Fetch me my brown pants!

before you read this you should read the one below. you don't have to....really....

so one day at work i ran into a friend of mine (we'll call him....Little Gay Sean). i'd had this insane dream just the other day where he made a cameo, i figured i should tell him. we were outside, around the corner where the smokers go. i began telling him about this dream when i see this woman, middle age-ish, short hair, somehow familiar looking and easily forgotten, peek back around the corner at us. promptly i forgot her and started giving him the strange details, when i saw her walk back to the corner and look at us again. ok, still not worth noticing really, so i continued to tell the story. the third time she came around she started to walk up to us. i pasued and looked at her.
she looks at me and goes, "do you know Paul?"
i thought maybe it was one of the new cats they hired so i asked "is it one of the new cats we hired?"
she looked at me again and said, "you don't know Paul, Paul, Paul." that's when she started twitching.
stepping up to me she points and says, "i remember you, i remember becausebubbazappedyou."
"excuse me?" says i.
"i remember you because Bubba zapped you and you went zzzzzzzzz and fell down."
i'm not sure what she expected me to say to that so i gave a zwieback and sent her on her way.


ok so now that you've read this far, you should at least read the next one down. (if you haven't already)


Number Mouth said…
Maybe you should just throw forks in her neck next time. That seems to work 'round Vegas.
Mr Anigans said…
forks get dangerously pokey when in a pocket though.

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