Affichage des articles dont le libellé est New York. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est New York. Afficher tous les articles

mercredi 26 mars 2014

Hypérion, revue de New York consacrée à Luca


Vol. VII, No. 3 (fall 2013) Ghérasim Luca Centenary Issue 1913 – 1994
Jon Graham, Dialectics and Ghost Stories [0–5]
Krzysztof Fijalkowski, La poésie sans langue: Gherasim Luca, Visual Poet [6–44]
Allan Graubard, Reading Luca, Reading Me [45–51]
Petre Răileanu, L’Inventeur de l’amour [52–59]
Petre Răileanu, The Inventor of Love
Translation by John Simmons and Jocelyne Geneviève Barque

Valery Oisteanu, The Zen of Death and Immortality [68–76]
Valery Oisteanu, Ghérasim Luca: In Memoriam [77–78]
Andrei Codrescu & Allan Graubard, Epistolary Hypercube [79–85]

Mary Ann Caws, Something About This Thing: A Memoir Luca [86–90]
Julian & Laura Semilian
Smuggling, Surrealism, & Sympathetic Magic: On Translating Luca

John Galbraith Simmons, Circumstances of Invention [100–111]
John Taylor, Love According to Luca [112–120]
Will Alexander, Fulminate Inscription as Shadow [121–124]
Ghérasim Luca, Cubomanias, selected by Sasha Vlad [125–142]
Gherasim Luca & alia, Malombra Translated by Rainer J. Hanshe
Richard Waara, Metamorphosis of a Moorish Nude [150–158] 

Letters to the editors are welcome and should be e-mailed to:
Hyperion is published three times a year
by Contra Mundum Press, Ltd.
P.O. Box 1326, New York, NY 10276, U.S.A.
For advertising inquiries, e-mail Giovanni Piacenza:

Contents © 2013 by Contra Mundum Press, Ltd. and each respective author. All Rights Reserved.

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