Showing posts with label moda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moda. Show all posts

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Flying Geese Progress

Well I've made all my individual 'geese', now it's just a case of arranging them. I like the first idea below, but am trying other ideas before I start sewing.

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Friday, 17 February 2012

2nd Sophie Quilt

Finally got around to quilting my second Sophie Quilt, made in a rail fence design from Moda's Sophie jelly roll. I struggle to prevent the fabric ruching/ rucking up when machine quilting, even when I release the presser foot pressure, lengthen the stitch AND use a walking foot! However! I have found a solution! I'd never tried free motion machining with a darning foot and no feed dog. Wow! Quilting finally works for me! I was familiar with this method for machine embroidery, darning etc, but thought I would have the same problems with the walking foot when used for quilting, so never tried it. I'm so glad I did; I feel so much more confident about quilting now- I usually dread that part of quilt-making!! I used a simple vermicelli/ wandering/ swirly pattern. Getting your hands and feet coordinated takes some practise, but I'm really happy with the result.

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Thursday, 19 January 2012

Aunt Em's Quilt Patterns

I spotted this design on Moda's website, United Notions. It's an Aunt Em pattern found here. I love the retro feel of the clam shells pattern and the circle design is quite unique-looking. I'm guesing the clam shells are appliqued or pieced, but haven't purchased the PDF pattern yet. Very tempted to try to work it out myself. The fabric is Salt Air by Cosmo Cricket for Moda.

Also love the beach ball pattern using the same fabric:

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Cathedral Windows

My first attempt at cathedral windows- they are fiddly! Tricky to get neat at the corners.

Finished Sugar Pop Quilt

Finished Sophie Quilt #1

Finally completed my first Sophie Quilt. I attempted ditch-stitching to quilt it, but this never seems to go well for me... I ended up stitching simple diagonal lines across it instead, which has worked well with the simple rail fence design. I used a natural batting as I much prefer this for quilting. I am going to list this for sale on Etsy.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Quilt progress

This is such an easy quilt to make from a jelly roll: just sew the long strips together, chop into squares then arrange into a rail fence design.

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Thursday, 6 January 2011

Sugar Pop Quilt

So I couldn't resist using this fabric immediately and set to work on another baby quilt. I have almost finished the top, but need to add the border. I just find it boring to sew rectangles together...

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

☺ Intercourse Purchases ☺

Helena and I took a road trip to Intercourse, where we ate the most amazing crab cakes and bought the loveliest fabrics. Moda's Sugar Pop is to die for! I also couldn't resist some more repro feedsacks... must have been in a green mood!

I have no idea what I will do with these. For now, I am just happy looking at them!

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Sewing for Sanity

Sew (ha ha)... I've been very distracted recently by some major changes in my personal life. My concentration has been way off and I have often felt like I'm on another planet... that is until I started sewing again! Nothing too complicated; just some patchwork pieces that I will turn into mini quilts eventually. Sewing is so therapeutic and has really kept me sane these past few weeks.

Moda Punctuation charm packs turned into a 'crosses' quilt from this book.
The finished quilt top:

Moda Rawhide charm packs turned into sawtooth stars (my own design):

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Moda Rawhide

Some close-ups.

Sawtooth Stars

I am addicted to the new Singer and have been nosing through my mum's fabric stash. She has some wonderful fabrics- the Moda Rawhide collection being one of them. I have spent this afternoon making some 6" sawtooth patchwork patches, which I think look fab! I really feel like a girl from another era using this machine!

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Fabric: American Jane

American Jane 'Punctuation' collection for Moda- so retro; so cool! Check out the gorgeous quilt made from this fabric collection.