Sunday, September 19, 2010

Just the Ticket

Amazing. Inspiring. Breath-taking. Super Fun. ****. However you want to critique it, Lion King is super-fab! It was the perfect show to introduce the girls to BROADWAY. Because we did group ticket sales, we were surrounded by our very own "circle of life" and enjoyed every minute of it. I've been bit by the theater bug once again and am itching to book our next show.
And where were the boys you may ask? Why at home having "guy time" where Drew proved to be the star by rolling over for the first time. He apparently forgot the "Mom must be at every milestone" rule.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Doing The Can Can

Back-To-School Theme 2010-2011 is (Ta-Da): I CAN DO HARD THINGS!
Both Kel and I are excited about our theme for our young learners. We sensed this year would be a big one academically for each of our children. Lizzy will be learning cursive and her times tables, Rosie will become a reader and Max, well, Max will learn all about listening to a teacher and playing well with others. To help our students believe in themselves (even when it's hard), we made a "I CAN!"Can for FHE. The "I CAN!"s are full of valuable reward coupons just waiting to be redeemed. When our kiddos accomplish something "hard" they get to pick a coupon from their can and away we go.
We shared stories from the scriptures about people who accomplished hard things as well as personal experiences from our own lives. Needless to say, our theme was well received and each child couldn't wait to tackle something hard. Last weekend we had our first coupon redemption drawing and activity which included a movie night with Dad. I'm starting to think I need my very own I CAN can just for staying caught up on homework for 2 children in school instead of just one!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


And now Drew, for exactly 45 minutes, twice a week, it's just you and me kid!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Going Three Times...

Lastly was Max, off to his first year of Preschool. He's been waiting for his turn for quite some time. A few notable comments after day one-

"First we Learn-ded, then we played" and "I miss-head you Mommy, and Baby Drewy too" and "Tan I have a cream?".

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Going Twice...

First Day of Kindergarten:

Mom- WOW Rosie, you have put all of your jewelry on...every last piece.

Rosie- Yea. I KNOW. It's my first day of Kind-ear-gotten, so it's fancy.

Mom- Yes, that is fancy, but Rosie you know you don't have to wear every piece of jewelry to be fancy. In fact, sometimes it's better to just to wear your very very favorite, that way people can focus on that one very fancy piece.

Rosie- Hmmmmmm. Okay. But, I'm wearing my gold sparkle shoes.

Later on the way to school-

Mom- Rosie, maybe we shouldn't have you go this year.....maybe you could stay home with me and your brothers for just one more year. Whatcha think?

Rosie- BUT MOM.....I JUST GOT MY NAILS DONE (thanks Nana) and they won't last until next year so I HAVE TO GO THIS YEAR (in a very exasperated tone, head shaking, while holding up her freshly manicured fingers)!!!!

Mom- okay, when you put it like that, I guess you have to go.

And off she went too. My Rosie. My little companion. There were tears.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Going Once....

And she's off to Third Grade. Just like that. No more summer. No more: "Mommy, I can change Drew if you want" or "I can hold Drew for you while you ------- (fill in the blank, it could be a number of things) or "Can I get Drew dressed and pick his outfit?". None. Zip. Zero. Zilch! We're going to miss her on the home front, but, third grade's a blast, so, away she goes.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Summer Bucket List









Summer Bucket List 2010:

1- Fight continually over who gets to hold Baby Drew, which then turns into a fight on who held him last, who holds him better and who loves him the very most.
2- Plan and Host our first annual Cousin Camp.
3- Begin construction on our Dream House.....Dream Playhouse that is.
4- Enjoy our beautiful Mountains up close and personal on a camping adventure (sans Mommy and Baby who were so sad to be left home...ha ha).
5- Completely fall in love with Drew Kelly.
6- Teach Max how to swing by himself, with just one big starting push (really, that's all I need),and then a few more, until he gets "really high".
7- Hit our local amusement park and introduce Lizzy to "big rides".
8- Night Swim in a pool all to ourselves.
9- Plan an over-the-top fun Primary Carnival.
10- Be photographed at our city's children's parade, wearing our favorite "dress me ups".
11- TRY to learn to be quiet when the baby is sleeping...still working on this one.