(Image: Wikimedia)
By: Brant
The United States has begun beefing up its approach to defending its Persian Gulf allies against potential Iranian missile strikes, officials say. The defenses are being stepped up in advance of possible increased sanctions against Iran.
The Obama administration has quietly increased the capability of land-based Patriot defensive missiles in several Gulf Arab nations, and one military official said the Navy is increasing the presence of ships capable of knocking out hostile missiles in flight.
The officials discussed aspects of the defensive strategy Saturday on condition of anonymity because some elements are classified.
The moves, part of a broader adjustment in the U.S. approach to missile defense, including in Europe and Asia have been in the works for months. Details have not been publicly announced, in part because of diplomatic sensitivities in Gulf countries which worry about Iranian military capabilities but are cautious about acknowledging U.S. protection.
"The Chinese air force has an asymmetrical warfare division" charged with developing cyberwarfare techniques to disable governments' command and control systems, says Tom Patterson, chief security officer of security device manufacturer MagTek Inc.
"They are fully staffed, fully operational and fully active. And when you aim a governmental agency that size against any company, even the size of Google -- well, it's an overwhelming force," Patterson says.
"It's been going on in China since at least at least May 2002, with workstations running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week," Peller says.
Google has been unable to conclusively tie the Chinese government to the recent attacks, but it did trace the source of those attacks to mainland China. Experts say the sophistication of the hackers indicates government support, or at least approval.
Such virtual attacks represent a very real danger. Government and security-firm sources say over 30 other companies were attacked in this latest hack, from software firms like Adobe and Juniper Networks to Northrop Grumman -- a major U.S. defense contractor and manufacturer of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and the Global Hawk unmanned drone.
It's just part of a battle that's been getting increasingly belligerent:
-- In 2007, Britain's security agency, MI5, issued a secret warning to CEOs and security leaders at 300 banks and legal firms that they were being attacked by "Chinese state organizations." The letter was later leaked to the media.
-- Late in the 2008 presidential campaign, FBI and Secret Service agents alerted the Obama and McCain camps that their computers had been hacked. The source of the attacks: hackers in China.
-- Earlier that summer, in testimony before the House Armed Services Committee, James Shinn (assistant secretary of defense for Asian and Pacific security affairs at the time) and Maj. Gen. Philip Breedlove (of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) warned officials about China's asymmetrical warfare capabilities.
It isn't just Google, and it isn't just China. Security experts say there's a raging, worldwide cyberwar going on behind the scenes, and governments and businesses across the globe need to be on alert.
Security analysts say 20 countries, in addition to China, are actively engaged in so-called asymmetrical warfare,a term that originated with counterterrorism experts that now commonly refers to cyberattacks designed to destabilize governments. Countries engaged in this activity range from so-called friendly nations, such as the United Kingdom and Israel, to less friendly governments like North Korea, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan.
"There are least 100 countries with cyber espionage capabilities," warns Alan Paller, director of research at the SANS Institute, an information security and training firm. Today there are thousands of hackers working on such programs around the world, "including al Qaeda cells that are acting as training centers for hackers," he said.
"It's been a widespread problem for some time," says University of Texas at San Antonio professor and cyber security researcher Ravinderpal Sandhu. Paller and others agree, adding that the recent Google incident -- in which the Internet giant discovered e-mail and corporate sites had been extensively hacked by programmers on the Chinese mainland -- represents just the tip of the iceberg.
The Tet Offensive was a military campaign during the Vietnam War that began on January 31, 1968. Forces of the National Liberation Front for South Vietnam (Viet Cong), and the People's Army of Vietnam (the North Vietnamese army), fought against the forces of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam), the United States, and their allies. The purpose of the offensive was to strike military and civilian command and control centers throughout South Vietnam and to spark a general uprising among the population that would then topple the Saigon government, thus ending the war in a single blow.[9]
The operations are referred to as the Tet Offensive because they began during the early morning hours of 31 January 1968, Tết Nguyên Đán, the first day of the year on a traditional lunar calendar and the most important Vietnamese holiday. Both North and South Vietnam announced on national radio broadcasts that there would be a two-day cease-fire during the holiday. In Vietnamese, the offensive is called Cuộc Tổng tiến công và nổi dậy ("General Offensive and Uprising"), or Tết Mậu Thân (Tet, year of the monkey).
The NLF launched a wave of attacks on the morning of 31 January in the I and II Corps Tactical Zones of South Vietnam. This early attack did not, however, cause undue alarm or lead to widespread defensive measures. When the main NLF operation began the next morning, the offensive was countrywide in scope and well coordinated, with more than 80,000 communist troops striking more than 100 towns and cities, including 36 of 44 provincial capitals, five of the six autonomous cities, 72 of 245 district towns, and the southern capital.[10] The offensive was the largest military operation yet conducted by either side up to that point in the war.
