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Showing posts with label enemies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label enemies. Show all posts

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dreams, Enemies & Friends

I have always heard that in dreams snakes represent your enemies. That's upsetting now because last night there were two snakes in my dreams. One snake was about to strike and I hid behind someone that I was with. I have no idea who he was, but in the dream I seemed to know him. The snake bit him then crawled up the length of his body biting him several more times while I ran screaming for help. He finally ran to safety while someone else, a little girl, caught the snake in a plastic bag. I was crying that the bag wouldn't help while I caught the second snake and put it into a plastic bag also. I have no idea where the second snake came from.

The first snake was able to get out of the bag and as it tried to crawl away I killed it with a shoe. When I woke up the second snake was still safe in the bag and I was scared, but glad that I had managed to kill the snake that had bitten my friend while he protected me.

If snakes really do represent enemies does this mean that I have two enemies out there? Am I a bad friend for hiding while someone else protected me? Did I defeat the first emeny? Do I still need to worry about the second one?

I know that I was recently very hurt and disappointed by someone I had come to think of as an online friend. To make a long story short, she took credit for a template I made and then lied to me about it when I confronted her. I wanted to believe that she hadn't done this to me on purpose, but the lie proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that she had. Now a line has been drawn in the sand and even though our online paths may cross again things will never be the same.

Ok, enough rambling by me! Here's a goodie for anyone that has been hurt by someone they considered a friend...


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