one of San Antonio's smaller municipal parks, 96-acre Comanche Lookout Park has
the sense of being a microcosm and frequently seems more isolated than it
really is despite being surrounded by major roads, shopping plazas, and housing
developments. Those who visit it during normal business hours are likely to get
an accentuated sense of this and, other than a few headphone-wearing people who
jog by wraithlike and without acknowledgement, are likely to have the place
pretty much to themselves. That, of course, can be the best way to explore and
appreciate this profoundly historical site, to investigate the legends
associated with it, and to possibly come into contact with some of the many
ghosts who have long been believed to haunt it. And, as strange and haunting as
it might feel on its face to the casual visitor or ghosthunter, an
investigation of its history will reveal some genuinely strange things about it."
This is the first paragraph for the chapter on Comanche Lookout Park that I wrote for Ghosthunting San Antonio, Austin, and Texas Hill Country! It is a very mysterious and interesting site and, as I learned more and more about it, became the basis for the largest chapter in the book.
This is the first paragraph for the chapter on Comanche Lookout Park that I wrote for Ghosthunting San Antonio, Austin, and Texas Hill Country! It is a very mysterious and interesting site and, as I learned more and more about it, became the basis for the largest chapter in the book.