
Good News

Kaleb just informed me that he can make toots from both his arm pits and knee pits.
Sure, the arm pits are to be expected.
But the knee pits?! Now that's talent.

Proud mom moment.

. . . . .


krista said...

don't you just love having a boy? at least they're entertaining!

Jaci said...

So funny! I am new to your blog(s) and hope it's okay if I follow. ;)

I bought some of your actions a year or two ago, and thought I'd check back in.

You are very very talented! I love your photography and learn a lot from what you share! Thanks!!

Angie said...

I can only hope Cohen will grow up to be as talented... and adorable. Love the picture, it's classic.

kami @ nobiggie.net said...

this is "Good News Minute" material! ;)

Amy said...

Wow, congratulations....(she said wiping a tear from her eye). Most impressive...and a skill he can definitely use later in life. I mean, really, behind the knees?

Jamie said...

Seriously Ginnie, yhou always make my day. I can always get a good laugh from your blogs, and I love it!