Tuesday, 8 January 2008


Have noticed recently that a couple of lefty blogs have "died" so they are no longer on my list. So a sad goodbye to Commissar and 1 or 2 others which started around the same time as mine did - or shortly afterwards.
I think blogging is a bit like going to the gym. You have to keep going as if you miss it for more than a couple of days, it's much much harder to start again. Some days, frankly, I'm utterly uninspired ( and it shows).It's also easy to become extremely repetitive and am trying not to do that. The actual discipline of writing is something I probably find easier than some as it's how I've earned a living for 20-odd years Anyway, to those who read the blog, thanks for doing so. The posts are by and large good-natured and I have been fortunate in not attracting much in the way of abuse. It may be that I too one day will tire of the blogosphere but for now will keep going.........PS: There are now new links on thr right hand side to Socialist Appeal, Tribune and New Statesman.......


Anonymous said...

It is always sad to see bloggers, particularly fellow leftists, drop out of the fun that is leftyblogland. It is a shame because we really need many more articulate and confident political blogs who are very off message where the prevailing neoliberal consensus is concerned. The more voices lefty blogging has, the more people we will reach.

Anonymous said...

Dont always agree with you
but always intrestead in your views - always about right (unlike much of the Left)

as a Labour socialist or lapsed catholic or trade unionist - your views are always of intrest and not always politically correct, or trendy

happy new year and keep up the good work comrade