Friday, September 13, 2013

Grace is Fresh Every Morning

Embrace each day knowing that God’s grace is new every morning.

                                                                     -Jenno Marco Misa

    Being in a world where you are on the very frontline of the demands of life can be very draining. If you are in the corporate world, the demands in the office can be very pressing until it gets on your nerves and steal away your joy. Or if you are a homemaker, the list of chores can roll up to the next town, and before you know it, you have forgotten that you too, need to take care of yourself.

      Has your life gone this busy? Have you felt like your 24 hours is too short compared to somebody else’s? Has your life gone very routinely that every day has become all the same? Have you ever wished that you would bump into something new for the next day?

      The Scripture tells us in Lamentations 3:22-23 “22 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; 23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness (ESV)”. Mercy here also means grace. We all have grace from God in all the things that we do. The verse tells us that this grace and mercy are new every morning. That means that although we are running out of energy and enthusiasm for doing the same things everyday, the grace of God does not ran out. As long as the sun rises and a new day comes, there is a fresh grace from God daily. So, embrace each day knowing that His mercy and grace are new every morning.

    If you are a homemaker and you have been taking your kids to shower everyday for 4 years already, don’t step into the next day with a drained and exhausted mentality, thinking that it’s just any other day. Be conscious of God’s grace everyday, that you too, are being bathed by God’s love and mercy everyday. Before you know it, you will be saying things like: “I’m not just bathing any other kid. I am bathing a child that came directly from God as a gift to me! I am bathing a champion! Or I am bathing the next president of my country!” When you are conscious of God’s grace being poured unto you, you will take the usual things into a whole new paradigm. Here’s the key: being conscious of God’s grace always leads you to increase in output without putting in more effort. It is always a restful increase.

     Start each day by tapping into His inexhaustible supply of grace. The more you tap into this grace, the more you make room for God to increase you in favor, wisdom, and influence.

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