Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Which One?

I found a good deal on some curtains. Even better is a choice of three different styles that coordinate. I picked up a solid red and tan/cream/red stripe. There is also a solid tan. Here are the pictures...what do you think? I have our sliding glass door to buy panels and valences for, the window seat to put valences on (or is that too much?...I wanted to make a cushioned seat and some coordinating pillows), and I can re-cover our chairs to match. That makes three definite areas to choose prints for. If I end up using all three styles is that gonna be too matchy, matchy?

Just for clarification, I threw up both curtains to see how they looked...I'm not planning on mixing them like they are pictured.


Heidi said...

I like the stripy red for panels on the door...then solid red valances for the seat and door. I wouldn't do a valance in the living room, but maybe red panels to pull the color into that room too. If you have an extra stripy panel, you could use it to make throw pillows for the window seat and couches...I think that would be fun. Or find some other fabric with similar colors and maybe some greens to pull the color from the couches into the kitchen area....hmmm. maybe we need to chat on vent. I think I'd be able to help better if I knew what kind of feel you were going for too. Do you want it to feel more formal or casual? Or somethign in between. I'm really just giving you my prefrence based on what I'd do if it were *my* home.... :)

Meredith said...

I like the solid curtains. I think the stripes would be too busy, at least for me! :)

Alissa said...

I was going to say pretty much what Heidi said.. I like the stripy red for the door and the solid for the others.