Showing posts with label Life Issues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life Issues. Show all posts

31 May 2009

Senseless and Cowardly

UPDATE: More condemnation from the pro-life community continues to pour in after Dr. George Tiller was murdered Sunday in his church. Dr. Albert Mohler, one of the Southern Baptist Convention’s leading thinkers and ardent pro-lifer, had this to say:

We have no right to take the law into our own hands in an act of criminal violence.  We are not given the right to take this power into our own hands, for God has granted this power to governing authorities.  The horror of abortion cannot be rightly confronted, much less corrected, by means of violence and acts outside the law and lawful means of remedy.  This is not merely a legal technicality -- it is a vital test of the morality of the pro-life movement.

The Family Foundation today publicly denounced the murder of Dr. Tiller in Kansas. This act of senseless violence is in no way representative of the vast majority of pro-life Americans who seek the end of abortion. Below is the text of The Family Foundation’s release:

Victoria Cobb, President

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Information Alert: Statement on Murder of Dr. George Tiller

The Family Foundation of Virginia denounces the act of unimaginable cowardice perpetrated today in Kansas. Whatever person or persons involved in the seemingly premeditated murder of George Tiller at a church service should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

The murder of Dr. Tiller betrays not only the principle of God to value all human life but also the true purpose and intent of the vast majority of Americans who seek to end the destruction of unborn human life. We seek to protect all human life because we believe that all persons are created with the image of God. The sanctity of human life must be protected, but only through vigorous, legal efforts in state houses and court rooms.

We call on all Virginians to pray for the Tiller family and all those who will be affected by this tragedy.

I condemn this act of cowardice as murder and call on my fellow pro-life activists to do the same. My prayers and condolences to the Tiller family.

30 May 2009

Rick Boucher – Out of Touch

I’ll include the entire email regarding this meeting with Rick Boucher and his belief in the murder of the pre-born. I know the men involved with this program, Fighting for Life in the Ninth, and they are all men of integrity and humility.

Reflections on the Meeting with

Congressman Boucher

As many of you are aware, we were able to secure a meeting with Congressman Rick Boucher this past Tuesday (May 26, 2009). The nature of the meeting was primarily to address the issue of the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) and the congressman's support of this bill. Unfortunately, the meeting did not go as we had hoped. Mr. Boucher was very clear as it pertained to his stance on the abortion issue. Sadly, it is a stance that a godly minded individual cannot support. He made it abundantly clear that he is a pro-abortion congressman and one that is committed to upholding and defending the Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade (the 1973 decision that legalized abortion in the United States).  He gave no denials as to his 100% pro-abortion voting record and also offered no apologies for it. This is something we deeply regret. The Scriptures clearly define life as beginning at the moment of conception (Exo. 21:22-23; Jer. 1:5; Luke 1:41, as well as others). Aborti on then is the taking of life after it has begun.  This is a position that the congressman made clear he will not accept.

In all actuality, Mr. Boucher did not really want to address the abortion issue at all, but rather his attention was on one aspect of FOCA. It has been the contention of Fighting for Life in the 9th(FFL9) that one of the risks of FOCA is that it could potentially open the door for lawsuits to be filed against hospitals and health care workers that refuse to perform abortion services. Mr. Boucher expressed that he opposes and would oppose such measures and was concerned that he had been misrepresented on this particular point. It is not the goal of FFL9 to misrepresent anyone. Where we regret that Mr. Boucher feels this way we do not believe this has been the case. Mr. Boucher acknowledged that FOCA needed more specific language in order to protect health care workers and hospitals. Where we respect and agree with the congressman's position that federal funding should not be cut from those who refuse abortion services, one has to wonder if there is no risk for such happening if FOCA were to be passed (as the congressman asserted early in the meeting), why then is there a need for more specific language? If there is more specific language needed, does that not imply then that the potential is therefor such consequences?

In addition, the congressman attempted to lead us to believe that FFL9 is the only group making such an assertion as to the implications of FOCA. This is not true. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has also been very outspoken on this very issue. This is significant because not only has the USCCB performed extensive legal analysis but it also expresses the official view of the Catholic Church (something the congressman expressed was different from FFL9's interpretation of FOCA). Notice the following statement: "The combined impact of these various provisions is likely the invalidation of a broad range of state laws if challenged under FOCA, including. . .laws protecting the conscience rights of doctors, nurses and hospitals, if those create even minimal delay or inconvenience in obtaining an abortion or treat abortion differently than other medical procedures" ( FOCA/analysis.pdf).  Clearly, FFL9 i s not the only group concerned about FOCA's potential consequences.

