Showing posts with label Bird. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bird. Show all posts

137-365 Hummingbird Silhouette

I plan on trying to get several good shots of my hummingbirds this year. This is the first.

54-365 Crumbling


54-365 Crumbling
Fuji 6/7

This is my bird bath that has been slowly cracking, but yesterday it finally crumbled down into a huge mess that I will eventually have to clean up...

37-365 Cardinal

Not a great shot. He was still too far away, but I just had to try anyway...

36-365 Snow Bird

Woke up to 6 inches of snow, but it is melting fast. I put out some bird feed to try to entice some birds in for a few shots...I was hoping for a few male cardinals, but no such luck. Odd, because usually they are everywhere...