Adventures in Gluten (and Sugar) Freedom from a southern blogger chick!

Showing posts with label Gluten-free Expert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gluten-free Expert. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Elizabeth Barbone: A gluten-free tribute to a gluten-free chef

When I was a kid, we talked in Sunday school about the concept of hiding one's light under a bushel. Sometimes, phenomenal people in the gluten-free world are so humble (and often, so busy) that they don't always get their due.  They're simply too busy doing for our industry.

I want to introduce you all in the gluten-free world to a woman who fits this bill -- and you all already know her.  She's Chef Elizabeth Barbone.  Culinary Institute of America-trained with significant allergies, now gluten free, a fighter of food (and other) allergies all her life, Elizabeth is my Unsung Hero.  And I want to sing her out. 

A few weeks ago, after making a donation to the generous Bloggers without Borders food event for Jennifer Perillo (of In Jennie's Kitchen) I had the opportunity to receive a package of shortbread cookies baked lovingly by Elizabeth. and it reminded me of her gentle, generous, giving spirit and love of food.

Now, a disclaimer: Full disclosure. I count Elizabeth as one of my good friends, gluten-free or otherwise; she and I have been swapping comments, phone calls, and emails for more than three years after meeting on the Delphi Celiac Forum.

I first became enamored by her easy GF bread recipe made in a stand mixer,  You'll see it posted on the sidebar of recipes here somewhere.  It's from her successful blog,

She is the gluten-free miracle worker when it comes to baking.  And I'm not just saying that lightly.  Some say she shared that crown with the late Bette Hagman.

Her first cookbook Easy Gluten Free Baking is without question my favorite baking book.  And her site offers wonderful free recipes, but as a subscriber it gives you much more.

Elizabeth raised more than $700 for Jennifer Perillo and her beautiful daughters.  My friend Janet and I savored those cookies, morsel by morsel.  They are more than devine.  They're better than gluten shortbread in my book.

She ever offers you the recipe on her website.  Along with many, many more (like, 700).

And don't miss her weekly column on gluten-free cooking on Serious Eats.  Get out there and RSS that sucker!  She offers a new and different recipe every week on what some believe to be one of the most important foodie blogs around right now. It is a highly prestigious placement for a gluten-free chef, to be sure.

A little bird told me that Elizabeth has some pretty phenomenal things happening in the next few months.  I am excited for her, and I am excited that I will get to benefit from her generosity and kind spirit, but most of all, from her love of gluten-free food that is safe and delicious.  All of us with CD need that.

So today I am shouting out to Chef Elizabeth Barbone, a true gluten-free cooking expert, kind soul, and cooking genius.  You make our world better every day.

And confidentially -- your website and blogs by Shauna "Gluten-Free Girl" James Ahern and Karina "Gluten-Free Goddess" Allrich inspired this blog.  And I'm damn glad.

Much love, Ging