This issue on health care workers and hospitals was the main thrust of the meeting due to the fact that the congressman was uninterested in having serious dialogue on abortion itself. We regret that more time could not be spent on this issue in particular. Again, it is not the goal of FFL9 to misrepresent anyone, only to present the facts as we (and others) understand them. I hope that through our conversation we have motivated the congressman to take steps to provide protection for health care workers and hospitals, but we would still oppose FOCA. The godly minded individual must oppose any measure that would further and expand abortions in this nation (which is what FOCA will do if re-introduced and passed).

Certainly, we wish the meeting would have gone differently but the battle is not lost. We must keep pressing forward.  It is clear where Congressman Boucher stands and that he needs to be reminded that he is to represent the views of the 9th district of Virginia, not his own personal feelings. As Americans we are guaranteed by our Constitution the right to hold an opinion; however, it is the opinion of the Almighty God that matters most. It is His will that we must strive to keep promoting in an age of godlessness. It does seem at times that we are fighting an uphill battle, but let us be motivated by the words of the great Apostle Paul when he wrote: "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not" (Gal.6:9).

Another reason that Rick Boucher does not deserve to represent the Ninth District of Virginia. The only reason why he continues to do so is that he is in the back pocket of Cecil “I Own Rick Boucher” Roberts and the UMWA. These creeps only care about lining their own pockets, not the hard working men and women they purport to represent. Shame on you Rick Boucher, shame on you indeed for believing in the murder of innocent life.

20 May 2009

Obama at ND Round Up

Given the vast amount of posts out there in blogland… I thought I would take the time to link to a few of them.


Virginia Virtucon : Notre Dame: The Sell Out Irish

Washington Examiner :Obama tries spin moves to Dodge ND tacklers

The Right Wing Liberal : The importance of Obamas appearance at ND.

From on High : There is no middle ground here sir


And just to be fair minded:

Virginia Dem: Commencement Remarks “Fair Minded”

Blue Virginia: Highlights of Obama’s Speech at ND

04 May 2009

First conviction under Unborn Victims of Violence Act

According to the Family Research Council blog,


It appears that the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) (UVVA) has produced its first conviction. This took place over the weekend pursuant to a court martial at the Elmendorf Air Force Base near Anchorage, Alaska.

It is about time that positive steps be taken to vindicate the most innocent members of our society.  I believe that most humans, when pressed, would say that an act of violence against an unborn baby is indefensible. Oh wait, there’s the Planned Parenthood crowd who believe in protecting rapists and child molesters in order to promote the murder of innocent pre-born children.

UPDATE: Here’s a somewhat related post at RedState. Congress votes to protect pedophiles but not veterans?


The fact of the matter remains that these individuals would be considered an accessory after the fact to statutory rape.  Criminals in fact and criminals in deed. That’s what federal tax dollars go to. Shameful.

01 May 2009

FDA = Federal Death Administration

I applaud the Christian Medical and Dental Association for taking the FDA to task for allowing the sale of the so-called “emergency morning after pill” to 17 year olds. Friends, in no case whatsoever is this pill warranted for any emergency. This is simply another instance of the corrupt Obama administration’s attempt at allowing genocide to continue in this country.

Want some good advice? You spread your legs, you deal with the consequences.Guys, you’re not exempt here either. If you can’t keep your pants zipped, you have to man up and deal with the situation. The conception of a pre-born baby is NEVER an emergency. EVER.

This quote, while a good start, still masks the main problem. Girls get pregnant and think, oh I’ll just get an abortion. Boys think, there will be no consequences because I’ll just give her the morning after pill. The parents in this world have abdicated their divinely apportioned responsibility to raise and rear their children in a responsible way. I not only blame the Federal Death Administration, I also blame parents for not being available to their children and for not setting boundaries.


Stevens said he also believes the pill does nothing but mask the problem of incest, rape and teenage men who will use the advantage of peer pressure to force teen girls into sex because they will be able to get access to the pill.

“You’re going to put this pill in the hands of young men who will tell the girl, ‘Don’t worry. I’ve got the morning after pill.’ Social policy-wise, it is an enabling drug,” said Stevens.

Using data he has researched, Stevens said the manufacturer of the Plan B pill is making millions off of a tablet that costs less than 30 cents to manufacture but costs over $60 per box to buy.

“You can buy a whole month’s supply of generic birth control pills for less than $4,” he said.

“They talk about their ideology that this will free up women, but this is a money issue. And we have proof that it doesn’t reduce the abortion rate nor the pregnancy rate. The main reason to sell it is you will make a ton of money.”

In the interim, our FDA has become the Federal Death Administration