You know the end of an election campaign is nigh when they start dragging out the novelty acts. Poor old Gordon Brown looked a bit embarrassed to be suddenly serenaded by an Elvis impersonator singing "The Wonder Of You." Other Elvis songs spring more readily to mind at present. As we continue to flounder "way down" in the polls even Peppa the Pig has bailed out.
Meanwhile, the Institute for Fiscal Studies says all the parties are telling porkies about the cuts which will follow after May 6. And they are right.
Labour is the least worst option in their scenario but of course there is little to choose between the three parties as none of them is targetting the real culprits for this crisis. The Liberal Democrats plan to cancel Trident - saving around £75B - so should we. But that is the only policy on which they can seriously stake a claim to be "left" of Labour.
Meanwhile, the election news from West Yorkshire is pretty mixed.Constituencies with Labour majorities of less than 3,000 are unlikely to survive the rout - howver despite everything I've still been able to do a bit of canvassing for Linda Riordan and hope to be back in Halifax at the weekend. Ashcroft money has been poured into the constituency and things hang pretty much in the balance. Linda, who has opposed Trident, Iraq, and is way to the left of the Liberal Democrats, desreves all the support which can be mustered. Likewise Mike Wood in Batley and Spen and I'm sad my family difficulties have meant I've not been able to do more.
This election is one I will always remember for sad reasons which have nothing to do with politics. But I still hope to be celebrating afterwards with friends and comrades on the Labour Left who have made it back to Parliament - and I will then carry on campaigning for a change in direction. Whoever is in charge.......both locally and nationally