***If the download link isn't working, please, just right click on the word art and save it to your computer.***
Showing posts with label posts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label posts. Show all posts

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I want candy!

Hi, my name is Ginger and I'm a chocoholic. I admit it. I have the biggest sweet tooth ever. That makes this time of year wonderful for me. All the stores have out all kinds of candy for Halloween. Of course I stock up even though I can't remember when the last time was that I actually had trick or treaters come to my door. LOL!

Here's a goodie for everyone out there that has a sweet tooth...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Party time!

I'm heading out to a little party tonight. It's not really a Halloween party, but it is October and it is a party. Don't you just love parties?

Here's a little goodie for the party animal in you...

Friday, October 3, 2008

I don't carve pumpkins

I don't carve pumpkins because I can't. I don't have a steady hand, a creative mind or the patience for the mess. I look at all the carved pumpkins I see and I admire the people who took the time to create such wonders. I'd love to see pictures of your carved pumpkins, please share them so I can highlight them here.

Here's a goodie for your pumpkin pages...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

What's your story?

Have you ever noticed how the Halloween costume you wear tells something about where you are in your life at the moment? Maybe you're feeling powerful like a superhero? Maybe you feel special like a princess? Maybe you feel a little wicked? Tell me, what's your story going to be this Halloween?

Here's a goodie to help tell your story...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's October!

Wow! September sure did fly by quickly. I'm glad it's October. October is such a fun month. What do you say we spend the whole month getting ready for Halloween?

Here's a goodie for anyone that likes October and Halloween as much as I do...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Being true

The world is a mess right now! Where I work three teachers were told that they no longer had jobs. Isn't that awful? You're working one day and the next you're not. I feel so bad for them. To make up for the lost teaching positions other teachers had to be moved around. They had to give up their classrooms and the students that they had already bonded with to be moved to another grade level. They have to greet new students that had already bonded with another teacher and try their best to teach them a curriculum they aren't familiar with. They have to do this without the raises we were promised in our contracts but with all the pressures to make sure their new students perform well on standardized testing.

Somedays it's hard to remember why we became teachers in the first place. We are no longer shown the respect the teachers of our youth were shown. We must accomplish more than ever before and we must do this with less money, time and supplies than ever before.

Somedays it would be easy to quit. Easy to walk away. Who would miss us anyway? We only hear from parents when they aren't happy and when budget cuts need to be made it's the classroom teachers that feel the pain first.

The days that make quitting seem like a great idea are the days that we have to remind ourselves that we are where we are needed. We are making a difference. We do matter. These are the days that we have to be true to ourselves.

Here's a goodie for anyone that has ever wondered if they were doing the right thing...

Monday, September 29, 2008

For Lisa...

Lisa, here's the quote you requested. I'd love to see what you do with it. As a matter of fact, I'd love to see what anyone who snags it does with it. This blog could use some decorations and I can't think of any better decorations than your pages with my word art.

Now, here's the goodie for Lisa and anyone that fishes or knows someone who does...

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Well, I played all day yesterday. The weather didn't always co-operate so I did some of my playing inside the mall. It was a tough day, but I managed to survive. LOL! My wallet survived too. It's empty now, but it survived. LOL!

If you know what I'm talking about here's a little goodie for you...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I'm playing today!

Have you ever spent an entire Saturday working, cleaning, catching up and running errands? Whatever happened to the fun Saturday's of our youth? The days that lasted forever and were spent doing fun, silly things? The days that we longed for all week? Well, I've decided that starting today I'm taking my Saturdays back. No more doing things that have to be done. From now on I'm spending my Saturdays playing. I hope you'll join me and get out and have some fun today.

Here's a freebie for everyone that wants spend the day playing...

Friday, September 26, 2008

Today was fun!

At school we celebrated Johnny Appleseed's birthday with the kids. It was so much fun and it wore me out! LOL!

Today was also the day we gave my friend Betty her surprise 50th birthday lunch. She was so funny! Poor Betty had no idea what we were doing. That's her picture posted above. Doesn't she look like she's having fun?

I have to thank SWC for leaving the comment that gave me the inspiration for today's freebie. I love it so much I just had to use it!You can pick it up here...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Big Thank You!

Thank you for all the nice comments and emails you've left me this week. It has really given my confidence a much needed boost! I wasn't sure if anyone would ever come to this blog or not, but you have and I hope you'll come back again soon.

I'll be happy to work on the word art requests I've received and any others you may have. Just bare with me, I'm still feeling my way around.

If you use any of my word art on your layouts or projects I'd love to see a picture. I may even highlight your work here!

One of the girls I work with is turning 50 and we have given her so much grief! She's knows that we love her and are just teasing so she hasn't gotten mad at us....yet! Today's freebie was made in honor of my friend, Betty's birthday and you can pick it up here...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

OMG! It's Only Wednesday?!?

Some weeks fly by and you wonder where they went. Other weeks seem to last for years. This week feels like it is never ending. I have so much to do and I'm fighting a cold. It's been a yucky week all around. I can't wait for Friday!

Anyway, here's a freebie for the OMG! moments in your life...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I'm so glad it's not Monday anymore. Mondays always get me down---except when it's summer vacation. Have you ever thought about who you would be if you could be someone else? I've decided that I want to be Barbie. She has everything. The best house, the best car, a cute boyfriend. I bet Mondays never get Barbie down. So, who would you be?

Here's a goodie for anyone that also wants to be Barbie...

Monday, September 22, 2008

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Saturday was a beautiful day! Sorry the picture isn't better, but it's the view of Miami from where I live at my favorite time of day. Don't you just love sunsets? I do!

If you love them too here's a little goodie for you...

Saturday, September 20, 2008


I don't cook. I mean I REALLY don't cook. If you invite me to a party you'll want me to buy something not cook something to bring. If you come to my house, you won't want to come for dinner. I really don't cook! I don't enjoy doing it and I'm not any good at it. I have tons of recipe books and kitchen gadgets. My friends all share their cooking experiences with me, but it doesn't matter because I don't cook.

If you share my dislike for cooking or know someone who does I've got a little goodie for you that you can download here...

Friday, September 19, 2008

My First Post

I don't know why I decided to start a blog. I don't know what I will write here or even who will read it. I hope someone finds their way here. I have a little word art for anyone who happens upon this post and would like to have it.

You can download the wordart here...


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