The initial attacks stunned the US and South Vietnamese armies and took them by surprise, but most were quickly contained and beaten back, inflicting massive casualties on communist forces. During the Battle of Hue intense fighting lasted for a month and the NLF executed thousands of residents in the Massacre at Huế. Around the US combat base at Khe Sanh fighting continued for two more months. Although the offensive was a military defeat for the communists, it had a profound effect on the US government and shocked the American public, which had been led to believe by its political and military leaders that the communists were, due to previous defeats, incapable of launching such a massive effort.
The term "Tet offensive" usually refers to the January-February 1968 NLF offensive, but it can also include the so-called "mini-Tet" offensives that took place in May and August.
"We have discovered that video game players perform 10 to 20 percent higher in terms of perceptual and cognitive ability than normal people that are non-game players," said Ray Perez, a program officer at the ONR's warfighter performance department in a Jan. 20 interview on Pentagon Web Radio's audio webcast "Armed with Science: Research and Applications for the Modern Military."
"Our concern is developing training technologies and training methods to improve performance on the battlefield," said Perez, who holds a doctorate in educational psychology.
Perez described the war against terrorists as presenting significant challenges to warfighters on the ground because they must be able to adapt their operations to innovative and deadly adversaries who constantly change their tactics.
"We have to train people to be quick on their feet - agile problem solvers, agile thinkers - to be able to counteract and develop counter tactics to terrorists on the battlefield," Perez said. "It's really about human inventiveness and creativeness and being able to match wits with the enemy."
It's also about adaptability. Perez said this means "being able to work outside your present mindset, to think beyond what you have been taught, to go beyond your experience to solve problems in new and different ways."
Perez used the term "fluid intelligence" to describe the ability to change, to meet new problems and to develop new tactics and counter-tactics. Fluid intelligence, he explained, allows us to solve problems without prior knowledge or experience.
This raises the question of whether fluid intelligence is innate or can be developed and improved.
"For the last 50 years, fluid intelligence was felt to be immutable," Perez said, "meaning it couldn't be changed, no matter what kinds of experiences you have."
This, he added, is related to the idea of brain plasticity. "The presumption was that the structure of the brain and the organization of the brain are pretty much set in concrete by the time you are out of your teens," he explained.
Early indications suggest that cognitive improvements from video games can last up to two and half years, Perez said, but he admitted that so far the results have been relegated to observations and measurements in a controlled laboratory environment.
"The major question is that once you've increased these perceptual abilities and cognitive abilities, do they transfer to everyday tasks," he said, "and how long do they continue to influence the person working on these everyday tasks?"
In the meantime, the researchers are looking at ways to integrate video game technology into learning tools. Perez said that they are looking at everything from small-screen training on personal digital assistants and laptops to simulators and virtual environments.
One virtual environment, used to develop adaptability within team dynamics, looks very much like a cave.
"You walk into a cave and you're bombarded by this totally different, artificial world where there may be intelligent avatars that you interact with to perform a mission," Perez said. "These avatars will act as teammates, so you, as an individual, will have to interact with these avatars as a unit."
Perez said the ultimate goal is to blur the distinction between training and operations.
Asserting that its sale to India will "improve interoperability with US Soldiers and Marines," the US defense agency tasked with transfer of military hardware and promoting military-to-military ties has notified the US Congress of the Obama administration's intention to sell 145 M777 Howitzers to India in a deal worth $ 647 million.
The mandatory notification follows a request from India for the light-weight towed Howitzer with Laser Inertial Artillery Pointing Systems (LINAPS), the first major artillery purchase by New Delhi after the star-crossed Bofors deal going back to the 1980s.
As a group of soldiers stood in formation at an Army Base, the Drill Sergeant said, 'All right! All you idiots fall out.'
As the rest of the squad wandered away, one soldier remained at attention.
The Drill Instructor walked over until he was eye-to-eye with him, and then raised a single eyebrow.
The soldier smiled and said, 'Sure was a lot of 'em, huh, sir?'
China suspended military exchanges with the United States and threatened sanctions against American defense companies Saturday, just hours after Washington announced $6.4 billion in planned arms sales to Taiwan.
The development has further strained the complex relations between the two powers, which are increasingly linked by security and economic issues.
China's Defense Ministry said the sales to self-governing Taiwan, which the mainland claims as its own, cause "severe harm" to overall U.S.-China cooperation, the state-run Xinhua News Agency reported. The Foreign Ministry threatened sanctions against U.S. companies involved in the arms sales.
The head of Turkey's armed forces has responded angrily to a newspaper report accusing the military of plotting to overthrow the government.
Gen Ilker Basbug delivered a televised address in which he warned that the military's patience over a stream of allegations had limits.
He insisted coups were a thing of the past, and that power should only change hands through democratic means.
Turkey has experienced three military coups in its recent history.
The armed forces have continued to play a political role behind the scenes.
For the past two years, the Turkish people have been bombarded with sensational revelations about alleged dirty tricks by elements of the military.
Some of the allegations, relating to a sinister "deep state" network known as Ergenekon, have already resulted in the arrest and trials of dozens of people, including retired generals.
But there have been further reports of military plots against the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan - backed by some convincing-looking documents - all reported in a two-year-old independent newspaper.
