, ZZY, Here)
Lizzy- HI!!!!!! What are you guys doing here?
Mom- We thought we would come and eat lunch with the Star Student.
Mom- Oh Good! I guess we picked a good day to come.
School lunch has improved dramatically since my days of brunch for lunch, lunch lady's surprise and pigs in a blanket. We had our choice of either a delicious Potato Bar or a Sub Sandwich. Both choices came with a bounty of fresh fruits and salad and either "white milk", chocolate milk, juice or a water bottle to wash everything down. All of this yummyness was had at the small price of $1.25, per person. I now understand why Lizzy enjoys hot lunch over home lunch, the only thing missing from lunch at school is the lunch ladies don't write you a very witty, sometimes silly, but always well thought out love note on your lunch tray. So, take that school lunch! HA! Score one for the home team.
After enjoying our nutritious meal together, we played on the playground. I was on high alert for the playground bully. Unfortunately for me, I knew him to well, Max had to leave early for lack of sharing the swings. Lizzy was not upset however as she had multiple play offers and ended up looking for "STUFF" in the bushes with a very nice boy named Quintus. That doesn't sound so great, but I assure you that it was all completely innocent.
Later that week, she proudly produced a book compiled by her fellow classmates on why they thought she was a superstar. My favorites were:
I'm a superstar because: I'm Lucky and Cute. (true true Lizzy)
Lizzy's a superstar because:
She is magnifcent, A good friend, lisins to the teacher, nice to uthers, awesome, nevr pushis enyone off the swings, never picks flowrs in the skool, never buts in lines, a good egsampool, prity, good stoodent, and my personal favorite: you are beyotfole (bet you can't guess who wrote that).
I am pleased to see all is well in first grade for Elizabeth. Every child deserves a happy childhood, and I enjoy experiencing it again through our very own Super Star.