" Changing for good is not a sin. Though it will cost you blood and tears for a start." - Sun , Versus ; Hlovate

Sunday, 22 September 2013


Assalamualaikum ebeliwannnn.

Seems like I left this blog too long, i can even see the spider webs here and there. Konon. 

And yeahhh actually I dont have much time to blog since my final exam is coming (on this wednesday huarghhhh!) and yet I've lot of things to do. 

Oh oh and actually (again) I'm updating my new entry using my ipad mini! Yeahhh. Ketinggalan kan? Sob sob. But still yes yes yessss imma happy I cant even get my sleep. Hahaaa. Sekarang bolehlah post entri baru di mana jua walau apa keadaan sekalipun cehwahhh. Baru tau kot benda ni sebab tetiba teringat eh I havent posted any kan yang lastpun tah berapa bulan lalu tu pun lepas I renovated this blog to something else yang not even getting better macham makin worse adalah. Muahahaha. But who cares kan yang penting isinya. Kekonon lah.

Okeh. Puas hati. Inshaallah, ill do my best for my papers. This semester I only have 4 papers compared to previous semesters lebih dari 5 kot papers tapi alhamdulillah makin kurang maybe sebab Im getting closer to my final semester! Yeahhhh. Btw this year is my final year for diploma. How time flies fast :') Alhamdulillahhh berjuta kali hihi.

Gotto go. Saja mau tunjuk kecanggihan dunia kan yang memang aku ndak uptodate sangat yalah orang baru pakai barang mahal kan lol.

Jaga diri, jaga iman. Inshaallah, hidup berkat. Salam 'alaik! :) 

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