Thursday, September 9, 2010

Love Him Lots

Another day out, specifically attending playgroup that I am in charge of, was ruined due to having the car that didn't have the carseat. Kirk has been traveling for work and we don't know if the other vehicle can take the extra wear so he takes the car that I usually drive. A few emails like this are very welcome.

Lunch was DELICIOUS! Thank you so much for making that last night. Even the little candies and the PB with the animal crackers had Ninny written all over them. As if I didn't think about you enough during the day. Thanks love!

followed by this...

Reinforcements are heading your way at 17:00. Force consists of (1) personnel carrier, (1) two-man "Shock Troop Relay On Linear-Localized Rollers" (a.k.a. double STROLLR), and a certified field commander to provide backup/relief. Upon arrival, they will be under your command. Adjust your strategy accordingly to provide enemy distraction until approximately 19:30, whereon the fatigued enemy is expected to begin falling back to quarters.
ETA 17:20. Hold the fort until that time. I repeat - HOLD THE LINE.
- General Wing

1 comment:

Alissa said...

Haha! That's great! Love it.