President Barack Obama is urging Congress to repeal the ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military, but Democratic allies and Republican opponents alike are criticizing his approach.
Obama's effort to eliminate the "don't ask, don't tell" practice faces resistance not just from Congress, but also from the Pentagon, where some top officials have been strident in their support for the Clinton-era policy.
"This year, I will work with Congress and our military to finally repeal the law that denies gay Americans the right to serve the country they love because of who they are," Obama said Wednesday during his State of the Union address. "It's the right thing to do."
The statement drew a standing ovation from Congress and from Defense Secretary Robert Gates, but it fell short for gay activists
British and other Nato troops are preparing a major offensive in southern Afghanistan aimed at seizing areas in Helmand province still under Taliban control, the British commander in the region said today.
Major General Nick Carter said the operation would be aimed at asserting the control of the Kabul government over areas of Helmand that are either ungoverned or under the influence of a Taliban shadow government.
Carter, who commands the Nato-led International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) in southern Afghanistan, did not say when the operation would be launched, but the announcement came three days before an international conference in London that is due to agree a peace and reintegration plan to persuade Taliban fighters and commanders to give up their fight.
The British army chief, General Sir David Richards, said that negotiations with the Taliban should be conducted from a "position of relative strength and the knowledge on their part that they [the Taliban] could just lose".
"So it's a matter of timing, not the principle," Richards told Reuters.
As RIA Novosti reports, the Georgian government has adopted a new strategy toward S. Ossetia and Abkhazia which excludes any use of military force against its former breakaway regions.
The document, which calls for peaceful means of conflict resolution and increased cooperation with the residents of the two regions, will be sent in the near future to a number of international organizations, including the UN, the Council of Europe and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
"Georgia does not want to restore its territorial integrity by military means," Reintegration Minister Temur Yakobashvili told reporters after a cabinet meeting on Wednesday.
He said Georgian citizens who reside in Abkhazia and South Ossetia should not be isolated but instead integrated in all processes and projects which are underway in Georgia.
This is part of an American mission that started in 2002, not long after the Taliban fell in Kabul. A force of up to 600 American soldiers, many of them counter-insurgency specialists, has been training elite Filipino troops to fight militant groups ever since. American gadgets, tactics and intelligence seem to be helping. Fifteen of the 24 names on a Philippine most-wanted poster have been crossed out, either captured or killed. Foreign troops are forbidden to fight, so combat duties fall to the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). The Americans keep busy with aid projects designed to woo locals in areas thick with militants. These days, there are fewer of them. The AFP estimates that Abu Sayyaf, a group notorious for bombings and beheadings, has fewer than 400 fighters on Jolo and Basilan islands. General Benjamin Dolorfino of the AFP boasts the group can no longer stage attacks on Mindanao itself.
American military thinkers wonder if there are lessons for other parts of the world where al-Qaeda lurks. With a modest outlay here, the Pentagon has dealt a blow to Islamist radicals and sharpened the skills of an ally. American troops are overstretched, expensive and make attractive targets for jihadists, so it makes sense to train other forces to fight where they can.
America, however, is unlikely to find other partners as perfect as the AFP, which is modelled on America’s armed forces. Filipino officers speak English, know and admire America, once the colonial power, and can bond with their comrades over beer and karaoke. Try that in Yemen.
The draft version of the quadrennial study, dated December 2009, expresses the Obama administration's intention to lean on 'market forces' in ensuring America's defense industry does not disappear. It also makes clear the administration is prepared to step in and save firms and sectors deemed critical to national security.
Our engagement with industry does not mean the Department of Defense will underwrite sunset industries nor prop up poor business models," according to the review. "It does mean the Department will create an environment in which our industries, a source of our nation's strength, can thrive and compete in the global marketplace.
"Whenever possible and appropriate, the department will rely on market forces to create, shape, and sustain industrial and technological capabilities, but we must be prepared to intervene when absolutely necessary to create and/or sustain competition, innovation, and essential industrial capabilities," according to the draft QDR, which was obtained by Defense News.
The military is increasingly relying on private security contractors as President Obama ramps up the war in Afghanistan, with contractors now making up as much as 30% of the armed force in the country, a just-released congressional report shows.
In the period roughly tracking with President Obama’s first nine months in office, the number of Defense Department armed security contractors soared 236% — from 3,184 to 10,712 between December 2008 to September 2009. The number roughly doubled between June and September 2009 alone.
The new Congressional Research Service report also calculates that contractors in Afghanistan make up between 22% and 30% of the armed U.S. force in Afghanistan.
The news of the surge in private security contractors comes as the total number of contractors — including those who do construction, cook meals, etc — is also soaring, with over 100,000 already in Afghanistan.
It’s worth noting two points here to clarify the role and makeup of the contractor army: first, 90% of the DOD private security contractors in Afghanistan are Afghan nationals, according to the report. Second, contractors are barred by DOD regulations from taking part in “offensive” operations. However, the numbers in this report refers to armed contractors who may well be taking part in combat.
