today i am grateful for...
a sketchbook page from our screen-printing class, many moons ago at scad.
a gratitude list from this summer.
my friend haylie b. waring. i am so glad she moved to new york, even though we live in opposite parts of brooklyn. reasons to love haylie...
1. she has the ability to make you feel like you are already old friends, even if you are just meeting her for the first time.
2. she pronounces, "orange" like "or-inge", and it makes me smile every time.
3. she is incredibly clever and a renaissance woman when it comes to anything textiles. she can turn straw into gold.
4. she is incredibly humble, so if she happens to be reading this i know she will hem and haw and exclaim, "oh ginnybranch!" with a roll of her eyes. and probably claim i am exaggerating.
p.s i'm not.
5. she is 1/3 mainer, 1/3 floridian, and 1/3 land where characters like mary poppins hail from.
6. she creates the loveliest statuettes (amongst many other things). i want to buy everything she makes. no joke.
7. she has naturally silver streaks at the age of 25 and i could not be more jealous. there is nothing more beautiful to me than silver hair, baby skin, and pink cheeks. she has the golden trifecta.
8. here are a few of my favorite things i think of when i think of haylie bird...
pegboards. peach, baby blue, chocolate brown, pink, and red. moustaches and beards. liberty print. banjos and bluegrass. camping and girl scouts. canoes and fishing chenille. good-natured gossip. doughnuts not cupcakes. all-night art projects. honey bees. lunch sacks. alphabet flash cards. silhouettes. fast dancing. donkey spirit animal. old-school office supplies. stacks of books and magazines.
everyone loves haylie. she is the kind of friend everyone wants to have. she makes you feel funnier when you are with her. adventurous and naughty. kind-hearted and loyal. talented and inspiring.
haylie, i am so glad you were born.