Showing posts with label men in bondage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label men in bondage. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

DR. FROST and the Kidnapping Ring!!

From The Golden Age Hero Directory: Hailing from the great arctic north, Doctor Frost can fire beams of cold from his hands and envelop himself in a sheath of ice so thick that it can withstand strong explosions. But he doesn't exclusively rely on his cold powers; he is a good scrapper in his own right. However, the good doctor isn't invincible; a powerful blow to the head can knock him out.

Dr. Frost debuted in Prize Comics #7 (December 1940) and appeared in every issue through #34 (September 1943), at which point he faded into obscurity.

PRIZE COMICS #30 (April 1943)
story by ?; art by Maurice Gutwirth

Saturday, February 28, 2009

ZANZIBAR smashes the opium ring!

Zanzibar the Magician appeared in every issue of MYSTERY MEN COMICS (#1-31, Aug 1939-Feb 1942). He also dropped by for appearances in GREEN MASK #2 (Fall 1940), REX DEXTER OF MARS #1 (Fall 1940), BLUE BEETLE #5 (Jan/Feb 1941) and THE FLAME #5-6 (Jun-Aug 1941).

Zanzibar was a magician. Not much different from Zatara, Zambini, Yardi, Marvo, etc...

4 pages. Beginning, middle, end. How many issues do you think this story would run if it were being written today? :-P

MYSTERY MEN COMICS #3 (October 1939)
story by ?; art by George Tuska
from Golden Age Comics Downloads

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

CAPTAIN FUTURE and the Problem of the Purple Plague!

Today we have the first appearance and secret origin of Captain Future!!

Scientist Andrew Bryant discovered that the crossing gamma and infrared rays would grant him superpowers -- so naturally he decided to become a superhero and battle crime!!

Captain Future appeared in STARTLING COMICS #1-40 (June 1940-July 1946) and AMERICA'S BEST COMICS #1-3 (Feb-Nov 1942), 5 (April 1943), and 22 (June 1947).

story by ?; art and cover by Kin Platt

More info about Captain Future: Wikipedia | International Super Hero

Monday, November 3, 2008

TYPHON! -or- WTH were they smoking that day? HA!

I almost wasn't going to run this story, as the person who scanned it at Golden Age Comics Downloads chopped about a 1/4 inch off the bottom of almost every page. Not a major thing, but kind of annoying none the less. But I couldn't resist!!

Typhon appeared in WEIRD COMICS #1-7 (May 1940-October 1940). And let me say, never was a feature more appropriately placed. They don't come much weirder than this tale.

In fact, it's just so weird, that I'm going to change my regular posting style so I can comment throughout. Deal with it...

(Oh, and skip the first caption box, that basically tells you the entire story, start to finish...)

WEIRD COMICS #2 (May 1940)
story and art by ? [as Phillips Judge]

Yes! Let's drop down more! Because there will be more light by which to see...
"I'll phone the other subs not to lower."
"Typhon phones his other subs to stay at their level course."

The sub doesn't crash into an invisible wall, they hit the invisible wall.
Except -- "...there is no wall or obstacle..."
"This is unreal, yet true!"

I'm not sure at what point Typhon and friends got past the wall, or if the mermen went through it.
If there's no water behind the wall -- how are the mermen with fishtails swimming, or at least staying upright?
It's a good thing the writer told us they have "long red seaweed hair," because for a minute I thought their hair was yellow!

So they tied everyone up to catch them, but then untied them to carry them in?

It's the sign of a good writer who makes sure everything is clear, so we all can follow the story. The caption tell us that the humans are almost fainting...then the characters reaffirm that "I'm fainting!"
You have to love a villain who laughs at your discomfort, but orders you to be relieved.
So -- did the quick-freeze guns backfire? I'm not quite sure as to why the mermen were frozen into blocks...

If the writer hadn't told me that everyone was covered in ice, I never would have guessed!

"...a fight begins...." "We must fight them!" "The men fight the mermen."
Did someone tell Cecelia not to get involved? She seems pretty defiant, "Back off buddy, this one's mine!"

Is Cecelia swearing!!? There's no call for that!!

How sad that the water drowns...
So, why exactly do the mermen shrink?
Apparently it's not only Typhon's ray gun that goes down...


You go girl!



Saturday, October 25, 2008

DYNAMIC MAN battles the Yellow Spot!

The catastrophic conjury continues!!

This time around not only do we have a super hero battling supernatural forces...but it's also a first appearance and a secret origin all rolled into one!! How cool is that!?

Dynamic Man appeared in every issue of DYNAMIC COMICS #1-3, 8-24 (October 1941-March 1948) (There were no issues 4-7).

DYNAMIC COMICS #1 (October 1941)
story & art by ?
[cover to DYNAMIC COMICS #3 by Charles Sultan]

Doesn't the name The Yellow Spot just inspire terror!? I know I was shaking! Thank goodness Dynamic Man was able to rub him out!!

You can download DYNAMIC COMICS #1
and just about every other comic on this blog
from Golden Age Comics Downloads!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Duke O'Dowd -- The HUMAN METEOR!

Duke O'Dowd debuted in CHAMPION COMICS #6 (April 1940) as a taxi driver. In issue #8 (June 1940), he gained possession of an ancient Wonder Belt, formerly owned by a Tibetan prince, which granted him superhuman powers. And in CHAMPION COMICS #9 (July 1940), he began his run as "...crime's dreaded challenger, the Human Meteor!" With issue #11 (October 1940), the book's title was shortened to CHAMP COMICS. Duke's career ended in the final issue, CHAMP COMICS #25 (April 1943).

CHAMP COMICS #13 (May 1941)
story by Robert Turner; art by Art Peddy; cover by George Mandel