Showing posts with label kub kar ralley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kub kar ralley. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kub Kar Ralley 2012

This year we were down to one cub.  Mr C.  He chose to do a Hershey's chocolate bar as his car and was really pleased with the way it turned out.  Looks almost good enough to eat, don't you think?

Here is the chocolate bar vs. Mario.  Mario ended up the big winner, but the bar still brought home a prize for design!!  Yay for kub kars!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kub Kar Ralley 2011

This is our 6th year of doing the kub kar ralley.  At first, it was with Kayden, and now - Jaren and Carter.  This is actually Jaren's last year doing it (unless they decide to do it as Blazer Scouts), and we (aka Grampa, Jaren and Mom) had a blast making his car.  Grampa is such a good sport!  He doesn't even complain about the crazy designs that the boys sometimes come up with!

 In the above picture, Carter's super fast "pencil" car is racing one of the other kub kars.  Dad was the designated helper with Carter's car.  I think he got off a little easier than Grampa, don't you?  Mom helped Carter with the taping, so that he could spray paint his car.  He was very pleased with how it turned out.  He was so cute about it too.  You know how pencils usually say HB 2?  Well, his had CH 9 (since he is nine).
 Here is big bro, Kayden, helping out with the brand new track.  Jaren's car is in this race!  Go J man!
 And the winner is....Yay! Carter!  Carter thought that the pencil car wasn't going to win a single race.  Hmmm...guess he was wrong about that one!  He was so excited to have two trophies.  The big one to have for a year, and the little one to keep!  Thanks Akela (Megan) for a great time!
Jaren and Jax show off their fancy cars and trophies.  Jaren took 2nd and Jax got 3rd.  Great job boys!