But I looked up Coetzee, and Wikipedia says this:
"Coetzee is a man of almost monkish self-discipline and dedication. He does not drink, smoke or eat meat. He cycles vast distances to keep fit and spends at least an hour at his writing-desk each morning, seven days a week. A colleague who has worked with him for more than a decade claims to have seen him laugh just once. An acquaintance has attended several dinner parties where Coetzee has uttered not a single word." - Jason CrowleyHe doesn't really sound like someone I want to spend a bunch of time with, like 224 pages. Am I being too hard on him? I don't want to miss out on a good read, but seriously, one laugh in 10 years? That seems like a misspent decade, if you ask me. I may press on a bit, but I think I'll probably skip ahead to the next book in my pile, The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, by Alan Bradley. Let me know if I'm making a serious mistake.