
Our Awesome Travels

Our Awesome Travels
Taken In Quartzsite Arizona Dec 7th 2015
Showing posts with label happy hour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happy hour. Show all posts

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Another good sleep, sunshine, warm and Rv friends visited twice!

Where are we today ? 
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         Heck 2 nights in a row with a pretty good sleep , and that is a real good thing up about 6 am and felt pretty good, still no energy, but more rested at least, I enjoy a bit if cereal OJ and a cup of coffee. Now raring to go, lol. but no energy to do is, lol..
       About 9 am decided to get outside, fresh air is always good and bright sunny day, so into town pick another bottle if ginger ale seems to settle my tummy.
the fields beside to coach starting to sprout
more colors across the road looking good.
      Then shortly after 10 am Randy and Gail dropped by for a visit, Good friends of Rose and Ross plus Suzie has know them on 30 years, They are also members of our Home Park Rock Glen resort.
Suzie, Gail, Randy and they are dog sitting Charlie
a beautiful dog
     They invited us to breakfast in Tavi at Quehl's, so thought we would it try even though I was not hungry. We got there and checked the menu, always good food here. Well the food smelled wonderful.
Suzie orders an omlette
even though not hungry I tried the breakfast and not a half order
It tasted too good I could not believe I ate the whole thing!
guess I needed it
      Thanks guys that was wonderful sure filled me up and not even over full.
Back to our coach just up the road and we relaxed on the porch, out of the wind and in the sun, a perfect 70F, what more can we ask for?
Randy Suzie and me
     After they left I enjoyed a short walkabout to the rear yard here checking out the beautiful fall colours, they did not disappoint.
a nice view from the porch enjoying the blue skies and sunshine

Gus cam up to join us
      Then about 2:30 pm Ken and Kim stopped in for a very nice visit as well. Also Members of Rock Glen Resort we met when they joined about a year and a 1/2 ago, and they spent quite a bit of time with us in the southwest desert last year and even at Rock Glen as well.
Kim, Ken and Me.
Kim, Suzie and Me
     We enjoyed a wonderful after noon chatting and catching and then they headed out shortly after 5 pm. Hey we spent most of the day outside how much better can that be? Plus very nice Happy hour like we always enjoy.
       Shortly after they left I headed inside to relax for a bit and wrap up this posting, Really looking forward to another wonderful nights sleep looking for 3 in a row.
      Thanks for joining us today we sure enjoyed it and hope y'all had wonderful day as well.
 Want to learn more about Membership camping at Rock Glen Family Resort ? 
 click this link to book a tour 
 Where have we been this Summer ?

Monday, October 07, 2019

Another wonderful fall day, Turkey purchase for Thanksgiving and our last day here this year.

Where are we today ? 
 clic a pic to enlarge it
      Another night not so good of a sleep. Thinking my stomach muscles are still acting up and or my back is out.  So no breakfast and a slice of apple for lunch, Then a trip to Forest to pick up our Thanksgiving Turkey  on sale 7KG (15 lbs) for $22.00, Made room in our fridge to let it thaw for a few days.
    Back home a long hot shower then some of my Orthogell advanced pain relief I get from my Chiropractor, 2 advil and I start to feel relief almost right away. I will apply it again tonight before I go to bed again. Going to see my Chiropractor Wednesday morning anyway for a tune up.
    Now to check tires and oil before we leave in the morning heading to Suzie's sister Rose and BIL Ross in Tavistock, handy spot for a few more appointments and family get togethers. I then emptied our sewage tanks stored the hoses and put our Weber Q away. Also topped top the water in out coach batteries as well.
      Now I can relax outside in the warm afternoon sunshine beside us. Enjoy our e-readers for a while.
you know it is warm when Suzie is in short sleeves
most of our stuff is secured
what a perfect afternoon 66F and
 warmer in the sunshine, no wind
       Shortly after 3 pm our neighbour Mark joined us for Happy hour and then Tucker dragged Gerry over to join us. Our last one with these guys until the spring.
Gerry, Tucker, Mark and Shilo
the 2 dogs getting to know each other
Tucker right on his chair for a rub from Suzie 
Tucker checking out Shilo
Shilo gets her treat
Tucker waiting for his
a nice cozy Happy hour today
        Then a bit later Linda drops by with here puppies today to say Hi and goodbye for now.
      Time to head inside, supper tonight a nice easy meal hopefully good for my tummy and so far so good. A grilled cheese and tomato soup, An old stand by we have not had for years.
quick and easy supper
this worked for us a nice treat
     After supper outside  for a bit finishing this posting and read for a bit. Loree and Freddie stopped by to say goodbye, see you guys in the spring. 
Freddie and Loree on their evening walk
and I did manage a nice sunset here
our last night here this year
         About 7:30 pm we headed inside, cold down to 54F. relax for a but watch a show on tv and call it a night. Hopefully a better sleep tonight. Just inside a lock on the door Paul ad Judy came by to say see ya later and in the spring, as they know we leave too early in the morning for them
Paul and Judy, Thanks for dropping by guys
hope you have an awesome winter as well
            Thank you for taking the time to drop by and hope y'all enjoyed a nice fall day as well.
Want to learn more about Membership camping at Rock Glen Family Resort ? 
click this link to book a tour
 Where have we been this Summer ?

