Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hmmm ... it's been a really, REALLY long time. Are people out there still blogging? I really don't know except if I see a link on Facebook. Is anyone out there still reading my blog? Let's find out!!  I've missed the online support of my friends and I've really missed the writing outlet. Finding the time is the trick ...

I have a minute now, though, and lots of random things floating around in my head. Let's see if I can catch a few and pin them down.

*School just let out yesterday here in sunny California and can I just shout "Hallelujah" from the rooftops? Sure, I'm nervous about the endless amounts of time to fill, but I also see summer as my blank slate; the chance to prove to myself precisely why I don't homeschool (I give it a solid go in the summer and about 4-6 weeks I'm all out of steam); and a time to squeeze out some good slave labor from my kids--I disguise it, though, so initially they think it's their idea and it's fun. I also see it as a time where I don't have to be GOING all the time. The relief I felt yesterday at 1:45 (school releasing) was palpable.

*Dave's cousin lost her 22 month old in a tragic drowning accident Memorial Day weekend. Though we aren't very close (they live in TX) still it hit me really hard. I have thought a lot about why that is ... partly, I think, because her Easton was only 3 weeks apart in age from my Luke and so I really empathize with what that loss might feel like. But I also feel a strong family connection ... my sealing to Dave means that we are part of an eternal extended family. I truly have understood what 'mourning with those who mourn' means as I've prayed for her and attended the temple pondering that little one's life and influence. She is incredibly strong and has been an example of stalwart faith in this trial--the epitome of what I hope to be when faced with an Abrahamic Test.

*We are getting old. Up until recently, I never really thought much about my health. I suppose I've taken for granted the fact that I have energy and feel good; that I can bear children; that each day I am not worried about pain or infirmity. D has had some crazy mystery allergy stuff going on (I won't go into details except to say that after 5 months he is finally feeling some relief). I have also had a few weird things happen in the past few months and it shakes you up and makes you realize you're not invincible. It has also made me grateful--SO GRATEFUL--for my health and for my body. It may not be perfect, but it is a gift that I treasure.

*My kids are getting old. I HAVE A 5TH GRADER!!!! (And a 2nd grader. And a kindergartner. I WILL HAVE 3 KIDS IN SCHOOL NEXT YEAR) This kills me. I started reading my blog archives and realized that it is a fantastic journal. I hadn't realized how long ago it all started. This is part of MOST OF why I want to keep going with it.

And to prove it, I'll conclude with my adorable children on their last day of school. Because what blog post is complete without a photo of my kids?

Comment if you read this .... I'm curious! And tell me if you are still blogging too so I can catch up!


Crystal said...

- I'm reading. And still writting though I agree it seems an old art. It seems were were some of the early blogger to start with, and some of the only still at it perhaps too. It is a fantastic journal. I've managed to keep at it just for our family and have it printed every year. Instant scrapbook!
Glad to hear Dave is feeling some relief. Crazy stuff.
A fifth grader? How can that be!
I felt the same way about Easton- very close to home when she had her boy at the same time as we had Luke and Marianne.
We have been at summer for a week and a half and it is wearing us out in a very good way!

Monica said...

I need to blog more because it's the only journal I keep. Thanks for the update on your family. I like seeing what you're up to and reading your writing because it motivates me to be a better writer. Cheesy right?

Ming said...

I still read blogs!!! When Reader went away I switched over to Bloglovin and it's been great. I definitely don't stay as up to date as I'd like on other people's blogs but I try. I still keep up on my blog as is it my family's personal history as well. I love when you post! It's so fun to see what you're up to and to see your cute kids. Good luck with the summer boredom. Newport will help! We are SO excited!!!

Susie said...

Still reading AND blogging, though the frequency of my posts might suggest otherwise. It is something I am fiercely committed to, and plan to continue as long as I can carve out the time in my schedule. The record-keeping aspect of it is paramount, but I find also that my thoughts and opinions on the experiences of life become more coherent as I put them on paper(or blogger... Or whatever).

Unknown said...

Hi there, I'm glad you are back even if for a little while- I'll take what I can.

DawnTreader said...

OH I'm reading. Until Reader closes down in like 20 days. Then how will I know what to read?!

Meridith said...

I'm reading! Just way behind posting time. I'm so sorry to hear about your nephew. So hard and sad. I love your blog and seeing your cute kids. And yay for summer!