Ah yes, the vaunted
Eurocorps is a multinational army corps within the framework of the Western European Union common defence initiatives. Headquartered in Strasbourg, France, the force was established in 1992 and declared operational in 1995, though it draws from European defence initiatives as far back as the 1960s.
Five countries participate in Eurocorps as "framework nations": Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and Spain. A further seven countries have pledged troops or contribute operational staff: Austria, Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania, Turkey, and the USA. Most of these countries are members of the EU (with the exception of Turkey and the USA) and of NATO (with the exception of Austria).
Eurocorps comprises approximately 1,000 soldiers stationed in Strasbourg and up to 60,000 troops pledged for deployment in EU or NATO rapid-response missions. The nucleus of the force is the Franco-German Brigade established in 1987.
So there's 60,000 troops pledged - corps-sized, got it. But only 1000 actually assigned? What's in that 1000? Let's consult the
official Eurocorps website.
Multinational Command Support BrigadeBesides staff support, these capabilities are: information management, communications, command and control information systems within the HQ and between the headquarters and subordinate units, other supporting functions necessary to ensure the deployment, the strengthening and the protection of the headquarters' echelons and finally Real Life Support (RLS) such as food, lighting, ablutions, fuel, office equipment and administration.
The Multinational Command Support Brigade (MNCS Bde) is under direct Command of COMEC and performs its daily activities with the HQ Spt Bn and the CIS Coy, that are its only subordinated units.
Headquarters Support BattalionHeadquarters Company (HQ Coy)
This company provides Moral and Welfare (MWA), Billeting, In/Out processing, Laundry services, including campament material and sanitarian products, warehouse services, food, supply and storage to support the deployment. Catering and messing are provided in garrison in peacetime and for the EC CPs and the Home Base during operations. The company is also responsible for the storage of light weapons for EC HQ personnel in garrison and is able to support the Home Base and two CPs in terms of medical matters.
Transport Company (Trans Coy)
Under MNCS Bde guidance, the Trans Coy organizes the transportation of EC HQ personnel and their personal equipment during high and low intensity operations. It provides specialized transportation and a shuttle system using busses. The company executes the maintenance of all kinds of equipment (vehicles, weapons, NBC equipment, signal assets, power generators).
CP set-up Company (CP Coy)
The Coy is able to setup two EC CPs (ADV/RSC). It performs the CP's physical security by establishing an inner perimeter depending on the concept imposed. Training on fire prevention and fire fighting capacity is conducted by the CP Setup Coy.
So yeah, right now, the 60,000 strong EuroCorps, has a firefighting team, some commo weenies, and a bunch of truck-drivers assigned full-time.
By: Brant