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Showing posts with the label Religion

Something so simple as Spanish

It's amazing having moments of spiritual impact. I've found myself so busy with work lately, I rarely make quality time to spend with my friends or family. And when I have time, I find I spend more time with my friends rather than family. I guess it's easy to get, wrapped up with your friends when you're a single college student. But families are really quite special. Since my father's stroke in March 2011, I've moved in at the end of July with my Mom and Dad, in a house in Pleasant Grove, UT. I also went to go pick my younger sister, Tiffany, up from BYU Idaho after completing her fist year of school in July. Then in the first week of August, my brother, Mauricio, returned home from his mission in McAllen, Texas. My older sister Ligia, who is married to Alex, with 3 kids of their own, Orion (4), Chrysa (3), and Hinckley (1), all live down the street from us. Literally 5 blocks from where we live. So here we are again, pretty much one big happy Velez/ H...


Time to catch up on my posts! :) The first thing I'll update my blog on poetry. One thing I've come to that my poems are never deep truths of my heart. They're more like ambiguous turths of my realizations. I wish my poetry wasn't so rhymey, but I guess that's just me. I would like to work on writing deeper works that evoke thought and encapture my spirit. I will need to step out of my comfort zone. But for now, I can still enjoy my child like rhymes. Poetry is fun! I recommend it to everyone to try. Write about anything...anything that matters to you. This poem is more of my realization of the effect we can have on others with the gospel. By getting to know me, people often get to know who and what I believe in. Even at times I forget or feel that God is not really there. At least, the adversary would have me believe that. What a blessing it is when I can see the spirit of God in others, and it helps me when I am down, the same way I...

The Law of Tithe & Knowing He Is Real

I woke up this morning. Everything was as it should be, life was absolutely perfect with it's imperfections, and I was completely content. I began my morning brushing my teeth, reflecting on what had occurred the night before. I sat in my room, on my little spot clearing among a disastrous mess that I was trying to clean up, and after speaking on the phone with my mother, I decided to go to a corner of my room. I kneeled down to pray, and out loud I gave a long sincere prayer of thanks to my Heavenly Father. It's amazing how long we can go doing things incorrectly, even though we already know what we should be doing and that it will help us of we practice obedience. The Law of Tithing is one of those great commandments I struggle with. I could perhaps say that my parents didn't really ingrain this law in my head well enough, but I never had to deal with this type of responsibility until I moved out of the home. So I must face reality, and know that the responsibility...