Tuesday, January 29, 2008

We Thank Thee...for Our Prophet

Our family is grieving the loss of our much beloved Prophet.
President Hinckely was the President of the Church for so many of the important milestones in our lives: Seminary, Mission, Graduations, Courtship, Marriage & the Birth of all 3 of our babies. He strengthened us and uplifted us. He taught us with his amazing wisdom and insight. He made us smile with his quick wit and loving demeanor. We feel deeply blessed to have had him as our Prophet for so long! He will be so missed. Kel and I loved all of his books and enjoyed listening to them on road trips. We all loved the "Bees". But, my favorite part of Pres. "Hinckel" (as Rosie calls him), the one thing that stands out in my mind, a simple quote: "Do your best, your very best. Try a little harder to be a little kinder. " To that end, we honor him and his rich life; "a legacy of faith and service".

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Can't Wait for 2008!

Be On Time to Church!
Drink More Water
Go to The Temple Monthly
Speak Kindly

So Far, So Good!


Happy 50th Birthday to the best Mom and 'Nana' Ever! On New Year's Eve my wonderfully kind, loving, fun, warm, generous, talented, smart Mother turned 50 and we celebrated in
style! Last year we jokingly said we should go to Hawaii to celebrate the 50 years my Mom has been on this earth. Since, we didn't make it, we brought the islands to her. It was a fun way to ring in the New Year! My mom knew she was coming to our house to party but had no idea we would be having a luau complete with her Mu-Mu to wear.
I feel blessed to call her Mom. She has taught me all of life's important lessons including a love for reading, music and small children. Her legacy is her four almost five grandchildren who she loves more than anything and they simply adore her. She is their favorite person on this earth. I think it's because she spends TIME with them. She is always down on the floor playing with them, driving them around in her 'big white van', calling them and sincerely interested in their lives. I have never met or heard of a better Grandma and for that I am so thankful. I love you Mom, thank you for all of the energy and time you have given and still give to me and now to my family! Happy Birthday!

Friday, January 4, 2008


Since we didn't get to make one this year, We saw a life size one instead!
Cute Lizzy D so excited to wear her p.j.'s to school for the Kindergarten Christmas Program,
the slippers were a nice touch.

Some how both of our little ones fell asleep in Costco, Luckily we had a old
Car blanket for Rosie and "borrowed" some towels from the towel aisle for Max!
The Holidays Can Be Exhausting!

Seeing the lights at Temple Square was so fun, almost as fun as sipping the
Hot Chocolate afterward (according to Rosie)

Rosie and her rosy cheeks, I love them!

Lizzy's favorite gift was the sparkly clutch purse and faux fur wrap
which matches her doll, from Uncle Patrick & Auntie Camille.
Ride em' cowboy! Max's new B.F.F.

Where's the mistletoe? This is the best we could do for a kid pic in their Christmas P.J.'s, but
you get the drift right? I guess we can always look back and remember how
much Rosie Loved kissing baby Max.
It was great, truly. The kids were so thrilled to come running down the stairs to see the magic that Santa leaves. I love living though them, I love the excitement and sparkle in their eyes. I love the anticipation of Christmas Eve. Traditionally we spend Christmas Eve at my Grandparents home, eating, gift exchanging and celebrating. It's my favorite Christmas Party. I love wrapping presents and watching White Christmas. I love the smell of Hot Chocolate. I love Christmas P.J.'s and slippers. I love Christmas Music (did you get a copy of Happy Hamblin Days?? If not, I will give you one!). I love the Sunday before Christmas. I love singing Silent Night. I LOVE CHRISTMAS DRESSES! I love receiving Christmas Cards, getting the mail is so fun. I love baking cookies. I love shopping for Christmas. Yes, I do love Christmas time. But, for the first time I felt relief when it was over. I'm not sure why. It just felt so overwhelming this time. In true Sarah form, I did commit to being more organized next year. I need to write these goals down so that just maybe I will accomplish them. At any rate, here's to a wonderful Christmas!