Friday, October 9, 2009

Keeping Me Busy

Daisy and Walt bring us so much joy, but they sure do keep me very busy!

I've never felt the need for child safety locks until now! One getting into the kitchen cupboards while cooking I could handle but two, makes me crazy!
Innocent Walt, got into the office closet.
Not so innocent Daisy, toilet papered my bathroom, and had a ball as you can see!

Daisy is officially walking and it's so cute because she is so little and her arms move up and down as she walks. She's already trying to run!

Walt is starting to stand on his own.


Melinda said...

They are so stink'n cute. Busy Busy!

Unknown said...

I can only imagine 2!!! Today Tyler got into the peanut butter. And when I say got into--he was covered in it, head to toe. James had gone to the dentist and I'm not allowed to pick him up while I'm recovering from the c-section, so I threw him in the shower for a long time until most of it rinsed away. With 2 to chase after...Ai yo!