Our Family

Our Family
Glenn, April, Rebekah, Miriam, Marcus, and Dallin
Showing posts with label Holiday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holiday. Show all posts

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Christmas fun

The Christmas Tango (you do that at your house right? Yes, this is normal.

Making our Gingerbread house (aka: eating lots of frosting and candy)

What Glenn and Dallin were doing while we made the gingerbread house.

Christmas Eve

Rebekah snuggling with Aunt Shannon.

Aunt Laura and Marcus.

Aunt Heather and Miriam

Spencer, Kali, and Marcus

Glenn playing Christmas Eve music at our little program

Me and my boys on Christmas Eve (yes Marcus is hitting Dallin on the head)

The Nativity

We had a special addition to this years Christmas celebration. While every year we act out the Nativity (most the time once or twice a week in December), this year we had our own costumes. My sisters and I each made 6 of one costumes and then traded with one another. It was so fun to go find another nativity costume in the mail throughout December and fun to see what each individaul came up with for a costume. So now we have these fabulous costumes and something that connects us with my family when we can't be all together. I LOVED this and loved thinking of my sisters and sister-in-laws while doing our Nativity this year.

Miriam played Mary (costume made by Sarah)

Marcus was Joseph and the cutest one ever. Although the flowly sleeves were all too tempting and he attemped to flap his arms hard enough to fly throughout the whole Nativity. Whitney made this adorable costume.

Here is one Shepard and one wiseman. So cute? Shepard by Rachael and 1/2 of the wiseman costume fit Aunt Laura (these were made for kids). I made the wiseman costume.

We also had an angel made by Liz. Kali played our angel and aparently I didn't get a picture of her. And another wiseman costume and a cute sheep made by KT which Spencer wore.

Mary and Joseph adoring the baby Jesus. Our baby Jesus happened to be dressed like a candy cane. I meant to change him into a white onesee, but I awoke him for this reenactment and he was rather upset with me for it. So red and white candy cane it is.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Turkey Day

Just a few Thanksgiving Day pictures

Marcus was so excited for Thanksgiving. I don't think he even knew what Thanksgiving was. As soon as the table was set he sat down ready to eat. Mostly I think he wanted the 7up we had. Of course it was a while until dinner was actually ready. The cute guy fell asleep waiting for dinner to start.

During the meal. I love having a boy. They just eat. He rarely complains. Pure happiness with filling his tummy.

My brother, Bil, his wife KT, and their cute little guy Eli.

Playing on the couch with little buddy.

So tired at the end of the day.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Halloween Night

The Peter Pan Clan

I happen to think that our costumes rocked this year. Halloween is such a fun Holiday with kids. I just eat it up. It makes it so much more fun if you are willing to dress up along with your kids. Of at all possible, both Glenn & I like to go trick or treating with the kids. Who would want to pass up that excitement?

Seriously the cutest pirate you will ever see.

Peter himself. This year Marcus took being Peter Pan literally or maybe he was on a sugar high, but he tried his best to act like he did not have a mother.

Wendy Darling


The family. Glenn and I were just random pirates, but it was fun. One funny thing is that when I drew the mustache on it really threw Marcus off. He could not stop looking at me. Telling me to take it off and that he did not like it.

Check out the spit up. "Arr matey, don't mess with me."

Halloween Fun

Cousin Halloween Party

Fun was had by all.

We played games, made crafts, ate mummy dogs, frosted cookies, and just plain old played with cousins. What fun!

Top row: Miriam, Avery, Dallin, Rebekah, Tisse
Bottom row: Rosie, Marcus, & Gabe
Unfortunately Eli (Elmo) had already left, sorry Eli

Marcus (Peter Pan) & Gabe (Captain America) making silly faces.

Aunt KT brought a fun craft for the kids.

Rebekah & Dallin

Carving Pumpkins

I am not sure if she really likes this. I love her face here.

Don't let him fool you, he didn't do any work on his pumpkin

Daddy working with Rebekah

School Parade
Here Marcus is in his school parade. The class sang us songs and threw candy to their parents. (unfortunately, the pics from the girls parade were fuzzy)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Labor Day Family Tradition

So for Labor Day it has become a tradition of ours to take the kids up somewhere a little higher and watch the sunrise. This year we went West toward the Oquirrh Mountains. It was a beautiful view. Afterward we went to a Park & then Josh and Whit's for breakfast.

Just waiting for the sun to come out (Dallin is one week old here)

The Sun is peaking out (Miriam is watching)

The Sun is up

Monday, September 5, 2011

4th of July

We had a pretty great fourth of July this year. The night before we had a neighborhood BBQ and sat with friends and talked and had a good time. Unfortunately it started raining before we got to the talent show part. My girls were so disappointed that they could not show off their tumbling skills.

On the fourth we had a quite family BBQ in the backyard with just the kids and our family. It was fabulous. It really was nothing awesome to talk about, but the kids loved it. I think we just never get store bought stuff so they thought it was pretty cool to have lemonade, chips, and popsicles, instead of our norm of water, salad/fruit, and something homemade. They thought we were awesome for buying junk food. It was funny!

Later that day we headed up to Centerville and spent some time with my sister, Rachael (guess I left my camera in the car). That is one of the best perks about living in Utah is that when your family visits their inlaws you get to see them. They had an awesome slip n' slide set up in the front yard and we just got to sit and chat and enjoy being with each other. I love time with my sisters.

At night we stayed up and headed to the park across the street to watch the fireworks. The fireworks were actually a little further away and we were probably one of 5 families out at the park to watch them from a distance. Miriam has a hard time with the noise so it was perfect for her and only a walk down the street for us, so we didn't have to mess with traffic and parking. We sat on the hill and watched a few sets of fireworks. It was a fun night!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Easter Morning

We drove into Carmel the evening before Easter. Luckily we had already informed the Easter Bunny that we would not be at home. In the morning we celebrated with Glenn's sisters who had scheduled Grandma's Carmel house the week before us. The kids of course had fun eating their treats and finding their eggs. Later that day the kids dyed Easter eggs with Aunts Lyssa and Laura and Glenn's sisters made a great Easter dinner.

Cousin's Easter Egg Hunt

The Crew....this is our last Holiday with the Christensen's living in Utah

Marcus on the hunt.

Rebekah stopped for a smile

Miriam finding her eggs

Nana and Papa were in town for Mike's (brother-in-law) graduation so we thought it would be perfect to save the Easter egg hunt for while they were here. We sure love having them.

Marcus enjoying his treasures

Noah (12 yr. cousin) was giving the kids a ride on his legs so here they are waiting in line for their turn.

The kids got out some of their energy by racing accross the backyard.