Showing posts with label Autumn Poême. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Autumn Poême. Show all posts

24 November 2010

When is snow falling?

'm excited about seeing friends in US having snow!!! SNOW!

It's still falling leaves we're seeing here... So the question goes, when is snow going to fall?


First snow was pretty early the previous years, so I guess it's time we see flakes coming. Right now, I'm smelling anything else but trees ( whenever my funny nose smells trees, that's when I know snow is about to fall )

So I'm tracking... and meanwhile, enjoying the last colors of fall.




And spotting my silly passion...


22 November 2010

日光 Nikko

m hoping that anyone else is doing better, while much is happening here these days, zapping energy fast. zzz...

Which explains why I'm blogging a lil behind, even for the trip to 日光 ( Nikko ) in early November when Bear had a week break.

I've heard so much about Nikko - which encompasses one the World Heritage Sites belonging to Japan, and many renown hot springs. Am taunted from time to time, 'How could you live in Japan and not gone to Nikko?' So Bear decided to check one down in my bucket list, and drove all those loathsome 12 hours - to and fro.

Well, to each his own. Turns out Nikko isn't our kind of nirvana. The scale and finesse are hardly superlative compared to others I've seen, and I've concluded that pictures in books and magazines can be deceiving. Structures are ancient alright but heavy with repaint - I'm the kind who appreciates good pictures, rather than images cleverly photoshoped, get my drift?


The red lacquered 神橋 ( Shinkyo : Sacred Bridge ) that arches over the Daiya River. It could only be used by the emperor during feudal times.


Famous 5 storied pagoda, around 36 meters high, an anti-earthquake construction.


Shrines and temples, constructed in glittering gold, but not good enough to awe the visitors. Here in the assuming 'holy ground', the Japanese visitors were endlessly bad mouthing about the visitors of mainland China, the opposite didn't relent either. Imagine me comprehending both sides. I'm just baffled. If these visitors are buddhists and believers, how do they bring themselves to utter slander so openly before their gods and deities?




The three wise monkeys that embody the proverbial principle - see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.


View from 'that famous window'.


Lotsa national treasures within, but no pictures allowed.


Endless towering cedar trees, and gravelled paths. Heed my word, NEVER go in heels like me, wear a pair of steady flats.


This Maple tree is the oldest within the premise.


And off we went to catch some Nikko's falls and fall.



To sum it all... I'm hardly impressed with the reknown sites. People were generally unfriendly. We were prepared to spend liberally but the souveniers weren't attractive, in fact, I bought nothing. I've figured that we've spent more on parking. The accomodation paid with a fat fee didn't fetch a memorable stay. I'm not craving any local delicacy after the trip. This is Nikko, if you ask me. Well at least I've been there once, and for good.

I guess what's memorable is Bear's sweet personality, despite those awful driving, lack of parking lots, and disappointing outcomes. He's a joy to travel with even on a mediocre trip. :)

19 October 2010

But Autumn is beautiful

Autumn is locking into place, as we wake up with each colder morning. Am dehydrating fast like the crispy leaves
, hear me crunch. Ouch.

But Autumn is beautiful.


Feed on : scrumptious apples, creamy pumpkins, and tummies-warming hot pots.

Put on : barret, flattering coat. Leggings in booties and I'm ready to go.


Look on : maturing hues in red, brown and gold, while the chill is still marginally bearable.

Look my way lady, don't be shy.

I'm th

Just thankful for the colors that sustain a dangerously prosaic mind, even if it's by strands.
Seasons are harder to live with, but too pretty to get on without.

Gotta go. These hands are screaming for cream.

16 September 2010

外構工事開始 in Autumn

t's finally happening! Grin.


First, it's Autumn. We're finally freed from the grilling Summer!

Second, the landscaping and exterior works started yesterday! It had to be delayed this long as since we've missed Spring, we'll have to seize Autumn the second best season for implants.

