In October, Sequart will be publishing Minutes to Midnight: Twelve Essays on Watchmen, which features an essay I contributed titled "Mr. Moore, Meet Mr. Chandler: Watchmen and 'Twelve Notes on the Mystery Story'" based upon my blog post where I applied Raymond Chandler's "Twelve Notes on the Mystery Story" to Watchmen. I expanded that fragmentary post into a larger essay that reads (I hope) a bit more coherently. You can find more details on the collection here. It will be available online through the likes of Amazon and Lulu, but also in comic shops via Diamond (it's in the August issue of Previews). You'll note that Tim Callahan has an essay in the book as well and I like how they stuck our names together on the cover. Personally, I think they should have stuck our names first and capitalised on our celebrity, but that's just me...
Anyway, order yourself a copy, because it's sure to be the comics criticism darling of the season and you wouldn't want to miss out on that, would you?