
Playing, Peeing, Puking, & Stinking

My lack of blogging lately has been due to Nate's new obsession for this game.

I bought it for him last Thursday and we have played it every night since then. I have successfully kicked his trash at this game for first 4 nights, but the tables have turned and now he's spankin' me (not literally... take your mind out of the gutter). I should have quit the game while I was ahead, but the thrill of victory consumed me (I can't help it, I'm competitive by nature). The last game did not end pretty. It brought out all sorts of nasty.

Now the game is put away in the closet until I can re-strategize and again claim victory. Be afraid Nate, very afraid.

Other happenings;

Macie is starting to potty train herself. She's a huge fan of going pee-pee in the potty. It's amazing how entertaining bodily functions can be to a 1 yr old. I took this video of Macie while chillin' on the potty. Please don't mind the partial nudity.

Allow me to translate;

....A B, A B E F G (.........inaudible........) A B, A B, E F G, H I.....up a, up a in the sky, up a, up a in the sky. Up a, up a, up a sky. Up a, up a, up a sky (.... inaudible....) eeeee,eeeeee!
(or something like that). We like to spice it up around here with a little ABC's & Twinkle, Twinkle.. thrown together.


Abrie had the stomach flu last night. Honestly, the girl threw-up about 20 times plus from 6:00 pm to 3:00 AM, setting the record I'm sure for the most times puking in a 8 hour period.


My house reeks like something has died, which probably just means that I need to do the dishes. I can't wait until I have a dishwasher or a maid, which ever comes first.


Merilee said...

that video of Macie is sooo cute! She has a good voice, on tune and everything!

Chell said...

Osuch a cute video. What a charmed life you live. I am sooo jealous. :)

Jessica said...

That is nice that Macie wants to potty train herself. I wish margo would be more interested. She will sit on it but she has never gone. Just tell Abrie and Kaleb that they can have a treat whenever she goes in the potty and they will be taking her to sit on it all day. You won't have to do any of the dirty work. The joys of older children when you can put them to work for you!

Angela said...

I am SO impressed! Can she come teach Spencer half of her vocabulary?

J Glazier said...

Self Potty Training WOW! Go Go Go Macie! Sorry about Abrie's flu and what's this new game you're going to teach us when you move back?

Michelle C said...

That's cute. I think we finally finished the PT-ing after months and months of it. Good luck with the early start! That'd be amazing!

The Blandon's said...

Macie is one smart cookie!!!
Hey so we need to get together and play carcassonne! Mike and I love that game. We use to play it every night with our BFF's in Utah before we moved out here. But watch out Mike is good!

krista said...

Is she seriosuly potty training herself? WOW!

Hopefully Abrie is feeling better, for her sake as well as yours!