“Many analysts believe that armed security contractors are taking part in combat operations, arguing in part that international law makes no distinction between the offensive or defensive nature of participation in combat,” the report notes.
A British private security firm, Sabre International, is sponsoring the employment of Sierra Leoneans for security jobs in Iraq. According to its own website, the company holds multiple aviation security contracts for three airports in Iraq (Baghdad International Airport, Mosul Airport, and Najaf International Airport).
Having undergone two weeks of preparation training, 400 to 1,000 Sierra Leoneans have already been sent to Iraq (and possibly Afghanistan) with a waiting list of over 10,000 who are interested in participating in the program. According to reports, the West African workers will receive $250 a month, $200 of which will be directly deposited into a bank account in Freetown. Compare this to the per capita Gross National Income in Sierra Leone in 2008, which was $320 a year. (Meanwhile, Sierra Leone Members of Parliament are petitioning for monthly salaries of $4,000-$6,000!) It’s no wonder thousands of people have signed up for this program: they are receiving a little less than 10x the amount they would earn in their own country! (Sierra Leone currently ranks 201 out of 210 countries in terms of its GNI per capita). Their salaries will not be taxed and they will be given free accommodation, free medical facility, free transportation, and free insurance. While a fabulous salary in Sierra Leone, their U.S. citizen contractor counterparts are averaging $100,000 a year, possibly in similar roles. In this regard, Sabre might be saving a tidy sum.
Executives from some of the biggest Defense contractors — including Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics and KBR — told GAO that, before the law was passed, they hired U.S. citizens at their offshore subsidiaries as a way to lower their costs and remain competitive. The companies say they only use the offshore subsidiaries to hire employees to perform work overseas.
Overall, GAO said the law is accomplishing its intended effect: forcing offshore companies to share the tax burden for social security, Medicare and federal income tax payments. GAO recommended Congress expand the legislation to force contractors offshore to contribute to state unemployment insurance programs so workers can collect when they lose their jobs.
In 2009, one state, Texas, denied unemployment claims of 140 individuals employed by several of the contractors because they were employed by offshore subsidiaries that did not contribute to the state’s unemployment insurance programs. GAO chose Texas because several major contractors have corporate offices there.
North Korea fired dozens more artillery shells near the western maritime border with South Korea for the third consecutive day on Friday, prompting Seoul to seek to install a weapon-location radar system on islands near the border.
The shells fired early Friday appeared to have again landed in the North's own waters north of the Yellow Sea's Northern Limit Line (NLL), de facto maritime border, Seoul's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JSC) said.
The Venezuelan National Guard moved into Mérida, Venezuela on Tuesday, in response to protests which have erupted across the country. Seemingly unmoved, university students expressed they will continue to march through the streets to protest several new policies enacted by the Venezuelan government.
"The city is militarized since early hours of the morning (from tuesday) and will remain like that as long as its necessary in order to avoid further confrontations in the city of Mérida," said Marcos Díaz, governor of Mérida State on Wednesday.
Waves of protests errupted throughout all of Venezuela on Jan. 23, in response to rationing of water; new increase on the devaluation of the Venezuelan currency; and the recently established weekly rationing of electricity.
Colombia has made a formal diplomatic protest to Venezuela after what it says was a violation of its airspace by a Venezuelan military helicopter.
Colombia's foreign ministry said the helicopter had spent 20 minutes above the city of Arauca, near the border, where a big military base is situated.
The defence minister said his forces had shown restraint in not responding.
The two neighbours have been involved in a row over Colombia's decision to grant the US access to military bases.
The Colombian foreign ministry issued a statement calling the alleged incursion "unacceptable".
Venezuela's state-run telecommunications agency formally notified two dozen local cable television channels on Thursday that they must carry mandatory government programming, including marathon speeches by President Hugo Chavez.
Cabello also urged prosecutors on Thursday to file criminal charges against Noel Alvarez, the president of Venezuela's largest business chamber, for allegedly attempting to incite a coup. In a recent televised interview Alvarez made statements aimed at provoking a military rebellion against Chavez, he said.
President Chavez went public on Sunday in his criticism of President Obama's handling of US humanitarian aid to Haiti which would appear to be geared towards US national security interests rather than humanitarian sentiments for those affected by the earthquake.
Venezuelan Adjunct Ambassador to the United Nations, Julio Escalona has stated that among the US plans for Haiti is establishing a military base on the island in what is now known as the Cite Soleil barrio where many of the dwellings had been flattened.
During his Sunday radio address, Chavez called Obama to send medical teams, equipment, medicine and tents rather than a mass deployment of soldiers.
The US military command has insisted that the United Nations has assumed leadership in the humanitarian operation and that US troop presence has the authorization of Haiti's President.
Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro has set up a Petion-Bolivar solidarity brigade to draw up a joint plan with Haitian social organizations towards reconstruction work.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama held on Wednesday a "constructive and friendly" phone conversation about a new nuclear arms reduction treaty, the Kremlin said, according to RIA Novosti.
