
In a Perfect World...

...the house would be clean, the dishes would be done, I would be showered, and I would have all of my Christmas cards sent out. Actually, if we're talking hypothetically here there would be a whole lot more I'd add to my list. But to keep things simple I will refrain... for now any way.

So to all of you who are on top of things this season congrats to you (and I better be on your list of who gets a Christmas card this year).

I had the best of intentions to send out Christmas cards. And as proof I posted my, almost a Christmas card, card. The reason that I never sent it out was because I didn't have a recent family picture and the only decent family picture I have is posted on my blog. How boring would that be to get a family picture you're use to seeing every day (assuming you check my blog everyday...I mean, I can't think of anything better to be wasting your time on).

So here you have it, a little Christmas cheer from me to you.

And of course you can't send a Christmas card with out the annual Christmas letter. So if I had actually taken the time to write one this is probably how it would have gone.

Dearest family & friends,

I hope this letter finds you warm and well this Christmas season! The burn that you're feeling in your heart right now is not acid reflux. No, it's the intense heart ache you must be feeling having to be apart from me and my angelic family this Christmas, but be strong...for all of us. I hope you're able to find at least a little glimmer of joy even with this distance that's between us. (And for those of you who are just across the next apartment complex, the pain I'm sure is still there, but just not as intense.)

As for us and our little family things are going great. Nate is doing awesome in school. And believe it or not we only have 5 more months left. Then pretty soon my fellow PA friends will be mourning my loss as well. It's a lose, lose situation any way you look at it. Unless my PA friends are excited to see me leave. In which case that would be a win, lose situation. Any how, back to Nate...he has been chosen to to attend a dental service trip to Haiti with 8-10 fellow class mates. So all in all Nate is doing pretty well and he's making sure he gets plenty of sleep. (I love you honey)

I am also doing wonderful! I have a new part time "job" that has been filling my hours of idleness. It's great! I decided to just give up being a mom and drive over to Atlantic City and gamble in order to support my husband. I haven't hit it big yet, but I will one of these days. And when I'm not gone gambling I'm at home knitting and sewing and doing everything a domestic woman should be doing. Oh, and I also teach the YW. That might come as a shock to some seeing as I have a severe addiction to gambling, but no worries I have only led a couple astray. The rest are wavering. (that is a complete lie by the way, the young woman I teach are AMAZING!! 20 times better then I ever was...and I was a saint (again, another lie...I was not a saint...but almost.))

Abrie is a wonderful child. She is 5 now and eager to be in kindergarten. She unfortunately misses the deadline. So she is currently attending a Lutheran pre-school and she prays for my soul every night. We had her in soccer this year and she loved every minute of it. She is desperate to try dance class this year, but we will see. I told her that mommy would have to spend some extra hours hitting the slots if she wants to get signed up for dance...so that is still to be decided.

Kaleb has been a complete angel this year. He has managed to not commit any felonies (only minor misdemeanors). He is always so sweet (when he's not screaming at me). He gets along well with his sisters (when he's not beating them up). He wants to take karate this year and although I'm sure he would excel in that I must use my better judgment and not let him learn how to take down both of his sisters at the same time with a double snap -foreword kick combo (sorry for the run on sentence). So for now he'll have to settle for soccer.

Macie is my cute little stinker. She is naughty but manages to get away with it due to the fact that she's so stinkin' cute. We have discovered that Macie has a eating disorder this year, not bulimia or anorexia. Nope, it's the disorder where you eat everything (like even small Christmas ornaments). She also has recently discovered the joy of being naked...all the time. She is constantly getting naked. Like tonight she managed to get fully undressed in her crib and fall asleep leaving us a little naked surprise for when we went to go check on her. Nudity and eating disorder aside, she is the best little baby I could ever ask for.

So as you can see I have been blessed immensely, with 3 healthy, beautiful, energetic kids and a husband who I love and adore and who will soon be making money.

Much love to you and your families this Holiday Season!

Warmest regards,

Nate, Ginnie, Abrie, Kaleb, & Macie


Kat said...

How do you do it? You never fail to make me laugh, which is probably why I check your blog near daily- (yes I am one of them)haha!

Jessica said...

Oh Ginnie, you are so clever. You should try to make that into some kind of money making so you don't have to hit the slots so much!

Chell said...

Great Christmas letter. Hope you enjoy the holiday season, and that Macie doesn't eat all the presents..

krista said...

I love the annual Christmas letter. You're too funny.
Your almost a Christmas card is really cute too!

Lindsey Leavitt said...

Um, what is wrong with using the outerbanks pic, huh? You know what? Just throw mine away now. Gosh.
(ps. I almost didn't send it for this very same reason. But being as many people in my backwards family don't even have the internet, I thought I could get away with it. Except I just mentioned it here. Shutting up now...)

Unknown said...

ok, while I love the part time "job", I've benefitted from it myself, I do think that it is taking away from the consistency and regularity with which you blog! Keep your posts coming!!

Merilee said...

Thanks for the good laugh!
I think your almost Christmas card is cute too. At least you had good intentions..I thought about it but didn't really try. Hope you have a great Christmas!

Ginnie said...

Oh no, no, no! Photography is not my part time job. I wish it were. Nope, gambling is what I was refering to. (come one, I could pass as a gambler couldn't I?)

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!!! Hope you guys have a great one. I can't believe Kaleb is 4! Macy is so big and as cute as Kaleb and Abrie. I am glad things are going well.

I am looking forward to getting together with you when you move to Utah!! Keep in touch.