Tuesday, January 29, 2008

We Thank Thee...for Our Prophet

Our family is grieving the loss of our much beloved Prophet.
President Hinckely was the President of the Church for so many of the important milestones in our lives: Seminary, Mission, Graduations, Courtship, Marriage & the Birth of all 3 of our babies. He strengthened us and uplifted us. He taught us with his amazing wisdom and insight. He made us smile with his quick wit and loving demeanor. We feel deeply blessed to have had him as our Prophet for so long! He will be so missed. Kel and I loved all of his books and enjoyed listening to them on road trips. We all loved the "Bees". But, my favorite part of Pres. "Hinckel" (as Rosie calls him), the one thing that stands out in my mind, a simple quote: "Do your best, your very best. Try a little harder to be a little kinder. " To that end, we honor him and his rich life; "a legacy of faith and service".