"The two presidents discussed in detail current issues of Russian-American relations, including the prospects for completing in the near future work on the new strategic offensive arms treaty," the Kremlin.ru website said.
"The discussion was held in the constructive and friendly manner that has become usual for top-level contacts between the two parties," the statement went on, adding that the telephone conversation was initiated by the U.S.
A new document to replace the START 1 treaty, which expired on December 5, has not been signed yet over disagreements on verification and control arrangements to be included in the document.
Major world powers opened talks Thursday seeking an end to the grinding conflict in Afghanistan, drafting plans to hand over security responsibilities to local forces and quell the insurgency with an offer of jobs and housing to lure Taliban fighters to renounce violence.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai greeted delegates from about 70 nations and institutions in London, seeking to win new international support after more than eight years of combat which is threatening to exhaust public good will in the West.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen also joined talks aimed at setting targets to transfer security control of several Afghan provinces to the local police and military by the end of 2010.
"This is a decisive time for the international cooperation that is helping the Afghan people secure and govern their own country," British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said, opening the one-day talks. "This conference marks the beginning of the transition process."
Brown said the conference would set a target for Afghanistan to increase its military to 171,600 by Oct. 2011, and boost police numbers to 134,00 by the same date. "By the middle of next year we have to turn the tide," he said.
The president of Uzbekistan, which shares a long border with Afghanistan, has urged the West to stop using military force in its fight against the Taliban and focus more on rebuilding the country's shattered economy.
Uzbekistan's support for U.S.-led military efforts in Afghanistan important because the country, like the rest of Central Asia, lies on a new supply route for NATO forces fighting a resurgent Taliban.
Uzbek President Islam Karimov addressed parliament on Wednesday and said military efforts had become largely useless. His speech was published on the official uza.uz website on Thursday.
"Over the past 30 years billions and billions have been spent to solve the Afghan problem," he said. "It looks obvious today that the entire approach has to be changed to settle the situation in this country."
Some of the key points that Rogers makes are:
A gun is not the answer to every problem...
Carrying your favorite handgun is not as simple as it sounds. It requires a
gross shift in your attitude, demeanor, habits and choice of clothing...If you carry a gun, you need to carry all of the time, and every place that
you legally can... (*)The gun you carry is going to be a compromise...
Rogers also covers various types of holsters and guns for CCW, including the pros and cons of revolvers vs. pistols.
See my earlier post on "Lessons Learned the Hard Way" for a note on another excellent article in the same issue of SWAT Magazine.
By: Guardian
(*): Yes, Steve, you caught me being a "sheep" once. That was a (fairly rare) case of do like I say, not like I do :).
In the last 18 months, the Ministry of Defence have suffered 16 security breaches through confidential information or records being leaked online via social media channels.
Citing the Freedom of Information Act, Lewis PR were able to obtain the information from the MoD, although they were reluctant to give any details on disciplinary measures for employees responsible for causing the leaks.
Most of us are starting to realise just how careful we have to be in managing our Facebook and Twitter profiles — and whilst 16 security breaches seems a little scary at first, it’s actually quite reassuring to think that the MoD are watching for these leaks and (presumably) nipping them in the bud.
Sumit Agarwal has been appointed to the Senior Executive Service and is assigned as deputy assistant secretary of defense for outreach and social media, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs), Washington, D.C.
Agarwal previously served as head of mobile product management (North America), Google, Mountain View, Calif.
[Air Force Gen. Craig R. McKinley] spoke to nearly 50 government professionals, who met here for a Social Media for Defense and Government event.
Participants said social media's presence in the military can include a variety of online tools for personal, career and development goals.
Obviously, these new tools that we use today are changing the way we do business, not only in the commercial world, but in the military, said McKinley, who uses Twitter in his daily communications. "They are incredibly powerful."
The general told the audience that senior defense leaders are keeping the debate open on social media in the military to weigh its assets and vulnerabilities.
"In the Department of Defense today, there is a very healthy debate, a pro and con debate, on how we will use social media," said McKinley.
Officials said an overarching DoD policy on social media is still being developed.
The U.S. Army has launched a new social media website to facilitate safer correspondence between Army personnel. As reported by LiveScience.com, milBook, which is part of the milSuite network that is protected by a firewall to prevent outside prying, provides personnel with a centralized unit for social networking.
Todd Miller, an Army contractor, is quoted in the report as stating of the site, “People across the DoD can find professional working groups on various programs and efforts and join within seconds… MilBook not only connects people, it connects those people to military topics so that ideas and information are shared across the Armed Services.”
British troops during a firefight with Taliban forces in Helmand.
The Supreme Court cleared six high-ranking military officers on Tuesday of charges of abuse of power in last summer’s coup. The six, including the armed forces chief of staff, Gen. Romeo Vásquez Velásquez, were accused of illegally expelling President Manuel Zelaya from the country. A court had ordered the military to detain Mr. Zelaya, and the Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that the commanders had not acted with malice and that they had Mr. Zelaya flown to Costa Rica to avoid violence. Mr. Zelaya’s term ends Wednesday, when he is expected to leave Honduras for the Dominican Republic.
