It's not a good bye...

I"m now actually at KLIA just arrived from KB and I'm grabbing all the chance to get myself online while I have the chance.

Tomorow we'll be celebrating Eidul-Adha and my flight from KB to KL just now was only 1/4 being occupied. I guess everyone is going to Kota Bharu instead of leaving Kota Bharu...huhuhu...sedey nyer......we'll be celebrating the Eid at my hubby's kampung and this is my first time celebrating it there. I wonder how it would be.......hmm......saying good bye to my never easy....I tried hard not burst into tears. It's okay.....we'll see each other again next year.....perhaps in May? I love all you so very much and I'm definitely are missing all of you already.Huhuhuhu....


takpe Janna... makin jauh maikn sayang!

Salam Aidil Adha.. (err.. dh lepaslah!)
Unknown said…
dont be sad2....sia blk kt for raya haji sebab wat akikah anak kat dungun..june blk keningau for my niece;s wedding..leh jumpa ko..
nur: hmm..tu la kan.....takper2...kena sabar la kan

sky: wah? bulih baa kalau aku...kikikiki.....kau balik keningau this June? insyaAllah kalau ada jodoh kita bulih jumpa...

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