vantage point
fear of self
a closed door
loaded fear
fear of fear man in fear
she is looking down
fear jacket
scene shift
fear machine
chain link
fear sharp teeth of fear same
toward something badly lit
grasping fear
each hallway leading
sharp teeth of fear
we the camera
fear lock
she glances back
brutal fear
steps forward
necessary fear
barely opens door
fear birth
possibly above her
vertiginous fear
difficult to defend
fear world
false humanity
in accordance with fear
one organ note
says fear
counter terror
a little in fear
flutters against the glass
belief in fear
across the room from her
fear glued
you’ll hear us
fear scrolling fear
waiting restrictions
despite all fear
not related to him
fear magnified
only turn it off to replace it
fear installment
cannot film it because it is not really there
states of fear
across the screen
fear public arousal
this is fear
this is a question
fear intended to serve fear
you do not need a special talent
unravel fear
she turns on a light
fear coupling
happy but dark
fear actual things
crystal hanging
fear plentitude
set backs
cynical fear
hope that prisoner
prefers fear
this is cinema
confirms fear
how subtle it is
fear power
they are not lit
fear change
image of a woman
when we select fear
we think we understand
we’re getting fear
once in place
fear tricks
no frames
fear specific
fear surplus
without rest
fear community
another story about a woman
fear persecution
fettered to its author
fear past, present, future
turn it off
fear confusion exactly
a voice begins
the same and always evenly
fear the camera
pamper her
describing something barely
fear is wide
without a sense of transfer or rest
fear limbo
softly and misleading
a fear cascade
let’s say it ends now
Kim Minkus is a poet with three books of poetry: 9 Freight (LINEbooks 2007), Thresh (Snare Books 2009) and Tuft (forthcoming from BookThug in 2013). She has had reviews, poetry and fiction published in The Capilano Review, FRONT Magazine, West Coast Line, The Poetic Front, and Jacket. She is a PhD candidate at Simon Fraser University and also teaches creative writing at Capilano University.