(weheartit, the unicorn diaries, tiger milk and tiny teeth, pam garrison, lolita, pretty books, this is glamourous, haylie-bird)
today i am grateful for...

1. making chiffon pom poms, frayed fabric flowers, yo yo quilt pieces, and one big ole' fat sequin bow, til 4 in the morning with chelsea and pete. while eddie made us coffee. and rubbed my back. and snuck in some smooches when no one was looking.

2. new projects with the darling anouck. who very generously overlooks my elusiveness. which is a polite way of saying that i'm most terrible about answering my phone. and checking voicemails. and deleting my inbox. sigh. it's a wonder i am able to function in this day and age.
p.s all of these photos of hers. we just supplied the bows.

3. eating orange blossom waffles with whipped cream and drinking coffee on one of new york's teaser of a spring day. have you ever been to cafe gitane? it is so charming and soooo inexpensive. the waitresses wear cute shift dress uniforms and are shamelessly pretty.

4. ( not grateful for) but with heavy heart, must mention saying goodbye to kime buzzelli's showpony. a store so magical and glittery and bright. i always thought i would go to this store and serendipitously run into sarah sophie flicker, karen elson, maximilla lukacs, and ellen von unwerth. and the girls of au revoire simone. and the vivian girls. and maybe a schiele female nude. sigh. she housed all the spritely young things that drawings are made of. thank you for making magic happen.

5. eating a mac n' cheese(and french fries) dinner with amy merrick-who can now be found at moon river chattel. on the weekends. we talked antiques and etsy and boys and weddings and flapper dresses and mast brothers chocolate. we're thinking about taking chocolate classes with the brooklyn brothers... mmmmm, yes...
p.s anyone who can tell me where i can buy a star-gazer globe, that projects tee-tiny dots of shine across a room, when you turn off the lights...will officially be my newest hero. i want to recreate this scene... and glow-in-the-dark stars stuck on the ceiling just won't do.