Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Mar 1, 2012

Keratosis Pilaris

Posted by Goldi on Mar 1, 2012 at 3:36 PM 3 comments
I haven't really given much thought about the white bumps on my chest because all along I thought it's normal. I have these tiny white spots on my chest and a few in the upper part of my arms where it meets with my shoulder blade. I wasn't really bothered about it because it's not painful nor itchy and probably because of that, I don't notice it at all. Besides, I'm not the kind who always had those parts exposed. However, they do feel rough and bumpy so my skin on those parts aren't really smooth, though they don't really feel dry. It was only when my husband took notice of it that I have given it attention. Actually I would have ignored it if he just pointed it out once, but it already happened on several occasions so I decided to do a search in Google about it and possibly do something to clear this out. I searched tiny white spots on the chest, chicken skin on the chest, and tiny white bumps in the chest. These are the keywords I used to find what I'm looking for because it's the closest description to what I have.

And here's what I found:
Keratosis pilaris

Keratosis pilaris (KP, also follicular keratosis) is a common, autosomal dominant, genetic follicular condition that is manifested by the appearance of rough bumps on the skin. It most often appears on the back and outer sides of the upper arms (though the lower arms can also be affected), and can also occur on the thighs, hands, and tops of legs, flanks, buttocks, or any body part except glabrous skin (like the palms or soles of feet). Less commonly, lesions appear on the face, which may be mistaken for acne.

While KP resembles goose bumps, it is characterized by the appearance of small rough bumps on the skin. As a result, many people with keratosis pilaris do not know they have it, and it is often confused with acne.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I checked the Google images with Keratosis pilaris and was surprised to find images that looks really close to what I have. Below are just some of the photos I got that looks closest to how mine looks right now:

And here's my own photo:

Could this be Keratosis Pilaris? I want to get rid of this! If it's not, I don't care whatever it is as long as i can find a solution. I've read that there are skin care products out there that can at least minimize its appearance, if not totally get rid of it and i have to get those! Now I'd be on the search for some kind of product for this, probably a soap, or lotion, or topical cream.

Who else got this? Maybe you can recommend something I can use to vanish this out. Help :(.

Feb 26, 2011

Reading with Dry Eyes

Posted by Goldi on Feb 26, 2011 at 11:27 AM 6 comments
The book with my marker & used Bible on top of my laptop
I am currently reading the book When God Writes Your Love Story and I'm already halfway through it. It was lent to me by Shy, kasama ko sa Yuppies. I've started reading it 2 weeks ago before I fall asleep and I was actually not making much progress with that--Ive just moved to about 3-5 pages. So This morning, when I woke up early, I decided to sit on it as I rest my eyes from excessive staring at the computer monitor. My eyes were at random times feel burning pains which causes me to get teary eyed even when I'm not really crying. At times, I can't even open my eyes, I had to shut them for a while to be soothed by the tears it produced. And I seriously think wetting it with cold water would just make it worse. I've read somewhere in the internet that what I am having are symptoms of dry eyes.

So after reading that article from Wikipedia, I've realized I am not resting my eyes at all. Hehehe. Malamang may magagalit na naman sa 'kin nito sa katigasan ng ulo ko. But I feel that reading from a printed book is already a very welcome break for my eyes. I've been spending a great deal of time in front of the computer kasi. I'm about to take a bath pa naman in a few hours because I'm headed to a church friends' wedding this afternoon. And I have to perfectly polish our records to be ready for reporting by Monday. It gets really very hard for me when my procrastinator side kicks in. I want to kill it!

About the book, I find it full of insights. As I've mentioned, I'm still halfway through it. Had I have nothing up today, I can probably finish it in one sitting, because I find it very interesting. I had gone halfway through in a matter of 2-3 hours. It kind of helped me in knowing what to do with my own God written love story. The couple who wrote it were truly blessed, and I'm praying to God I'd have the same kind of relationship with my future husband. I know God will take care of it.

I'm planning to write a review and a summary of the parts or lines in the book that had the most impact on me, or those that I was able to identify with. I do hope though that I'd be able to do it. It would be great if I'd be able to share what I learned from the book, and for me to keep a record of what I learned as well.

When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others.
~Chinese proverb


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