Before work commenced, I gathered some tall piles of beautiful pebbles strewn across the land, too good to be discarded in my opinion. Sweated hard for them, only to receive a cold shower from Bear who had intention of acquiring new pebbles from stores. Well, I could only agree with Bear after studying the piles later - the pebbles were generally soiled after being stacked upon each other and washing them out would mean another round of hard work.

So the pebbles would have to go ultimately, but I wasn't sorry for too long. It started pouring non-stop 3 hours after excavation yesterday. Precisely what we were hoping as it will soften and nourish the soil, thus enhancing the work. And also, the pebbles were getting themselves a good wash. ;)

I've checked the piles this morning and spreaded them out even. The fellas are now looking polished new. =)

So the pebbles are staying after all. Chuckle.

Tomorrow onwards will be a span of promised sunshine. God is good, all the time. And His goodness always timely. =)

11 November 2009

Treading leaves

Come have a gander.






Treading forward on crunchy leaves, we're leaving fall behind us as the climate gets feet-biting cold around the clock. I miss summer's parquet, especially now with a bad foot, a cracked toe to be specific; as I've made a foul landing with a ballet footwork. Heheh, another rheumatism spot guaranteed. =P


So Bear moves slower these days, giving me a hand in much though it's the foot that hurts, his tender kindness I'm always grateful for. And for this reason, though I must have mentioned innumerable times...

.......... Photobucket

In case you've missed the crux of the picture, spot the heart above! =D

03 November 2009

In the midst of fall...

It's getting pitch dark by 5 p.m. these days. Every new morning, comes new mercy for the day, and richer tones with the trees... that seem to tell in their colors loud, ' the year is almost over... '


As autumn mellows, stores are merchandising Christmas goods earlier than they should really have, as if telling autumn to move over, which is so uncalled for when we're in the middle of these...




Think I've mentioned, about a year back, my sniveling nose; a barometer in disguise. I'd know when snow is falling, whenever I smell trees...

And I swear I smelt trees yesterday! Guess what. Bear drove home in soft snow last night, and we woke up to a land white-dressed in sunshine this morning. Thus my funny nose endorsed.


We've had first snow in the middle of fall!
Even snow is asking autumn to move over!

I've never liked it cold. On a lighter note, there's this queer excitement about seeing snow... It always feels like how I've seen them for the first time. =)

29 October 2009

Autumn revealing...

Trees are putting on a colored coat, as chilly breeze starts cutting in.



This place is surrounded by patched mountains in colors of fall.


Flaming tones by the window, cooling climate, and delicious harvests... I'm begining to see why the Japs love autumn so... Perceiving through sleepy eyes as the climate drains energy out of me..
Not sure where the sleepy bug comes from, I could hibernate anytime now..




And here I am, while most are basking in autumnal bliss, I'm like a busy, sleepy squirrel, getting prepared for the white season. ;P


My siblings have helped replenished my winter-must-haves : bottles of chilli!! And marmite, cos Stardust can never have her porridge plain. Ok, laugh! Don't hold it in..

C'mon winter, I SHALL survive. Heheh.
P.S. Happy Halloween!

15 October 2009

Say ' hello '

To autumn.

Days getting shorter, and it's getting difficult to peel away from the cosy bed with colder mornings. I cringe at the mention of the impending winter, and wish autumn hasn't quick-stepped in before I'm prepared.


We're having Cosmos for autumn.


This is what everybody has been waiting for : kernels within the fields of gold. 新米, or 'new rice' they call it, fresh stuff to go with plump and fleshy seafood by winter. And maybe, this is what makes winter a little more bearable.


Field of red soba. Seen them for the first time.


Now, question : What's there to catch in early autumn, when trees have yet put on their coat of colored leaves?

The answer lies in the fields. One gets some pictures of matured crops and scarecrow to go along.


A little later, tidy mounts of harvest, and maybe; a friendly farmer to help the picture.


And if it's all too late, you'll get rows of neat cuts at least. ;)