A random babbling on creative spirits-

Random babbling on the creative spirit~painting, sewing, baking, boys, an irresistable God and the next 200 feet~

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What's your big dream? decisions~

My big dreams;
looked at, confessed, professed, held, written, believed.

so what now?

I've made one decision.

My art is for me.
For the next year,
starting with my residency in Australia and carrying me through for as long as it does,
my art is for me.
Not that it hasn't been:
I paint because there is something I want to explore, experiment with, test, express....
but it always becomes something I start thinking of
in terms of its potential in sharing,
in become a show,
in processing into a great workshop....

But not this year.

My art is for me.
Experimenting. Playing. Testing. Learning.
regardless if it fits into wax,
if it involves painting,
or stitching,
or rebuilding.
doesn't matter what it looks like.
the only prerequisite is that it makes me come alive with potential.

What now, for you? 

My art is for me.

I'm sure I'll share tidbits.....it's my nature ;)
in love. trish

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What's it really mean to dream2~

This is one in a series of posts in which Trish attempts to dissect the purpose and meaning of dreaming; of looking beyond what is to what if~

Working my way towards the answer myself....and here's part III-dream, finale, I put on paper before me~

Back to my original post, my intent from the start of this search and query.

I'm risking.
I'm tossing my dreams out there.
Not to get responses. Not to hear the naysayers-neither the

I'm dreaming in pen and ink so I can see it
so I can live it
And so I can be it.

I'm tossing my dreams out there.
out here.

'I have become a sign to many; you are my strong refuge. My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long.
psalm 71:7-8

I want to be a sign to many.
I don't know what that looks like.

I don't know what it even means.
I just know it gives me goosebumps when I say it.
my heart rate increases when I let my spirit feel it.
my mind goes numb when I try to wrap myself around it.

And that's enough for now.

Three big dreams.
Three Big Dreams.
They are out there.
They are out here.
In black and white.
Words on paper.
I've said them aloud.
I've written them aloud.
I've risked their exposure.
succeed or fail.

doesn't matter.
Only matters that I dream.
And live into it~

in love. trish

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What's it really mean to dream? ii

This is one in a series of posts in which Trish attempts to dissect the purpose and meaning of dreaming; of looking beyond what is to what if~
Working my way towards the answer myself....and here's the part II-dream I put on paper before me~

Back to my original post, my intent from the start of this search and query.

I'm risking.
I'm tossing my dreams out there.
Not to get responses. Not to hear the naysayers-neither the

I'm dreaming in pen and ink so I can see it
so I can live it
And so I can be it.

I'm tossing my dreams out there.
out here.

'Do the hard work to find a superior answer'

Dream part two
introverted (look up the true definition before you judge)
or something as yet
and similar~
that lives in this
That's all I know.

Dream bigger than myself,
unattainable in who I am alone,
unclear on how it fits into where I am
what I do
who I support
and where I look to be going.

But that's it; dream part ii:
to explore and pursue.

I've heard tell it can fit into
a 'real life'.
I've never had a real life
so I look forward to seeing how it
fits into my life....
truth be told,
it's already lurking
around the edges....

If Doris Day can do it.
in love. trish

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What's it really mean to dream? II

This is one in a series of posts in which Trish attempts to dissect the purpose and meaning of dreaming; of looking beyond what is to what if~
Working my way towards the answer myself....and here's the first dream I put on paper before me~

Back to my original post, my intent from the start of this search and query.

I'm risking.
I'm tossing my dreams out there.
Not to get responses. Not to hear the naysayers-neither the

I'm dreaming in pen and ink so I can see it
so I can live it
And so I can be it.

I'm tossing my dreams out there.
out here.

'My first dream that's bigger than myself, feels presumptuous to write down, and it totally crazy-unfit for who I've ever been~'

'We should each be mentored, and mentoring. It is through connection and sharing of our mistakes, successes, triumphs and tragedies that we help the next move into their own place'

my first of three dreams:
bigger than I am
more than I can picture
Trish from past
embracing in Trish of future.
but still
a dream.
so there.
If it is bigger than me,
than my past can confess to
or my present support
then it is a dream.
and dreams are possible
in my world
because they come from
a place bigger than me!

my first 'put it out there dream'...

to be mentoring
(12 people)
within two years.

I don't know how.
I don't know what capacity.
I don't know who.
But I want to do this.
To see my passion,
my inspiration,
inspire others.

I have lived almost
46 years.
All these years can't be
stored up,
The first of my big dreams.
my first 'write it in black and white dream'
Now that wasn't so hard was it?.....

in love.trish

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What's it really mean to dream-to ?

 This is one in a series of posts in which Trish attempts to dissect the purpose and meaning of dreaming; of looking beyond what is to what if~
Working my way towards the answer myself....

'The master of the art of living makes little distinction between work and play, labor and leisure, mind and body, information and recreation, love and religion. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him, he's always doing both.'
James Michener

My work is play, and my play is life.
I am blessed.
And yet~
I want more.
I am dreaming-to.
I have a dream-to.
Bigger. Bolder. More.
And it is good.
It is right.
It is prescribed.
He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to go on great heights. Habakkuk 3:19
It is all good.
Dream. See how big you are really designed to be.
in love. trish

Monday, October 15, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

What's it really mean to dream, too?

This is one in a series of posts in which Trish attempts to dissect the purpose and meaning of dreaming; of looking beyond what is to what if~
 Working my way towards the answer myself....

Why do I need to leave when all I need is around me?

Just like a dog~ lapping up life post
It plays around the corners of my mind lately; 
relentlessly pursuing my consciousness; 
determinately seeking to be answered.

It is the monkey-brain, the devil-player, the negative-nilly.
I do not listen, as much as hear and respond~

Why do I need to leave when all I need is around me?! 

It taunts like a broken record, 
replaying when I am tired, 
when I am discouraged, 
when I am weak from loneliness or travel demands.

Why do I need to leave 
              when all I need is around me?!
I turn it on its tail to run~
Because all that is around me will come with me. 
Will be with me. Will grow with me.

I am not leaving all that I need; I am growing all that I have.
in love. trish.