NATO is struggling to make good on commitments to deploy extra forces to Afghanistan, one month after the Obama administration said it was counting on the alliance to send as many as 10,000 more troops to serve alongside U.S. soldiers.
On Tuesday, Germany said it would send 500 reinforcements to Afghanistan, disappointing U.S. officials, who had been pressing Berlin for at least three times that number. German officials, facing stiff domestic opposition to the war, said they would instead double their development aid to Afghanistan and begin withdrawing soldiers in 2011.
"We have nothing to be ashamed of," Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters in Berlin. "It was not the case that the Americans asked us what we wanted to do, but rather we determined ourselves what we intend to do."
After President Obama announced his revised Afghan strategy in December, including the deployment of 30,000 more U.S. troops, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said allies had pledged about 7,000 "fresh forces." He also raised expectations that further commitments would be announced soon.
NATO leaders had been lobbying Germany and France, in particular, ahead of an international conference on Afghanistan scheduled for Thursday in London. On Monday, however, French President Nicolas Sarkozy reaffirmed his previous refusals to send additional combat forces to Afghanistan, although he held out the possibility of dispatching more military trainers and civilian aid workers.
NATO has not provided a precise breakdown of where its promised 7,000 new troops will come from. But it appears that only about 4,000 of those forces were not previously announced or deployed.
The US and its Nato allies have been urged to collaborate more intensely to fend off the threat of cyberattacks in the aftermath of the alleged Chinese assault on Google.
The Pentagon’s top cyber-strategist said shared warning systems had to be established and government contacts broadened.
In an interview with the Financial Times, William J. Lynn, US deputy defence secretary, said America and the UK had been working to counter the growing international danger of cyberattacks.
But he warned that the US, UK and other states had to deepen cross-border collaboration if they were to deal with a form of warfare that ignored national boundaries.
“You can’t just protect the system by defending yourself from inside your own country,” Mr Lynn said on a visit to London. “International co-operation is imperative for establishing the chain of events in an intrusion and quickly and decisively fighting back.”
Mr Lynn said the US defence department was subjected to thousands of cyber attacks each day, as hackers sought to break into systems run by the Pentagon.
“The kind of defence we want is not something akin to the Maginot Line, but more like manoeuvre warfare. You can’t just sit behind firewalls. You need an active defence that is seeking out and countering threats on the internet,” he said.
U.S. military teams and intelligence agencies are deeply involved in secret joint operations with Yemeni troops who in the past six weeks have killed scores of people, among them six of 15 top leaders of a regional al-Qaeda affiliate, according to senior administration officials
The operations, approved by President Obama and begun six weeks ago, involve several dozen troops from the U.S. military's clandestine Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), whose main mission is tracking and killing suspected terrorists. The American advisers do not take part in raids in Yemen, but help plan missions, develop tactics and provide weapons and munitions. Highly sensitive intelligence is being shared with the Yemeni forces, including electronic and video surveillance, as well as three-dimensional terrain maps and detailed analysis of the al-Qaeda network.
As part of the operations, Obama approved a Dec. 24 strike against a compound where a U.S. citizen, Anwar al-Aulaqi, was thought to be meeting with other regional al-Qaeda leaders. Although he was not the focus of the strike and was not killed, he has since been added to a shortlist of U.S. citizens specifically targeted for killing or capture by the JSOC, military officials said. The officials, like others interviewed for this article, spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the operations.
US military teams and intelligence agencies are deeply involved in secret joint operations with Yemeni troops who have killed six of 15 leaders of an Al-Qaeda affiliate there, the Washington Post reported Wednesday.
President Barack Obama approved the operations, which began six weeks ago and involve several dozen troops from the US Joint Special Operations Command, which is dedicated to hunting down Al-Qaeda leaders, the Post said, citing unnamed officials.
Although US troops do not take part in raids in Yemen, they plan missions, develop tactics and provide weapons and ammunition, the Post said.
The United States also is sharing highly sensitive intelligence with Yemeni forces, including electronic and video intelligence, three dimensional terrain maps and analytical assessments of Al-Qaeda, it said.
The United States has previously acknowledged supporting the Yemenis with intelligence and training, but has provided no detail on its role in stepped up attacks on Al-Qaeda militants.
Canadian Forces CC-188 (CF-18) Hornet, tail fin #188771 completes one of several flypasts at CFB Trenton before landing.
The CC-188 Hornet is the Canadian Air Forces only frontline, multi-role fighter. The Hornet is also used for air defence, tactical support and training, aerospace testing and air superiority, and as an aerobatic display aircraft.
Canadian Forces Base Trenton is located approximately 2 hours east of Toronto. It is the home of the Canadian Air Force 8 Wing, 424 Search and Rescue/Transport Squadron and 437 Transport (Husky) Squadron.
North Korea has fired artillery shots near the disputed sea border with South Korea and the South has returned fire.
The North fired shells into the sea near Baengnyeong Island off the the South's western coast, South Korean news agency Yonhap said.
