Showing posts with label Sarah Palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarah Palin. Show all posts

Friday, September 3, 2010

Sarah Palin Sucks

Apparently Palin isn't the homey down-to-earth common sense soccer mom that she pretends to be. I mean, everyone has a dark(er) side, but come on!

Friday, April 16, 2010


I don't know if you could tell by the title, but I am mad. I enjoy being exposed to opposing viewpoints and thereby opening debate, but recently I have seen opposition that is over the top.

Our Federal Government is no attempting to pass a financial reform bill that would make it impossible to bailout a company by decreeing it too large to fail, while simultaneously tightening regulation over derivatives, which had a huge part in causing the financial recession that occurred in our recent past.

And guess what? ALL 41 Republican senators are opposed to the bill!!!! What the hell is their excuse for siding with Wall Street banks rather than the American people?! I've heard the following milk toast responses:

-it is socialist
-government intervention caused the financial crisis in the first place (untrue as hell)
-the bill is partisan

While the last point is true, it is not enough of a reason for our legislators to sell out their constituents to the Wall street bankers. Whether you love or hate the current administration, you should agree that this particular legislation is essential to prevent another financial meltdown. It is simple fact. No amount of Faux News or MSDNC bias can change that.

The exact action which caused the financial crisis was revealed recently: Goldman Sachs took out large insurance policies from AIG on toxic assets-ones that were doomed to fail. Once those assets failed, Goldman Sachs made big bucks off of their insurance policies and AIG went near bankrupt, which necessitated their bailout. So at the core of the financial crisis, Goldman Sachs made millions while the rest of the economy was tanking. The federal Securities and Exchange Commission recently discovered this and is pursuing legal ramifications.

I believe everyone can agree that the government that governs best governs least. Some may tote the slogan and repeat it enough times for it to be legally called propaganda, and more often than not those people are the ones who legislate exactly opposite to that slogan, but in the end we should all also agree that sometimes adding laws is necessary to stabilize our country. Some may argue that once our government begins to legislate that there is a slippery slope that leads us straight to communist Russia, but that is simply idiotic. This bill, if passed, would improve quality of life for everybody and would prevent Wall Street bankers from making off with America's taxpayer money with no ramifications.

Monday, April 5, 2010

I Was Thinking...

I was thinking I would go to a tea party protest and bring this graph of the federal debt as percentage of our gross domestic product (GDP), broken down over Presidential terms:

But, with all the violence that has been enacted toward congress people on both sides of the aisle since the passage of healthcare reform, I feared for my well being.

Also on the back of my sign, I was going to include something on how Sarah Palin's fiscal conservative policies brought up the debt in Wasilla, AK while she was mayor from $1 million to $22 million, and while she was Governor of Alaska, the state debt as percentage of the GDP to seventy percent, while still managing to severely underfund the Alaska State Troopers.
Check it out:

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Palin's Fox News Show

I find it amusing and a little frightening that some people still think Sarah Palin represents the common person. Even after she rose through the ranks of Alaskan politics to eventually run the state (for, I admit, too short a term), even after a Vice Presidential bid, even after Presidential aspirations, even after being paid $100,000 just to give a speech at a tea party rally, and even after now getting her own prime time Fox News show.

Sarah Palin is COMPLETELY out of touch with the common person, and her poll numbers betray it. Even the majority of the GOP seem to think that Palin would not make a satisfactory president, with people across the nation who feel she is qualified to be president coming in at a depressing 29 percent:

Other than that, it is surprising that anyone would wish to associate themselves with the politician who is bleeding popularity at the fastest rate currently, even faster than our famously "socialist, marxist, maoist, communtist" president:

And now Palin is getting her own show from which she may preach her insane message of intolerance and bigotry. God help this country.