Our Family

Our Family
Glenn, April, Rebekah, Miriam, Marcus, and Dallin

Monday, April 26, 2010


So in the last few months my camera has either been lost or broken so I have not taken many pictures. Now it is broken for good so I am using an old old camera. Needless to say I did not take any pictures at easter. I do have it on our video camera so at least I recorded it in some way. These pictures are from my sisters camera. Nana and Papa came for a visit when KT and Bil (sister-in-law and brother) had baby Eli. We took advantage of the time and had a cousins easter egg hunt in our back yard. Fun was had by all. Whitney(sister-in-law) came with her cute kids (Josh, my brother, joined later). Liz(sister) came with her four kids and of course Nana and Papa (my parents). Bil and KT were preocupied to say the least.

All the little boys (2 and under) began the hunt.

Then came the big kids.

Marcus collected all his eggs and after sitting down he realized the treasures within. He sat on that blanket and ate more sugar than he probably ever has. I regret to say that I think most of it was stollen candy from his innocent cousins.

The girls were cute. Here they are looking for eggs together with Daddy.

This is where the real fun began. Partaking of the goodies.

Marcus LOVES babies. It is a good thing we don't have one or I am sure he would smother it. He gets as close as he physically can to their little faces and bodies. it is too funny.

The kids had a fantastic time. I am pretty sure we gave them way too much sugar because I have never seen this crowd so hyper and might I add destructive. It was pure chaos. Everyone was exhausted by the time it was over. The adults had a great time chatting too. It is always great to get everyone together.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Still Here

A few moments from our lives these last few months.

Where does the time go? They are getting so big.

We went to Disney on Ice with Glenn's family this year. The girls LOVED it. Especially Rebekah. Miriam got a little tired toward the end. Tinkerbell was definitely the favorite act.

Papa and Nana have been out here a few times to visit. All my family in Utah (excluding me of course) had babies this year so we saw Nana and Papa a lot.

I love Spring and tulips are my favorite. Glenn did a fabulous job with my birthday this year and remembered my favorite flowers.

He also made cheesecake, framed some memorable pictures of the family, and took me skiing. What a good husband!