North Korea said the firing was part of an annual military drill, adding that it would continue.
On Tuesday, North Korea declared a no-sail zone in waters off its coast, media reports say.
South Korea officials said the exchange caused no casualties or damage.
The North fired into waters near the border just after 0900 local time (2400 GMT), a spokesman for South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff told AFP.
"Our military immediately fired back in response," a Seoul presidential official told the news agency on condition of anonymity.
A statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency says its drills "will go on in the same waters in the future, too".
Just hours after the initial exchange, reports from South Korea said that the North had fired more shells in the direction of the disputed border. It is not clear where they landed.
Despite a string of high-profile visits designed to reassure Pakistan of Washington's commitment, U.S. officials have failed to win over a military and civilian establishment here that remains suspicious of U.S. ties to India and reluctant to plunge into war with Afghan militants who may outlast the U.S. presence.
Nevertheless, the responses he received from the army and the press here were either skeptical or defiant. Washington has been urgently pressing military officials to take on Islamic militants in the tribal area of North Waziristan, but the officials announced during Gates's visit that they could not launch any operation for at least six months.
In a speech at the National Defense University in Islamabad, Gates acknowledged that the United States had made a "grave mistake" by abandoning Pakistan in the past and said it now seeks to rebuild relations with "a new generation of Pakistani officers." But once journalists were ushered out, the military audience peppered him with skeptical questions. According to several sources, one questioner even asked him, "Are you with us or against us?"
The Pakistani media focused their coverage on a gaffe by Gates on the sensitive topic of private U.S. security firms working here. Answering a question, he inadvertently implied that the security company formerly known as Blackwater is working for the U.S. government in Pakistan, which U.S. and Pakistani officials have repeatedly denied. The secretary's slip dominated the national airwaves for 48 hours, and fueled already rampant speculation that the firm's employees are serving as spies.
One major obstacle, analysts said, is the close relationship between the United States and India. India-Pakistan relations are mired in mistrust, with India suspecting Pakistan of colluding in a terrorist attack in Mumbai in late 2008, and Pakistan suspecting that India uses Afghanistan to launch anti-Pakistan subversion.
For some Pakistanis, the message of support delivered by Gates and other recent visitors, including special envoy Richard Holbrooke, has been discredited by similar U.S. messages of support for India. Washington sees India's active role in Afghanistan as a force for stability, but Pakistan sees it as a threat and has been reaching out to other regional powers, including Iran, for counterbalancing support.
U.S. national-security officials say that that in Al Qaeda and its affiliates' efforts to figure out ways to circumvent security measures imposed by American and allied governments, they may be considering, and even plotting, using female suicide bombers.
The possibility that female terrorists could be part of a future, or even the next wave, of Al Qaeda plots against American targets inside or outside the United States is a live one, said three U.S. officials familiar with current threat reporting and analysis, who asked for anonymity when discussing sensitive information. One of the officials said that in the weeks since Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab allegedly attempted to bring down a U.S.-bound transatlantic flight with a bomb hidden in his underpants, investigators in Detroit, where Abdulmutallab's plane was headed, have been particularly worried about the possibility of a follow-up attack by a female suicide bomber. An ABC News report last week alleged that American law-enforcement officials have been told to be on the lookout for female suicide bombers who may attempt to enter the United States. The network quoted one official saying that at least two such women are believed to be connected to Al Qaeda in Yemen and may have a non-Arab appearance and be traveling on Western passports.
Members of the 2nd/10th Field Regiment fire the 21-gun salute at the Shrine of Remembrance.
RAAF F/A-18 Hornet jet aircraft from No. 3 Squadron, RAAF Base Williamtown, flies over the Shrine of Remembrance
Royal Australian Air Force members stand proud and salute the raising of the Australian National Flag at the Australia Day flag-raising ceremony, held at Southbank, Brisbane.
Airbus last year already had to book a loss of 2.4 billion euros for the project and it has since warned that it would face even heavier losses and have to cancel the project altogether if the states did not give more money.
France, a big EADS shareholder, and Spain, where the aircraft are being designed and built, have signalled they would be willing to pay more.
The countries, however, have been unable to stop the German government from digging its heels in. Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, and Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, spoke by telephone on Thursday evening about the conflict in Afghanistan, but officials said they did not discuss the A400M informally.
Italy's top disaster expert has called the Haiti quake-relief effort a "pathetic" failure, criticising the militarised approach of the United States as ineffective and out of touch for the emergency at hand.
Guido Bertolaso, Italy's well-respected civil protection chief, said what was needed was a single international civilian co-ordinator to take charge, and for individual countries and aid agencies to stop flying their flags and posing for TV cameras and get to work.
"Unfortunately there's this need to make a 'bella figura' before the TV cameras rather than focus on what's under the debris," said Mr Bertolaso, who won praise for his handling of Italy's 2009 quake in Abruzzo.
In particular, he criticised what he called the well-meaning but ineffective US-run military operation. The US military has more than 2,000 troops on the ground, helping to deliver humanitarian aid.
