Sunday, August 11, 2013

This thing called life

Where does time go everyday? I've become such a slacker at blogging lately but I have a new found determination to blog more regularly. I treat this blog as my journal and one day I hope to print it out and turn it into an actual book. I've started various scrapbooks multiple times and I think I've finally accepted the fact that I'm not a scrapbooker. I can blog, but I can't scrapbook.

Two weeks ago my co-Sunday School teacher, Amy Green, gave the lesson on the importance of Journals. It really struck me because I hadn't touched this blog since February. Almost 6 months ago! Last week, I tried to catch up as best I could over the last six months and hopefully I can continue to do at least a post every week or so. Our day to day life isn't glamorous or anything to write home about but I want our girls to have a record of their childhood and that they were raised in a gospel centered, loving, happy home. Occasionally I plan to write about our struggles in hopes that our struggles will help them in their future endeavors.


Cherice said...

Out of the blue I clicked on your blog. Expecting to see no updates, but was presently surprised. :)
I'm the same way. I don't scrapbook, but I can blog. I have regretted not blogging this whole year and am trying to play catch up. I am printing out my past years of the blog. I'm super excited to have that ' checked off my list' .
I closed my blog to everyone though. Nobody looks at it anyway. It's just my journal now. I on the other hand WANT to document the small things not just the big things. (i dont always have pictures for everything. but at least its written down)
I WANT to remember the chocolate covered faces from licking the batter bowl after helping me make brownies. I WANT to remember the times we cuddle and watch the same movie for the gazillionth time. But I also WANT to document and remember my babies first step or first birthday or those family vacations and holidays.
I WANT it ALL!!! It's so overwhelming for me at times, but I just look at the big picture and will be SO grateful that I have taken the time to get up 30 min. earlier or stayed up way past my bedtime :) to document my life. Not only do I love to reminisce, but my children, their children and so on will know more about who I am, what life was like for them and for generations they will have a better knowledge of who we are.
You should check out my friends blog. she is Amazing! On top of this business that has sky rocketed she is our stake RS pres. She was also our ward RS pres before we moved. I don't know how she does it all. Lets just say she has money for a maid and chef. That's probably how she has more time for everything else . hahaha.
Whatever method of journaling you do, good for you. At least your doing something!!
Good luck. Love you babe.