Saturday, October 05, 2019

A decent cooler day, sunshine and a nice happy hour

Where are we today ?
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      Cooler again overnight a good nights sleep and up at 4;30 this morning chilly out there 40 F(4C). So got some breaky and coffees consumed, added another layer of clothes to be outside, undershirt, t-shirt, flannel shirt and my hoody and when the sun began warming things up to 45F about 9am I enjoyed a nice walkabout the quiet campground. Even quieter this weekend with next weekend being our Canadian Thanksgiving and the campground will be busy with Thanksgiving dinner and Halloween activities for everyone to enjoy. We will not be here our Thanksiving will be spent with our families.
my first walkabout and the  orchard area is empty
me and my shadow enjoy a nice quiet morning 
a nice sunny  area behind us in the square reading for a while
then just afternoon e had sunshine
warming the cabin beside us
       Enjoying our e readers in the warming sun was wonderful and noticed this large trailer pulling out of the park. I guess it was sold.
somebody bought this and is relocating it
      At 2:30 this afternoon we were invited to Ron and Loree's for a nice quiet Happy hour. Just the 4 of us perfect  nice to catch up  with these guys again.
Freddie the welcoming committee and loves to see us as usual 
then he settles down and and relaxes
    We enjoyed about 90 minutes of sharing stories and flapping our gums, just after 4 pm time for us to head on home. They can have dinner and so can we.
Ron , Loree, Suzie and Freddie
         Back home to relax a bit and our new Neighbour Mark came to join us for a bit, looking for more tips. Along with his puppy Shilo. We had fun sharing more tips , then soon time for supper.
Suzie and Shilo
    As I was making supper than later the usual Loree and Freddie walked on by on their evening walkabout she asked how our fish a chips were. Not yet it has been delayed. Another Happy hour!
Loree and Freddie
    Then now I can whip up supper. Tonight a 1/2 pound of pickerel fillets I picked on the rez the other day plus some fresh cut potatoes fried in our Fry Daddy. I fry the taters 2 times first time blanch then set them aside let the fryer get back to temp and fry again. Making them so crispy. Then when the fry daddy gets hot again  fry the fish only 3-4 minutes until nice and browned.
love our Fry Daddy
all done to perfection and we enjoyed wonderful fish fry
this sure hit the spot tonight
     Another decent fall day and much better after the sun came out a nice happy hour and a very tasty fish fry.
     We were invited to Marks for a nice campfire, but at 55 f outside not our style, Need to head inside get warmed and become couch potatoes for the night. Thanks anyway Mark.
      Glad that you stopped on by and as usual hope your enjoyed your day as well.

Want to learn more about Membership camping at Rock Glen Family Resort ?
 click this link to book a tour 
 Where have we been this Summer ?

Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Amazing hot fall day, Happy hour with new friends, then a thunderstorm cooled things down.

Where are we today ?
 clic a pic to enlarge it
        Another great sleep windows open and at 6 am it  was 68F (20C) gonna be one more wonderfully hot day we are sure ready for. Started out at 7:30 for my first walkabout shorts and t shirt enjoying this sunny quiet morning. 1.5 miles in, walking the campground perfect !
      Such a beautiful day rather than running errands we are just going to putter around here a few more walkabouts, a light tasty lunch, chat with a few people around, (not many here) . Downloaded a few more free books from Book Bub, to add to our reading enjoyment.
the pond looks so peaceful this morning with a nice sunrise
no campers here in the Valley
     Relaxing out side right after lunch Paul was mowing the lawn here so moved our car and he did a great job on our site,
Paul does a great job mowing the lawns here
          Enjoyed some relaxing time in the shade on this very warm fall day 84F (feels like 99F) , but thunderstorms predicted for this afternoon.
          A bit later new friends joined us for an early happy hour outside to pick our brains again for more full time tips. They came over and shortly after 3 pm the rains began so we headed inside our coach and the conversation just flowed non stop.  Giving them some tips and ideas and what we like to do. None of this is gospel, take this information  and do what you want to do with it. With the rains and storm coming in we secured our awnings and Mark brought their dog Shilo to be with us, she was much better here than alone in their trailer.
Shilo is a real cute puppy
she got a treat from Suzie and they are now friends ,
doggie fix for Suzie too.
   The conversation flowed until after 5 pm, wow where did the time go?  They headed home and I preheated our Weber Q to grill a pork loin roast for tonight supper, about 45 minutes was done to perfection 145 F internal temp to go with our usual salad.
done nicely on our Weber Q
pork loin, salad and of course apple sauce to go with the pork
sure did the trick tonight
    Still raining and more storms predicted tonight we will leave out awning secured  until the storm passes, hopefully tomorrow. After the rain the temp dropped from 84 F to 68 F really quick, looks like the heat wave is over with for now at least.
    That was actually a very wonderful warm day mostly until the rains began , but it was predicted and we were ready for it.
    Inside now after supper much cooler and still drizzling, Not a problem for us the weather is whats it is and always part of this amazing lifestyle we enjoy.
   Glad that y; all dropped on by and hope you had a great day as well.
Want to learn more about Membership camping at Rock Glen Family Resort ?
 click this link to book a tour 
 Where have we been this Summer ?