Tuesday, June 16, 2015

December 2014

December was full of Christmas celebrations and festivities.

Makayla participates in a local performing arts group called Tavaci. She had her first concert, held at the CSI, the junior college here. It was so fun to watch her sing her little heart out up the stage. She's not shy. ;)

We cannot let December come and go without a giant batch of sugar cookies.

The Adams family came over to Twin for some gingerbread house making fun! We also visited the planetarium where they put on a Christmas show. So fun!

Christmas Eve was so much fun. It is so neat to see the kids get in the Christmas spirit, and get to excited! We visited a couple local light attractions, had the Adams family traditional meal of turkey croissant sandwiches, and finger foods, and read from the Bible and watched a new Christmas film the Church put out. After the kids went to bed, Andrew and I worked as Santa's elves for HOURS assembling a giant doll house for Makayla. What fun! ;)

Luckily Christmas Eve was so perfect, because Makayla woke up so sick Christmas Day! Poor girl.  She and I both ended up visiting the insta-care over the next few days with Strep Throat. Yuck.

New Year's was so fun, spent with new friends and their kids. We all have littles so the food and fun were done by nine and we were probably in bed by 10! ;)

2013 was a wonderful year. I cannot believe that we have lived in Twin Falls for over a year now. It is really starting to feel like home. We still have  a lot to discover in our small town and the area, but we  have enjoyed our time here and all the wonderful people we have met and created relationships with.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

October and November

Between  October and November I had big phone problems! I lost all my pictures! But I managed to dig up a few.

The biggest event:  Jackson turned 2!  We went to a local corn maze/pumpkin patch to celebrate the little man. He and Makayla had so much fun sliding down the giant slides, and chasing each other through the mazes. Jackson is the sweetest, toughest, little guy. He loves playing with his sister and tries his very hardest to keep up with her every move. He loves to be silly and have dance parties, play outside, and read books. He has a mild temperament and is just a sweetheart.

Halloween!  (so sad to only have ONE picture from all the Halloween festivities) We participated in a ward trunk-or-treat, a fall/halloween party at a local plant nursery,  Makayla had a party at school, and we scoured the neighborhood, trick-or-treating  with some friends. We had an Elsa (of course) and a cute little dinosaur. (due to the fact that my good intentions of making Jackson an Olaf 
costume- stayed just that- an intention!)

Headless Daddy, Dino-Jack, and Queen Elsa

 Hello Kitty 

Curious Jack and George 

November brought our first snow fall, big leaves, and a trip to Utah for Thanksgiving with the Graham Family.

In addition to eating lots of yummy food, playing with cousins, and visiting with the Graham family, we ventured to some hot spots near Utah Lake with the Nielson clan.  So beautiful. 

Monday, December 29, 2014


We kicked off September with a little Labor Day trip to the top of Mt. Harrison and  Lake Cleveland. It was 30 degrees colder at the top of the mountain than at the bottom brrrrrrr. The wind is always blowing up there, allowing little vegetation. IF you drive back down the mountain and hang a left, you will happen upon a beautiful mountain lake. We walked around the lake and enjoyed a picnic. 

Something really big happened in September. Miss Makayla started preschool! She was beyond excited. She goes twice a week just for a few hours- but comes home happy as can be full of stories about who got in trouble, who was wearing what, and exactly what they did that day. She does not miss a thing- and I love listening to the report. ;) 

Miss Sarah and Miss Jillian 

June, July, And August

Andrew is one great dad. He loves these kiddos of ours, and makes sure they know it. I am so blessed to have him in my life.  Father's day weekend, we went on a fun hike around Dierkes Lake. Makayla did the whole 1.6 mile hike on her own. The entire time she assured us that her legs were super strong. I was impressed. ;)

Father's Day Dinner- Andrew's fave: Chicken and Broccoli 

Banana Cream Pie for dessert 


I think Jack liked it too! ;) 

In June Makayla participated in a princess dance camp. She was in heaven.

Our 6th anniversary was spent: on a bike ride. :) It was so much fun! 
27 miles goes by fast when you're trying to keep up with Andrew! ;)

This was our first 4th to spend in Idaho, and it was fun to see the "hot spots" of the area. We started the day off at the Buhl parade. It mostly consisted of large farming machinery and guns. (VERY Idaho) We enjoyed fresh ice cream from the local Cloverleaf Creamery. That evening we spent BBQing with friends, then enjoyed the local firework display at CSI. A perfect celebration of our Country and our freedoms. 


 I also got to the be the camp director this summer!!  This is my second time in this position- I must've been a grumpy camper as a young woman and it's time to pay for it! ;) We went to a camp in Oakley, ID. Steve and Vanessa were kind enough to come stay with the kids during the day while Andrew was at work. I had a great time with these sweet girls. A week before camp, I was put into the YW presidency, so I have had lots of time to get to know these awesome girls. 

The kids and I took a trip to Colorado right after girls camp. We love visiting Colorado in the summer! So much to see and do. Dinner on the patio every night, bike rides, hikes, swimming at the neighborhood pool, and hitting all the amazing parks. So much to see and do. We drove to Idaho Falls, where the kids met their great-grandparents. The next day, we flew out of IF straight to Denver. Quite convenient. While there, Makayla got to play with lots of her cousins, as the Moores and Adams live close by, and The Robison clan made the trek from Utah. SO fun. 

Sweet grandpa putting a band aid on Makayla 

wii with Papa 

Yoga with Nana 

A sample of Dad's grilling yummy 

We went to the Museum of Nature and Science in Denver- an amazing place

Helping Papa in his garden 

Day trip to Carter Lake hours of fun

Trails and parks 

Train ride at Loveland Lake

In August we went to Bear Lake with the Adams Family. We stayed at a great big lodge that fit everyone comfortably. We had a blast spending a day a the beach and boating, going a fun hike to a mountain lake, equipped with a rope swing that the braver family members took advantage of ;). We played Adams Family Feud, hours of games, and enjoyed great food! Family Reunions are the best! 

The Storeys paid us a quick visit in August as well. Ross participated in the Spudman in Burley. They came here afterwards- so fun to have some cousins visit. 

The rest of August was long and hot and was mostly spent outside. 

Photo cred: Makayla ;) 