US officials have defended their presence and dismissed such criticism, which has most vocally been levelled by leftist Latin American leaders.
When al-Qaeda's No. 2 leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, called off a planned chemical attack on New York's subway system in 2003, he offered a chilling explanation: The plot to unleash poison gas on New Yorkers was being dropped for "something better," Zawahiri said in a message intercepted by U.S. eavesdroppers.
The meaning of Zawahiri's cryptic threat remains unclear more than six years later, but a new report warns that al-Qaeda has not abandoned its goal of attacking the United States with a chemical, biological or even nuclear weapon.
The report, by a former senior CIA official who led the agency's hunt for weapons of mass destruction, portrays al-Qaeda's leaders as determined and patient, willing to wait for years to acquire the kind of weapons that could inflict widespread casualties.
The former official, Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, draws on his knowledge of classified case files to argue that al-Qaeda has been far more sophisticated in its pursuit of weapons of mass destruction than is commonly believed, pursuing parallel paths to acquiring weapons and forging alliances with groups that can offer resources and expertise.
"If Osama bin Laden and his lieutenants had been interested in . . . small-scale attacks, there is little doubt they could have done so now," Mowatt-Larssen writes in a report released Monday by the Harvard Kennedy School of Government's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.
A commission set up to assess national security measures on Tuesday gave the U.S. government a failing grade in improving response time to a biological attack.
"Nearly a decade after September 11, 2001, one year after our original report, and one month after the Christmas Day bombing attempt, the United States is failing to address several urgent threats, especially bioterrorism," said former Sen. Bob Graham, chairman of the commission.
"Each of the last three administrations has been slow to recognize and respond to the biothreat. But we no longer have the luxury of a slow learning curve, when we know al Qaeda is interested in bioweapons," Graham said.
"The assessment is not a good one, particularly in the area of biological threats," the report by the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism said.
While there is compelling evidence to suggest that international naval cooperative efforts have contributed to a reduction in the number of successful attacks, owners and managers of vessels operating in the area are asking themselves whether the use of armed guards, or armed crew, is the only logical next step to deter pirates, and protect both vessel and crew. The carriage and use of firearms raise potentially serious issues of criminal liability for owners and crew, but another key consideration will be whether the carriage and use of defensive weapons, on board, will impact on the owners' insurance cover.
HMAS Stuart arrives in the Gulf of Aden as part of Australia’s contribution to coalition maritime security operations as in the Middle East Area of Operations.
After strengthening its offensive capabilities vis-à-vis Pakistan by creating a new southwestern army command in 2005, India is now concentrating on countering China effectively in the eastern sector. The Indian army chief said that there was now “a proportionate focus towards the western and northeastern fronts.”
Pakistan reacted predictably by describing India’s move as reflecting a “hegemonistic and jingoistic mindset” as well as accusing India of “betraying hostile intent,” and urged the international community to take due notice of developments in India. Pakistani officials emphasized that their nation’s “capability and determination to foil any nefarious designs against the security of Pakistan” should not be underestimated. Pakistan’s reaction was expected, as the security establishment views this as an opportunity to once again press upon the Americans the need to keep Pakistani forces intact on the India-Pakistan border rather than fighting the Taliban forces on the border with Afghanistan.
China’s response, on the other hand, was more measured, and it chose not to address the issue directly. The controversy arose at a time when the two states were beginning a new phase in their defense ties by initiating a dialogue at the level of defense secretaries. But Chinese analysts have expressed concerns in recent years about India’s growing military ambitions and a purported shift in Indian defense strategy from a passive to an “active and aggressive” nature.
This is the time to say that we take note of Gates’ statement that Taleban in Afghanistan are part of their national scene and the US / NATO intend to talk to them- or negotiate a peace deal. We can say then what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Our Taliban are part of pour national scene. Yes we are at war with them at present but we are not happy on killing our own people although it is necessary for our own security. We too should emulate American approach to Taliban and hold talks with them. Army is quite right that for the next one year they intend to consolidate their gains in South Waziristan and not to extend the war to North Waziristan. The Army had done much, much better in the war against Taliban than the mighty NATO and world power US’ forces. We have no financial to carry on such an expensive operation.. With Indians threatening our Southern borders we have to reduce our commitment on the Northern borders. Now that Gates have asked the Indians to go after Pakistan, with his clearance to India to attack Pakistan, we must be prepared to meet the external threat than concentrating on internal insecurity
The State Department has consistently failed to properly monitor defense contractor DynCorp International's $2.5 billion, five-year-old effort to train Iraqi police, a government audit found on Monday.
Stuart Bowen, the U.S. government's special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, said the State Department has exercised "weak oversight" of DynCorp's contract, failing to watch over the money being spent on the training program.
"As a result, over $2.5 billion in U.S. funds are vulnerable to waste and fraud," according to the report released by Bowen.
The report said State Department officials have repeatedly stated that they recognized long-standing problems and would improve management and oversight of the contract, but have "fallen far short."