Showing posts with label Random Good Nonsense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Random Good Nonsense. Show all posts

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Lesson of the Day

Okay, if you lose your cocaine and panic that the guys you work with are going to think you ripped them off, it’s still probably not the greatest idea to call the feds and ask them to say publicly that they had seized the drugs. See, when the drugs later turn up (discovered by Boy Scouts!!!), you’ve, like, confessed, dude.

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Sad to See a Career End

“If I want to teach someone how to properly kneel or crawl on the floor, I can do that. I don’t have the desire to do that professionally anymore.”

Melyssa Donaghy, an Indianapolis dominatrix accused by the city of operating a basement “dungeon” in her home, who agreed to shut down the business to end a lawsuit brought by the city


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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Why Can't I Stop Grinning?

Knowing that Elizabeth Hasselbeck is the most prominent face and voice of conservative females on US TV.

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Sunday, September 16, 2007

New award show requirements:

Helen Mirren and Al Gore must win awards. Can't wait for their big wins at next year's Jammys.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

See What Communism Will Do to a Country?

Russian 'sex day' to boost births

No, you can't be a commie now.
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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Tip for the Day

Uh, if you’re going to yell this--"If you're looking for weed, my roommate Ferrante has some for sale”—out your dorm room window, look first to see if there are any cops around outside.

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

What Does It Say . . . ?

about this society when these are the headline links on MSN’s “Entertainment” section this morning?

· Gossip: Pitt's 'scary moment' with fan
· Birkhead-Stern tryst alleged; each eyes suit
· Berry announces pregnancy in e-mail
· Goldberg defends Vick in 'View' debut
· Jerry Lewis apologizes for anti-gay slur

Well, actually, we know, don’t we.

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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Today's Startling Headline

Men want hot women, study confirms

Despite what we might say about the qualities we look for. Women are more real. (Is it just me, or does this whole story make men sound a little, you know, superficial and overly impressed with themselves?)

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Don't Let This Happen to You

Man loses top of his head in brain operation

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"Expert" Opinion

Remember the book review essay we did way back on Philip Tetlock’s Expert Political Judgment which called into question the entire concept? Here’s more recent research that basically does the same thing.

A study about predicting the outcome of actual conflicts found that the forecasts of experts who use their unaided judgment are little better than those of novices, according to a new study in a publication of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.

When presented with actual crises, such as a disguised version of a 1970s border dispute between Iraq and Syria and an unfolding dispute between football players and management, experts were able to forecast the decisions the parties made in only 32% of the cases, little better than the 29% scored by undergraduate students. Chance guesses at the outcomes would be right 28% of the time.
“Accurate prediction is difficult because conflicts tend to be too complex for people to think through in ways that realistically represent their actual progress,” the authors write. “Parties in conflict often act and react many times, and change because of their interactions.”
Analysis of additional data produced similar results. In one instance, the authors attempted to determine if veteran experts would be more likely to make accurate forecasts than less experienced experts. “Common sense expectations did not prove to be correct,” they write. “The 57 forecasts of experts with less than five years experience were more accurate (36%) than the 48 forecasts of experts with more experience (29%).”

The authors also asked experts about their previous experience with similar conflicts and looked at the relationship with the accuracy of their forecasts. Again, the expected conclusion did not prevail: those who considered themselves as having little experience with similar conflicts produced forecasts that were equally as accurate as those who were long-time veterans in the field.

The authors examined the confidence that the experts had in their forecasts by asking them how likely it was that they would have changed their forecasts had they spent more time on the task. Another surprise: 68 high-confidence forecasts were less accurate (28%) than the 35 low-confidence forecasts (41%).

Based on this study and earlier research, the authors conclude that there are no good grounds for decision makers to rely on experts’ unaided judgments for forecasting decisions in conflicts. Such reliance discourages experts and decision makers from investigating alternative approaches.
Instead, they recommend that experts use reliable decision-support tools. They cite two examples of decision aids that can improve forecasts. In an earlier study, Green reported that simulated interaction, a type of role playing for forecasting behavior in conflicts, reduced error by 47%.

Using another technique, structured analogies, the authors found favorable results. In that study, they asked experts to recall and analyze information on similar situations. When experts were able to think of at least two analogies, forecast error was reduced by 39%. This structured technique requires experts, and those with more expertise were able to contribute much more to making accurate forecasts.

The latest authors didn’t apparently try to replicate Tetlock’s distinction between “fox” and “hedgehog” experts who differed on their openness to new info and their own liabilities as experts. That research showed the “foxes” who were more open and more aware of their limitations did better than the hedgehogs in most cases. Still, this should alert us all that we need multiple sources of info and triangulated “proofs” before we launch our normal human hubris into the unknown. Not that that’s a big problem anywhere right now.

[Coincidentally, here’s another article, on the ordinary Joe’s ability to discern good from bad movies compared to “expert” critics, that shows that the gap isn’t all that great if you look pretty closely. Here’s the key conclusion:

"When using sequential and independent measures and when controlling for marketing-related aspects of a film's commercial impact -- our findings support the conclusion that ordinary consumers show "good taste" to a degree not hitherto recognized," the authors write. With proper controls for the contaminating influences of market success they find that "Films of the sort that win favorable evaluations of excellence from expert reviewers also tend to win approval from ordinary consumers and that films of the kind that ordinary consumers consider excellent tend to elicit liking and word-of-mouth or click-of-mouse recommendations."]

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

America's Future

Won’t be able to find the US on a map, or their butts with both hands.

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Monday, August 27, 2007

As Rita Rudner Says

When on a plane, never start a game of peek-a-boo with a 2-year-old. I can add never, ever start a game of tug-of-war with a puppy. But here are a few other “nevers” you should keep in mind:

Never try to slip a counterfeit bill past a stripper.

Never try selling cocaine when you’re 93.

Never pass up the chance for luuuuvin’ when it comes by.

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Friday, August 24, 2007

The Dark Side of Uranus

In case you were wondering.

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Actually This Is Pretty Scary . . . Seriously

Attack of the Evil Monkeys from Hell

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Finally A Purpose

For the stupidest animal on earth, as stated by someone kicked in the leg once by one that had gotten mired in a creek and had to be pulled out by a chain around its neck hooked to a tractor.

Cow-powered Fuel Cells Grow Smaller, Mightier

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I came across this article via maltaStar about a program created by Virgil Griffith that tracks who is editing Wikipedia entries. Many people (including myself) take information found on Wikipedia as a legitimate, trustworthy source. And I believe it is – for the most part. But none this less, this Wikipedia Scanner has apparently shed some interesting light on entries made by a number of major corporations, the Vatican and even parts of the U.S. government. A few examples:

  • In the 9/11 Wikipedia article, the NRA added that “Iraq was involved in 9/11”.
  • Fox News removes all controversial topics against the network from the Fox News page.
  • Sony removes harmful paragraphs against Blu-ray systems.
If you're not familar with Wikipedia, it's an online encyclopedia edited by general users, who write articles on every imaginable subject. Since it is written by users, anyone can edit, delete and arrange the articles on the site. So it's technically OK for organizations to edit entries. But man, is it interesting to see who's changing what.

Check out the article and more editing examples here

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Here She Goes Again

Natalie Portman, along with Chloe Sevigny and Kyra Sedgwick, in a video promoting CFL lighting rather than traditional bulbs. Have I asked before if Jews can be Saints?

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