Yep...everyone left for the weekend!
Hayman and Cowboy M. left late yesterday to go rafting for the weekend.
Country Chick left for Salt Lake City this morning with the boyfriend and his family.
They are going to the Super Cross Motorcycle event that is being held there this weekend.
So I took a day off work and gave myself a three day weekend! *Smile
So that leaves me...home...with two dogs, three cats and an assortment of chickens.
That means I get a little "ME" time!
I can catch up on shows in the DVR.
I can watch what I want!
I can eat what I want...when I want!
I can sit and do that's gonna happen!
But what am I really doing.....
This morning I watched the Royal Wedding. (I set the DVR to record it last night and watched the important parts this morning.) It was nice to see even though I had no plans to originally watch it.
I then went out to do the critter chores.
Ended up chasing Country Chick's dog while he in turn chased a small herd of antelope!
He spotted them long before I did and the chase was on! Good thing I was on the 4-wheeler and could keep up!
Bad dog!
Then while feeding the chickens, I was attacked by one of the roosters!
Bad Rooster!
I had a leisurely breakfast.
Watched a bit more TV.
Borrowed the neighbors carpet cleaner.
Shampooed carpets all afternoon!
Still have two rooms to do, but those can wait until tomorrow.
Wow....exciting, isn't it!
But I have gone at my own pace and just done what I wanted to today.
Okay, so now I'm going to go whip up something yummy for dinner and possibly watch a movie.
Tomorrow's list of fun...
Critter chores
Finish carpets
Clean the last two chicken houses
Mani/pedi when done cleaning
Fixing yummy eats
Reading a book
Wine and watching movies
Funny...even when everyone is gone, I still end up doing the usual work and more!
Ah well, I will squeeze that "ME" time in there somehow!
I think I will go enjoy a Redbridge (gluten free) beer and put my feet up!