April was a busier month than usual for us here in Bucharest. The day after Easter we went up to Oradea for our annual Calvary Chapel Romania Conference. Many of the 130 that were there said it was the best conference we have had yet. Our church took care of the worship and the audio and video recording of the conference. It sure is great to be able to get together with all those attending Calvary Chapels throughout Romania once a year. .
The second week I was busy editing the video of all the sessions from the conference. It took me a bit over 40 hours to get them all done. Since I still had my regular ministry responsibilities I did some of the editing at night. The conference speakers were all English speakers with Romanian translators so it you are interested you can check out the videos at http://vimeo.com/channels/99181.
The third week of the month we had a team of students from the Bible College in Hungary come to do a week of outreach at our church. Jean, who is an intern at the Bible College this year and is from our church here in Bucharest, led the team and did a great job. They came and did evangelism in the park, helped with the school and kids ministries, painted our fence and some of the building and did other helpful things around the ministry building, Jean taught on Sunday, one of the guys led worship at the home fellowship on Wednesday and two of the students taught the men’s and women’s ministries on Thursday and one of the guys led the worship for the men. So you can see they had a busy and fruitful week. We sure enjoy having the teams come and are always a bit sad when they leave.
So the fourth week was spent catching our breath, getting caught up on things that fell by the side during the first three weeks and transitioning back into the normal rhythms of the ministries.
Home Fellowship
I really enjoy hosting and leading the Wednesday home fellowship. Florin leads the worship, Elena translates for me and I prepare some questions each week to go over based on the sermon on Sunday. We have a time of fellowship and snacks from 6:30 to 7:00 then we do worship for up to a half hour then we do the study and after we have prayer in small groups then finish the evening with snacks and fellowship. I am so thankful for the apartment God has provided for me to host the home fellowship. It is just great for activities like the home fellowship and movie night once a month we do.
Youth Group
In April we only met twice since other things were going on. So the second Thursday we finished our study of what is means to be a disciple of Jesus and the last Thursday we did an introduction to the book of Proverbs which we will go through. In addition I am having the boys read a proverb a day through the month of May so they can see the big picture as well. In addition to our studies I have had the boys (and me) memorize the books of the Bible, a basic outline of the gospel, and several gospel oriented Bible verses.
We had three boys coming to youth group but Robert has stopped coming so there are only two now, Elvis and David. Please pray for Robert that he will turn back to the Lord. With only David and Elvis it is a challenge for me to minister to them as David is the pastor’s son and is tops in his class at school and Elvis comes from a rough background, doesn’t live with his own family and is way behind in his schooling. Elvis is involved in our school program so he gets ministered to there as well. So David and I are going to do some one-on-one stuff starting with reading through the book “The Naked Gospel” together. I’m looking forward to going through it with him.
Much to Do but So Little Time
Between my responsibilities at the church and what I am doing with the gospel and now trying to get the business going, not to mention other things that I am being asked to do, I need wisdom and direction from the Lord on how He wants me to use my time for His glory and His church. So please pray for me in this regard.
Keeping in Touch
With all the ways there are now to stay in touch it is hard to keep up with it all. When I first came to Romania there wasn’t even internet where I lived and it was really expensive to call to the States. How times have changed! So I have decided I will try and do a monthly email newsletter, a weekly prayer request on my blog and daily share tidbits on Facebook on what is happening. On Facebook I will also post links to my newsletters and the prayer requests as well, so if you just want one place to find everything Facebook will be the place to do it.
Before I send out my next newsletter I am going to be changing the system I use for sending out my newsletters to a web based one so if you get a notice about it you will know what is going on. Hopefully it will be a smooth transition.
Until next month, may the Father give you a deeper understanding and love for Jesus and the gospel.
Support Information
By Check
Make checks payable to: Calvary Chapel Missions or CCM
Put WA in the memo section and attached a note to the check with my name William Anderson
Mail to:
Calvary Chapel Boise
123 Auto Drive
Boise, ID 83709
Online Giving to William
Be sure to put “William Anderson – Romania” in the comment box
I usually receive my support on the 20th of each month so allow at least a week for your support to clear the system.
Contact Information
Skype and Yahoo Messenger ID: godswillromania
Landline Phone : 011-40-314-323-299 (011 if you are calling from USA)
Time difference: add 9 hours if you live in Mountain Time Zone (10 hours Pacific)