Sunday, November 14, 2010

Youth Conference Fun

Nakhodka Sisters
Dinner----fish....we are not allowed to eat!

Scarf game....two scarf...start on opposite sides of the circle
the heavier one you have to tie twice
the blue one you tie once

if both scarfs end up on the same person......

you are musical chairs. Try it...lots of fun!

Youth Conf. Cont.

Beach front property
Tanning Beds

Park Bench

Solo time


More Youth Conference Fun

Looking for clues on the treasure hunt
Swinging -- break time

Holding up hand painted temple pictures they received after Sister Ray's workshop.
Her message was on Hero's hearts. A sister in her ward at home was in a car accident right before she was to be married. She is totally paralized but has learned to paint by hold the brush in her teeth. She paints pictures of the Temples. Truely amazing.
The youth were so touched that they wanted to take their picture with her picture and then send her a thank you via email.

Sister Ray and Anna Vlasava (Anna is a returned missionary....speaks great english and is a wonderful translator. She also chaired organizing the conference.)

The Returned Sister Missionaries did a class on preparing your hearts to serve a mission. They had the young men demonstrate tying a tie. It was fun.

More Youth conference scenes

The Bodell's did a workshop on preparing your heart for the temple.
The gathering spot...where we ate, had workshops, watched movies.

Our car. Looking out to the sea....Peter the Great Bay

The Resort we stayed at....(actually we didn't stay over night, but the kids and their leaders did)
It was about an hour drive from Vlad

Elder and Sister Ray

Youth Conference

The first day everyone meet at the church and had breakfast and did a service project.
They stamped missionary brochures with our legal LRO info that has to be on everything we hand out...including Book of Mormons.
They also underlined the Book of Mormon scripture mastery verses in Book of Mormons.

Enjoying breakfast casserole. The Russians didn't quite know what to do or think about it until they tasted it......then they ate and ate and ate....until it was gone! was yummy

Elder and Sister Bodell did the breakfast the first morning.
Breakfast casserole, fruit, yogurt and juice.

More of Moscow

Moscow River
Wall of the Kremlin

Church in Red Square

Building across the Moscow River

Another Church....they are everywhere

Red Square in Moscow

Inside Goom Department Store in Red Square in Moscow
Nothing like this in Vladivostok
It was amazing!
To the next level.....boy things were expensive in this store!

Yes, I'm was COLD! Goom Department Store at night in Moscow

Red Square at Night
It was gorgeous, but freezing cold

Goom Again.....

Scenes from Kiev

Street Market in Kiev
Checking out Treasures

In Kiev


This was across the street from the Hotel we stayed in Kiev
Many churches---in every direction

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Office Remodel "The Beginnings"

Painters at work.
New sub-flooring.

Office Remodel

Office hallway between President and Sister Pratts offices. Nice new carpet, paint and picture of the Kiev Temple

Sister Bodells office area. She switched places and is now where Elder Magill used to be.
Notice the nice new office chair. Elder and Sister Bodell and Sister Vera and Tatyana are the recipents of new chairs. NICE!!!
Sister Vera and Tatyana's office. Nice new chairs. We pushed Vera's desk, moved a file cabinet and made more room for the hallway.

We moved the copier next to the grinder, set up a work table, and gave each of the assistants their own desk and computer.

President Pratt's office. Nice new carpet & paint.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

New Baby - Trevor Daniel Pratt

He's here!!! Born 27 July 2010
Trevor Daniel Pratt
Proud Mom - Way to go Cammie----great job!

The Happy Dad!